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Man in Crete

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Everything posted by Man in Crete

  1. Quite correct ! For example labour controlled Leeds cc told the govt in September 23 they would not install such a scheme and looked at alternatives which are proven to fulfill the same objectives . of course the usual know it alls on here keep silent on this ? Wonder why? Answer on a fag packet from you know who! What’s that phrase?? Ah yes cash cow
  2. Sorry but yet another ridiculous comment! When was the last time you ventured to the crucible? Did you go see Richard Hawleys master piece? Did you venture to any production? No I bet is the answer? The big money in snooker has moved on whether we like it or not. It’s a bit like the premier league ….. money talks . It is unreasonable to expect scc to splash cash they haven’t got for 3 weeks of glorified pot black in my view. Let it go and concentrate on investing elsewhere in the city . It’s time to face reality and look for alternatives cos little sheffield will have all on competing with them Chinese or Saudis
  3. Agreed …. In Sheffield has to be weatheralls …but Percy turners are as good …..shame they apparently won’t deliver to shops here cos there would be some competition…..Potters of Barnsley are also good and they do deliver….you can get them in the market if you search nelsons at Bakewell were also as good ….we used to get them at xmas not sure about the rest but who buys those ridiculous melton Mowbray things sold in supermarkets….that’s what you call crap ! best warm with a pile of mushies and gravy?
  4. The point is this great suggestion could take a considerable amount of cars etc off the road which surely is the main point of the exercise? r Run properly the good folk of NE Derbyshire might be persuaded to use a park and ride scheme ?
  5. Correct! Shouldn’t the man at the top take responsibility for good or bad outcomes….or will he point a finger at the minions who clearly failed in this respect ? Are these vehicles insured? If so with/by whom as surely they will have appropriate warranties which need to be complied with ….or the cover is negated? If they are “self insured “ maybe the good old rate/tax payer will pay complete b#### up once again by a group of amateurs?
  6. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/qMoZY2vY1sfUAaaP/?mibextid=K35XfP here is the answer from Kate Joseph
  7. Agreed but what if some misguided chap sends duplicates which one is cancelled? Sorry just chucking some ground bait in…
  8. My god the level of sarcasm on here would make Oscar Wilde turn in his grave! As per the usual know it alls miss the point! Of course it’s a criminal offence to complete 2 sets of papers… of course the papers hopefully are scanned….but you miss the point (again) that someone presumably at scc has sent out duplicates not just to me but according to our postie to dozens in the Manor castle ward thereby wasting everyone’s time and ratepayers money As for telling Scc then first I have a jig saw to finish and second I am sure the council apologists on here will have done that already?
  9. So… gert and I now have 2 sets of papers for local and mayors election. Is this another incompetent council officers(s) sending them out twice and what would happen if we filled each set in for a different candidate (s) and returned them ? I suspect many others in our area have the same problem…… what’s to do? No wonder folk complain about vote rigging!
  10. Think you can forget hybrid airships etc! This firm in fact built one in 2016 ….. it crashed on its debut before crashing again one year later and being scrapped. They have failed to build any since and given it’s top speed is 80 mph and a limited capacity then despite the eco thinking which go ahead customers are going to invest …?
  11. Completely agree! Despite unfounded claims above from other posters there is no commercial sense in proceeding currently. A few private jets and ‘a bit of passenger’ (ha ha)will not be sustainable and in any event those who use go in and out of Gamston . The fact is that due to historic mistakes the 3000 or so folk employed in connection with DSA were put out of work and coppards crew seem intent on ignoring the opportunities which commercial development of the site would bring . The fact Peel took our representatives apart is unfortunate but it’s time to put that down to experience and move on . I predict nothing will change for months / years .
  12. How much longer are Coppard and his lackeys going to carry on wasting their time and taxpayers cash on what is a pure vanity project of no commercial sense whatsoever. Much as DSA would be marginally more convenient there remain 3 more realistic alternatives within 90 minutes max. the fact that Peel had the council’s pants down from the start ( as with Sheffield City) only goes to prove that most councillor’s and a large proportion of their advisors here have little nous between them . Stop the ego trip and concentrate on matters of more relevance etc
  13. Who the hell writes this rubbish that you keep posting? Do you work for the council?
  14. Interesting topic but what is not emphatically clear is whether these current ‘homeless’ are there because they can’t afford to buy/ rent or because there is a city wide shortage of social type housing….. it seems most are saying the latter? in which case please discuss the impact on availability by the 67000 ish students who now attend our 2 universities? There are around 10000 ‘foreign’ students and all require accommodation but not for a 12 months period ok some live in residences but a large part rent stock housing or so called apartments. This surely removes those from being available to the aforementioned homeless what’s the answer ? Well maybe scc should stop had out planning approvals to yet more student housing and instead concentrate on the alleged 4000 homeless? in the words of mr Bassett discuss please!
  15. Exactly! Same saddo nether edgers with nothing else to do… need to get a life . Recall being confronted by them way before the current situation at Waitrose and had to run over one old gits foot with mi trolley
  16. What time of day ? If you follow the instructions above during hours of darkness you will undoubtedly be confronted by the scumbags who inhabit the steel steps be they druggies or riff raff . Despite the cctv installation it can usually be a nightmare for anti social behaviour and one which local councillors have been trying for months to eradicate. Indeed a public meeting was recently convened by councillors at the trades and labour club to see what can be done and there are suggestions roads will be blocked . Personally I would give that route a miss and seek out a bus from the interchange which I believe go up Shrewsbury road and duke street …..drop you at the door. Sorry you’ll have to look the numbers up but do not walk after dark! Bad advice!
  17. Absolute nonsense of a claim fact is as others have said trades vehicle’s are by passing the zone hence for example the ring road is less busy (presumably scc can tell the numbers pre and post scheme) Try some of the alternative routes which are more busy once again scc and it’s officers are missing the phrase cash cow from their propaganda
  18. Not necessary on the evidence available to date and in any event the IPCC deals with climate change nowt to do with old bill Think you mean IOPC? so called police cameras do not operate as described and as pointed out earlier the chances are these are operated privately on private land by a security company
  19. Wow…… and who were the other contenders? Only 16 reported city centre stabbings, god knows how many scrap’s and numerous other crimes reported or not . What a load of crap!
  20. Indeed! could mr planner enlighten us and confirm there is a long term contract with Amey and that includes attention to so called pot holes? If so then what if anything has changed such they are not so doing ? Did the contract include for cost additions and how can we mere rate payers be sure the council are supervising this contract diligently?
  21. Which reminds me … the other day on a certain nether edge Facebook forum a local cafe ,where no doubt all the knitted jumper brigade indulge in kidney bean soup followed by spicy nettle tea ,“ invited” their clientele to come along and make a SNOWPERSON…… I mean wtf … god knows how they decorated that! No wonder this country is in a mess.
  22. Just an honest opinion whilst they have a difficult job and much is down to opinion having watched football for over 70 years it seems clear to me that the standard of officiating has never been so low both Sheffield teams have suffered with horrendous decision making this season and last night Simon hooper was probably the worst of the lot aided and abetted by the var team. How on earth the tackle on bogle in the lead up to the second goal was not a foul is beyond understanding. After his horror show against Man City then he carried on the momentum. Inconsistent all night and sadly I am coming to the conclusion the premier league is not what it should be and officials are bent ……or are they all so poor. that said United were much improved and showed more “passion” than was evident for weeks … oh for a modern Keith Hackett
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