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Man in Crete

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Everything posted by Man in Crete

  1. Apparently chancer is now bringing his 3 & 5 year season tickets out again. They range from £1380 for 3 years on the kop to £3150 for 5 years in the stand. No credit card payments only cash cheque or bank transfer and non transferable . the man is clearly an astute businessman of the finest order…… not
  2. So come on answer the question will you be paying £59 happily for a seat on the kop even they are winning?
  3. Dem blades sign up mark Hudson ex Cardiff boss and experienced defender as defensive coach might need him me thinks!
  4. Still closed man climbed crane throwing things off and threatening to jump needs help
  5. https://nusu.co.uk/news/article/leavenewcastlehappy_23 now that’s more like it…. So come on scc and the uni reps do this here and there’s no problem?
  6. Sorry but too many folk are whittering about litter problems in general which agreed is a society problem apologies if the title is misleading but my complaint is the manner in which year on year a large proportion of students dump their discarded belongings outside their rented properties with no respect for the community in which they have been part of. our two universities have a moral responsibility to take steps in my view and no it’s not a legal responsibility but given they do act if complaints are made about anti social behaviour it’s high time they helped solve this mess and put money into it. Goodness knows they receive enough of it!
  7. Maybe I stand to be corrected but did he do anything which improved the lives of this cities ratepayers…. Honestly can’t remember anything
  8. Once again too many of the little darlings think it’s ok just to ditch their rubbish onto our streets when leaving for mummy and daddy. scc reckon they have a scheme but take a trip to Highfield or sparrow etc and it’s not working whats the answer or do we have to put up with it?
  9. How is the painting and decorating business these days …. Asking for a friend
  10. Exactly! That’s the very point which needs an answer.? It would certainly bother me if the manager of my team was totally excluded from making signings…….soooo is there a manager or is there not? Think it’s over a week now mr chancer said one would arrive….maybe they got cold feet after his “Janet and John” rant ?
  11. Yes indeed we have many men at the lane and they can also do step ups! maybe you are correct but that can be a separate issue if it bothers you…. This is “issue” is about swfc signing players without having a manager who may or may not like it/ them….you will recall the wise words of mr chancer recently when he apparently said words to the effect the manager would be in on any deals etc? Is there a manager or is there not… there’s a you tube video doing the rounds produced by a well known Wednesday ite who has a sense of humour and hits the nail on the head if I wasn’t such a Luddite I’d upload onto here but maybe someone else could
  12. Spoil my fun ha ha ! think you need more research 1 James contract with Blackpool ended 2024 and several other clubs were interested apparently 2. Do you mean the loan was with an option to buy or an obligation to buy …. Two different things . Neither seem to have been reported at the time . Do you have a link please or are you just making it up? regardless chancer appears to have signed a player despite no manager . If they do get one be interesting to see how many games James gets as my sensible Wednesday pals reckon he’s not up to the championship
  13. The fact remains that council officers were ultimately responsible for this problem and some of them should have had their employment terminated. Still they persist with schemes to suit their personnel views and it’s about time they were taken to task
  14. Ha ha ! Who is signing these players ? Probably mr Bassett who still thinks the chancer has put lots of cash into this joke of a football club! soooo …. Hello mr new manager here’s the players you have to get us into the promised land… what you mean you no like…we no dosh how do you sign players a new manager won’t want… what a way to run a football club
  15. Bannon calls goodwillie a “top man” … of course he is …. Not worth knowing the top man was also found guilty of assault no less than 3 times …..apparently the judge in the rape case awarded the woman £100k in compensation to be paid by goodwillie and by his co accused both declared themselves bankrupt and to this day have not paid up… top man indeed!
  16. There will be different views on this of course. fact is bannan is the club captain and with that comes a responsibility to uphold in public at least the highest moral standards in the wierd world we live in. mate or no mate he should imho keep out of it ? Ok a sort of weak apology has had to be made but goodness knows how Wednesday female fans will think of him and in that respect he is tainted forever just like another we all know. if Wednesday have any backbone then they should sort him out privately and then remove the captains badge . Maybe give to vaulks who by all recent accounts seems a lot more sensible etc
  17. Why on earth you bother to reply to the likes of dr pots or the worlds best brickie is well beyond me? You know full well the pair of them can offer no sensible debate and both live years in the past simply put they are best let alone , neither go to games and frankly aren’t worth bothering with
  18. So dr tops there’s a swfc fans forum next week simple question will you be attending?
  19. Soooo… the problem here is that someone suggested that prince whatsiname was some form of Saudi baddy whilst at the same level mr tuna might be as bad in Thailand. The reality is that neither individual are guilty so maybe pack it in and go back to real banter? One has more bog roll’s than the other has had hot dinners and the other knows nowt about football? by the way see mr chancer is holding another fans forum £10!for pie and peas . Will dr tops be going?
  20. Of course it is ……and the minutes going back sometime are on the swfc website including those folk in attendance be they part of a group or an invited individual As for Sufc then I did ask when they last held one and maybe you can help on this too? how was club Wembley by the way?
  21. So please name said supporters group so anyone interested can look at their Twitter account and the wider owls fan base can see what their chairman had to say
  22. Neither Wednesday or United appear to have arranged a fans forum for some time and certainly not this last season. I thought it was an EFL rule clubs had at least 2 such forums per season in which case neither can claim to be in touch with their fans and maybe get a kick up the backside…. Or has there been a rule change….. dr tops May will know the answer vis the owls as he was always first with the news of the owls one and was invited by the hierarchy?
  23. Surprised no one’s mentioned chancers latest price rise for new phase of season tickets … £795 top price when general sale arrives goodness knows how much and pay on the gate will be extraordinarily high? no matter it’s the Wednesday way …. Great pr after Wembley but now forget it in bid to pull the 500,000 who went there into hills borough on a regular basis no wonder the man didn’t make it in the family firm!
  24. But your wrong again he’s not had any cash hence no real signings just loans etc its your mate tuna man that needs to go cos he’s got no cash
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