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Man in Crete

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Everything posted by Man in Crete

  1. Whilst many councillors have no grasp or experience of such matters they seem to rely upon the so called expertise of their council officers many of whom are evidentially unfit for purpose. It’s high time they were brought to task and where necessary disposed of post haste. Will that happen well no cos we’ve seen too many examples of waste and no one pays the price meanwhile the elusive Kate Joseph’s is complaining yesterday that government is not subbing our council sufficiently. To coin a phrase what have the romans ( aka k Joseph’s) ever done for us? Answer on a fag packet please
  2. Barnstoneworth United ( not won a match for 6 years ) Gordon ottershaw and yes Michael palin supports united
  3. Correct me if I’m wrong but at the outset of chancer buying into swfc wasn’t it said more than once he was heading up a consortium? if that is so then aside from all the decisions made could it be that said consortium have said enough is enough and withdrawn finance? or was there no such arrangement and whatever the source money has dried up no one seems to be able to say where money comes from and suggestions he is in property and construction back home seem unproven where does his money come from anyone really know? Maybe mr Bassett knows! that said and rivalries aside I feel sorry for those fans who have a lifetime of support and are having to put up with the current scenario
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66958019
  5. But …but mista Bassett says he’s a good man loaded with dosh …ha ha
  6. Yet another pitiful statement trying to make out he is the victim once again when reality says not so. Whether his threat of not putting more money in holds up then frankly any sensible suppliers must surely withdraw credit etc immediately? That combined with non payment of wages etc puts the club into administration which in turn means chancer looses all his money? Is he that stupid? We’ll time will tell will he show up tonight with his mate? anyway I agree mister Bassett is involved somewhere and his thoughts are awaited meanwhile rip swfc
  7. Not wishing to dispute Matlock but you maybe couldn’t beat emley fc’s ground just under the tv mast on a crisp January Monday night for an fa cup replay in front of their partisan supporters up the hill from Huddersfield . They’d get well into 4 figures then retire to the bar until the early hours with the local Bobby watching over things and then a carful drive home . Pies were good as well none of your balti pies there!
  8. All that you say is spot on correct. Sadly I think you and many others are wasting time trying to educate mr Bassett who doesn’t answer any reasonable questions and steadfastly refuses to provide support for any of the “facts” which he constantly pedals on here. Frankly I can only assume he is in the pay of mr chancer or maybe he’s taking everyone for a ride and he’s the forums clickbait king? Who knows but I can guarantee he won’t be there today waving his “ I luv you mr chancer” banner. I give up
  9. I’ve said it before and will say it again. This man needs help … he is embarrassing himself and the club which many Wednesday fans have supported through thick and thin. The sooner he and his mate paxo go the better
  10. Another question mr Bassett sorry if I missed it but when exactly did mr chancer say a so called big company were interested but pulled out because of the fans etc ? Could you point everyone in the right direction please? as to his finances then historically you have insisted he has loads of money but you steadfastly refuse to say where it comes from? If he’s that minted then why doesn’t he spend some instead of signing loans and freebies that no one has ever heard of ?
  11. Confused. com? no debt? Lol thats the problem for Wednesday… no dosh whatsoever hence loan a bunch of no bodies under a manager who can’t string 5 words of English together…. Let’s hope they stay up and we can have derbies next year
  12. Are you on some sort of medication which helps you repeat the same nonsense views?
  13. What I would like to know is where are the so called owls supporters clubs in all this? Chancer was quick to ask them to forums ,listen to his rants and make comments? Leeds supporters groups were quick to complain about certain high prices following which theses were reduced its no good huffing and puffing on forums cos nothing will change.
  14. According to a pal of mine who follows the owls all over when they play Leeds away an adult owls ticket is £47 seemingly Leeds home games against Cardiff and West Brom are priced at £27 & &28 respectively because each away team agreed to charge the same for the reverse game. It is said that mr chancer was offered the same deal by Leeds but refused. Hence the aforementioned £47 and presumably chancer will charge an even higher rate for Leeds fans at Hillsboro. That in itself will probably mean Wednesday fans paying even more ? didn’t chancer say that prices would be lower if the team were doing badly? Feel sorry for the genuine fans and my pal has said he and his mates will not go to Leeds away
  15. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11703/12945853/darren-moore-sheff-wed-exit-wasnt-about-my-salary-and-i-could-have-got-them-promoted-to-premier-league-if-i-was-still-there apparently he’s not happy question is who is telling porkies so to speak
  16. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11703/12945853/darren-moore-sheff-wed-exit-wasnt-about-my-salary-and-i-could-have-got-them-promoted-to-premier-league-if-i-was-still-there apparently he’s not happy question is who is telling porkies so to speak
  17. Yes it’s very good and brightens up that part of the city apparently according to someone the good doctor helped do it … not sure if he held the ladder? More likely stirred the paint pot but we shall never know ?
  18. Totally Agree! Both sets of supporters need to get a grip and in the words of mista Bassett hang on in there is loads of time and twists to come yet blades were bottom end of championship after 3 games when wilder took them up why even John stones had chickened out of the game on Sunday no Kevin what’s his name … the footballer not the dip stick from here cardiff will have that Mcguinness bloke playing he played against blades last season and was dire come on support your teams and stop moaning!!
  19. Not that it’s owt to do with us blades…. However I recommend looking at the dozen or so directorships he has or does hold with uk companies ie search company house looks like a fair number have been struck off the register one way or another maybe he is chancer number 2 then ? whatever chancer one won’t like it and can see another rant coming on!
  20. Top player my backside! He’s an over rated son of a top player but has done nowt to say he was a loss?
  21. What fans want of both teams need to do is have some blinding patience. be real there is no way the likes of basham osbourne Lowe should be anywhere near that team there are more signings to come before deadline day and the time to moan is after that if they and coaches don’t perform be patient !
  22. Well you’ve got to admire mr Bassett for his loyalty … or it stupidity? the insults he gives DM are unbelievable and it makes me wonder once again if he…. Mr Bassett is some sort of forum stooge installed to generate responses…. Surely not!
  23. Spot on! You’ve only to look at the likes of kane/ rice etc at far bigger clubs than our two where the same is happening and the fans aren’t happy only time will tell if there are replacements and if so are they any good
  24. Good for you re contracts I’ve looked on your source the bbc website and blimey nowt there. Let’s say somewhere in the region of ….. ?
  25. Absolutely spot on mr grumpy new contracts we’re indeed offered but given neither would sign what should dem blades have done ? Maybe you or mr sibon could offer a view ….. obviously with hindsight?
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