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Cody's Granddad

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About Cody's Granddad

  • Birthday 21/07/1959

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    Semi retired

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  1. Not enough info there for people to reply to this. Where did you know him from, what year and any other information about his past whereabouts will help. Walker is a common name so could be anyone
  2. I remember the Discos from the 70s and would regally see them in the Pitsmoor club. There was the bald one with hair on each side, he was the one with his head through the curtain doing Bridget the Midget and the one with Ginger hair doing his Bing Crosby impression with the pipe in his mouth and there was a 3rd guy. I cannot remember the 4 mimes but I do know you had to be in the club for 6.30 to get a seat.
  3. So that makes sense but where is the hill on that bend shown on the pic
  4. Yes I didn't manage to get down there to watch it but my Brother was a marshal. They are very close to each other and the difference between pro and amateur is that the pro riders can get away with it due to the length of time spent on the bike. The amateur riders have something to prove and it can go very wrong. I was an amateur rider and know Mark well as I rode with him for a few years and to get it right riding so close to the rider in front without your hand constantly on the brake takes skill and a lot of racing time to master.
  5. Different era and very different people. I was brought up on the newly built Woodside estate in Pitsmoor where all the adults knew each other as it housed the old neighbours from the slum clearance on Fowler Street. Yes we also got the neighbours shouting at us playing ball but we had a rec and Stanley field to kick a ball. We played out all day then and came back at dusk for our tea. The people who shouted at us for playing footy on the road are now mostly long gone and it was a time never to be repeated in this disrespectful era we are in now.
  6. I went to school with Linda Maycock can't remember her coming from Pitsmoor though, we were at Hinde House. She would be 65 now
  7. Not to mention all this is being built on a flood plain. It spells disaster for the next flooding and they will be one.
  8. Hardly the same crime but I get your point
  9. So that is less than 9 years each and be out in 4 or 5 years.
  10. That's kind of what my situation is. I had part of the grass verge taken up and tarmac the area as an entrance to my driveway. This had to go through Council planning and I had to use there contractor to do the work so was not cheap. I park on that tarmac area which keeps my car off the road and leaves more than enough space to push a double buggy through. I do not drive into my front garden (carport) because it is very small and just drive in at night to park it up
  11. Sorry this doesn't make sense or might be me. You say Daughters then Brian Maycock, can you explain a little more detail.
  12. Whatever the answer is to that I would not go out on my bike without my helmet.
  13. I see, sorry misread your answer
  14. Wearing helmets is not compulsory in the UK but is advisable. So the cyclist has not done anything wrong. However, I do agree had he been wearing one the outcome may have been different. I am presuming this car turned right at Fulwood Lane Junction while the cyclist was coming down ringinglow Rd so only the car driver to blame here.
  15. I knew of Tony but did all his Brothers drown at the same pond at the same time. That's unusual, what happened there
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