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HumbleNarrator last won the day on September 13 2022

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  1. Everywhere Reform stood and lost needs to be flooded with illegal migrants.
  2. Lake district Leopard. Are they a Cumbrian Def Leppard tribute act?
  3. This does not change the fact that in Australia there are 48 million kangaroos and in Uruguay there are 3,457,380 inhabitants. So if the kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, each Uruguayan will have to fight 14 kangaroos.
  4. ...............................................
  5. Did anyone else experience a brief power cut, maybe 5 minutes or so, late last night in Stannington area?
  6. I want to hear NO MORE winging and whining about CAZ zones, low traffic zones and city of sanctuary, etc. The people of Sheffield have clearly spoken. Bring it all on.
  7. The environment is the most important agenda at the moment and policy on this is set at the UN and WEF level. We are plugged into this weather we like it or not so what this means is policy in country on housing, food and energy has to tie in and be compatible with this internationalist climate agenda.
  8. No I didn't, I searched "American inventors" and that's what comes up.
  9. Google is a woke joke. Look at what you get when you type "American inventors" into it's image search. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=682fb458cb082d73&sxsrf=ACQVn0-8vbrOgC09F7WnTN45D4hYjWUoGQ:1708680621531&q=american+inventors&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwijgOyrk8GEAxX4-AIHHUrpCOwQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1366&bih=641&dpr=1
  10. Remember that strange "grim reaper" in the background during the coronation that went viral and caused a bit of a stir? just saying.
  11. To all you virtue signallers (you know who you are) that decried as racist anyone that had reservations about the proliferation of alien cultures into our country, I ask what degree of culpability do you have for the situation we currently face in this country now of teachers and MP's living in fear of Muslim mobs and also the industrial scale of abuse of vulnerable white girls.
  12. Incorporate the Sheffield Wednesday football ground into the festival.
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