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The Yom Kippur War .

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12 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

You appear to be one angry and hate filled individual. What makes you any better than the hamas supporters calling for violence or the anti semites calling for violence? 

Not a great deal judging by your last two posts eh? 

Really? The same way people hate anjem choudry the Muslim hate preacher is the same way I hate Tommy Robinson as they are opposite sides of the same coin but it seems that because  Tommy Robinson is white and non Muslim that I can’t say how I feel about him. Are you a Tommy Robinson supporter by any chance?

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22 minutes ago, mafya said:



Yes, really.

23 minutes ago, mafya said:



The same way people hate anjem choudry the Muslim hate preacher is the same way I hate Tommy Robinson as they are opposite sides of the same coin


Cool. You still seem angry though. 

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3 minutes ago, RJRB said:

What place does Tommy Robinson have in this dispute.

I am sure that the Jewish people do not have any wish for supposed support from an ultra right hate merchant such as him.


Tommy Robinson is not there to support anyone . In his mind he will be protecting  the cenotaph .

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23 minutes ago, mafya said:


but it seems that because  Tommy Robinson is white and non Muslim that I can’t say how I feel about him. 


If you believe that then you're living in clown world

Being white offers No protection what so ever these days..

25 minutes ago, mafya said:


Are you a Tommy Robinson supporter by any chance?


Just now, hackey lad said:

Tommy Robinson is not there to support anyone . In his mind he will be protecting  the cenotaph .

A noble cause. Let's hope he keeps his word like we hope the pro hamas supporters keep their word too 👍

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