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Brian Hanson

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Everything posted by Brian Hanson

  1. I'm very sorry to hear about your Labrador being attacked. It must have something to do with the breed of dog because my previous dog was a Labrador and during the 13 years I had him he was attacked by Staffordshire Bull Terriers six times. My present dog, which is an alsatian, has never been attacked during the six years I've had him. Labradors are usually quiet and friendly dogs, whereas Alsatians bark a lot and show aggression. I think Staffordshire Bull Terriers sense they've 'met their match' and so stay clear of Alsations.
  2. Wherever you live there's good and bad neighbours. Surely where your living now must have some bad neighbours, so please don't run Manor, Wybourne and Pitsmoor down until you've lived there.
  3. Quite honestly I find it very hard to believe a doctor said those things to your sister. However, whether he did or did not is not up to me to decide. Your question was regarding who you should complain to. The answer is; "Sheffield Family Practitioners Committee". If you're not satisfied with their actions you then complain to the Medical Ombusman.
  4. Pleased to hear of your success, congratulations. I wish to take this opportunity to introduce you (and other readers) to "Escadon Theatre Workshop (ETW)". This is an entirely new workshop that is open to any person aged 18 years old or over and is based at; "The Community Hub (formerly Herdings Youth Club), Morland Road, Herdings Park, Sheffield". Membership is entirely free of charge until the end of August 2012. If you're interested in learning how to produce and stage a mixture of drama, singing, dancing and music please join us today. ETW is a community project that has been created by and is managed by ESCADON Social Creations (ENG) Ltd. in Community Partnership with Gleadless Valley Community Forum.
  5. Hello enepsigos, You say you never hear your neighbour shouting at the dog to be quiet and that she completely ignores you when you approach her to complain to her over the dog barking. It seems to me that it has never dawned on you that your neighbour might be 'DEAF'. If she is, then the poor woman cannot hear her dog barking, hence the reason she never tells it to be quiet, also hence the reason she ignores you when you complain to her. Not all deaf people can lip-read. As for not taking the dog out for a walk the neighbour might be mobility restricted due to having problems with her legs or feet. She might be able to manage the short distance into her garden ok, but long distances might be intolerable for her. I imagine you're going to say; "Well in that case she shouldn't have a dog". I notice you haven't mentioned the woman having a husband, so therefore I take it apart from having the dog your neighbour lives alone. If she is deaf then she will feel very vulnerable and probably frightened at night time (I know these feeling from personal experience because I am deaf). If your neighbour is deaf then I suppose she has the dog to guard her and her home at night time when she is most at risk of being burgled. I think it's about time you stopped thinking just of yourself and got to know your neighbour a bit better than you do. When you've done that if you find out she is not deaf or mobility restricted then, and only then, report her to the RSPCA and Sheffield City Council.
  6. For the past few weeks I have been busy voluntarily picking up litter and other rubbish in Gleadless Valley woodland and open-spaced areas. Unfortunately I've had difficulty getting someone from StreetForce to come out and collect the large black plastic bags I've filled with litter etc.. So I contacted the Parks and Countryside Ranger Service and asked if they could supply me with a free skip so I could place the bags in it ready for Sheffield city council to collect the skip when full and dispose of the rubbish lawfully. On 14 March 2012 a ranger emailed me saying; "Due to the cuts in Sheffield city council services there is no longer any free skips for volunteer conservation persons or groups to use". The ranger has passed on to me the 'phone number of a person at Sheffield Homes who may be able to sort something out with regards to collecting the bags I fill in future. I sincerely hope the person at Sheffield Homes can assist me, otherwise it will mean my litter picking days are over and the area where I live will get more untidy due to people dropping their litter or dumping their unwanted items in our woodland and green open-spaces. PLEASE HELP KEEP SHEFFIELD TIDY.
  7. When I first came to live in Sheffield (late '78) I was in lodgings at Broomhall. The lodgings were shared by some unscruptulous persons so I was desperate to move somewhere else in the city. I was told not to move to the "Hyde Park Council Estate", which in them days was a massive block of high-rise flats. I was told Hyde Park was riddled with unscruptulous persons, suicidals and nutters from Middlewood Psychiatric Hospital. In April 1979 Sheffield city council housing dept. allowed me to rent off them a flat at "Hyde Park" (Beggers can't be choosers). Ok, Hyde Park did have it's ups and downs and all the persons I'd been warned about but regardless of that it also had a great Community Spirit!!! Everybody who lived on the estate cared about each other and stood up for each other when times were hard. There was a vibrant adult community club and a very active youth club on the estate and also a friendly community cafe, which was run by volunteers who lived on the estate. I and all the other tenants were rehoused between 1988-90 because the council wanted to use Hyde Park as a hosting village for The World Student Games (1991). Although Hyde Park Flats were usually given a 'Bad name' they weren't as bad as outside people imagined. I imagine the same is happening to 'Parson Cross Estate', outsiders are running down the area without first of all getting first hand experience of the area. There's Good and Bad wherever you live!
  8. 15 hey? Sounds like someones raking in a lot of money. Seeing as it's 15 of the same kind I bet it's one company that owns the lot.
  9. My company (ESCADON) recently offered to clear and maintain footpaths in Gleadless Valley completely 'FREE OF CHARGE'. The workforce would have consisted of forty eight unemployed people taking part in the government's work placement scheme over an indefinate period of time. But due to my company being 'new' and not having a 'track record' our offer to maintain the footpaths was turned down. Since being turned down we've heard that Sheffield City Council is going to hire a company that has a long track record of maintaining footpaths. Obviously hiring the long track record company is going to cost Sheffield Taxpayers "thousands of pounds". At a time when the Government is wanting everyone to save money it is ridiculous Sheffield Council spending thousands of pounds on hiring a company when they could have got ESCADON for free!
  10. A lady near where I live kept parking her car on the full width of the pavement. I got so fed up having to walk round her car I decided to photograph the offending vehicle and post the photograph to the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police. A few days later the police went knocking on the lady's front door. Within minutes of their knock the lady moved her car on to the edge of the roadway. I learnt later on from a relative of the lady that she had been fined 75 pounds for obstructing a public footpath (pavement). The lady has now had a garage built by the side of her home and parks her car in there.
  11. I'd pay nothing because I wouldn't know where to send the payment to if it was a "SECRET" supper club. lol.
  12. HURRAY, the UK Government is starting to introduce "WORK FOR DOLE" in the form of 'Work Placements'. Unfortunately, large companies (e.g; Tesco, Argos etc...) are pulling out of the scheme because the government has made it clear they will stop the benefits of any unemployed people who 'walk out of' or 'do not attend' the scheme once they have been assigned to a work post. The large companies are arguing it's not fair unemployed people should lose their benefit if they walk out of the scheme. So therefore the large companies are saying they would continue paying the wage of one or more of their full-time employees if they decided never to return to work? I don't think they would. They'd say; "No work, no pay". Well then it's only fair the government say to the unemployed if you don't carry on with the work placement we'll stop your dole.
  13. I recommend you try Sheffield Community Enterprise Development Unit (SCEDU) http://www.scedu.org.uk They offer face-to-face advice on starting up social enterprises, how to gain funding etc...
  14. How is it dodgy? Well if you look at the bottom of Kiva's webpage you will find some 'Small print' that reads; "Lending to the working poor through Kiva involves risk of principal loss. Kiva does not guarantee repayment nor do we offer a financial return on your loan". If I was to loan any money to anyone I'd expect to be 'guaranteed' repayment and I'd also expect 'interest' to be paid on my loan, thus making me some profit. It's a poor businessman / woman who loans money without making a profit out of the loan. Advice; "Always make sure you read the small print (usually at the bottom of a page or document)". It's usually in the small print you learn what 'Catches' are involved in an offer or scheme.
  15. 600 QUID FOR NVQ? No way, if you're in full time paid work and wanting to train for an NVQ it usually costs around 300 quid. If you are unemployed or on a low wage it costs you nothing! I noticed you didn't call him your husband, you stated boyfriend, therefore you're not legally married. He's out of work at present, therefore he's unemployed. If you are earning money by working that has nothing to do with your boyfrend, he's independant of you. Therefore he can get the NVQ free of charge.
  16. An expensive website can only tell the same story as a cheap website or a DIY website. At the end of the day they're all doing the same job; Telling your potential customers who you are, what your line of work is, your contact details etc... Our website (http://www.escadon.co.uk) is combined with our domain name, it costs us next to nothing, we pay for it annually. We're happy with it because it does what a website costing hundreds of pounds would do, it helps bring customers to us. If you're a 'Small Business' every penny counts, so it's stupid to go lashing out on an expensive website when a cheap one will do the trick just as well.
  17. 15, I take it you are still at school? Come back when you're 16 and have left school.
  18. I have two blogs at present, one for general chat the other to share my political feelings and beliefs with likeminded people. My general chat blog is ok, my political blog is even better because I'm being noticed in the right places.
  19. STAGE FRIGHT is a terrible thing, I know because I've worked on stage. I've also worked has a voluntary speaker for the Woodland Trust. You go out in front of your audience, your knees trembling, your mind in a whirlpool. Suddenly you notice them in the front row all staring at you. You speak;- "Hello ladies and gentlemen....." CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE A STAR PERFORMER. Or at least that's how it will seem to you from here on. The knee trembling's stopped and your mind has gone into gear, you suddenly feel as though you've done Public Speaking a million times before. Enjoy it, enjoy yourself, enjoy your audience, but above all let your audience enjoy YOU! Best wishes for the future.
  20. I am not a computer expert, but although I think your idea sounds good I don't think it'll work. I can't imagine wordpress.com allowing you to have loads of sub-sites that you don't have to register 'individually' for. Sounds too good to be true.
  21. The only time you do not pay for a CRB Check is if you are applying for a Voluntary work. An employer must notify you prior to interview if they need to see a copy of your Criminal Record (if you have one). To obtain a copy of an Enhanced Criminal Record costs about 68 pounds if you are applying for 'Paid' work. For further details contact Heeley City Farm, they are agents of the Criminal Record Bureau.
  22. Seeing has you reckon not to know how to go about changing your dentist here's how you do it; "You wake up and climb out of bed, get dressed and then put your coat on. Go to your car (if you have one) and drive to any dentist of your choice. If you haven't got a car then you have the choice of either walking to the dentist of your choice or getting there by bus. On arrival outside the dentist you open the door and walk in. Go straight to the reception desk and tell the receptionist that you wish to change your dentist. The receptionist will carry out all the necessary paperwork, you have no forms to fill in, only the receptionist's questions to answer. The receptionist will ask you to sign the document they have filled in on your behalf. As soon as you sign the document you can say you have a new dentist. I hope that has answered your question and you have found it helpful.
  23. Contact Heeley City Farm. They are holding a fayre in March 2012.
  24. Free Slaves? Employers are not getting 'Free slaves' when they take on work placements because the placements are all recieving state benefit. I think it's far better people be made to work for the state benefit (Jobseekers Allowance & Income Support) they recieve, than to be allowed to sit on their backsides all day doing nothing. It's about time the UK Government made "WORK FOR DOLE" compulary! It's not a fair system that forces 'hard working people' to pay tax to keep some people unemployed.
  25. Here's some advice; "Become a company member of a local Community Forum, that way you will have 'Free Use' of all the Forum's facilities including their meeting rooms".
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