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The Yom Kippur War .

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7 hours ago, m williamson said:

Whereas of course the measured analysis of an utter otiose onanist such as yourself is what is needed in this situation. Go on then, enlighten us as what should be done to end this tragedy?


Like most of us on this thread I was under the impression that we were giving our personal views with regard to the situation and none of us were expecting a call from António Guterres requesting our intervention in order to bring peace to the Middle East.


Apparently, we were mistaken this forum is the font of all knowledge and great care and consideration must be taken in order not to exacerbate the situation.

So please do enlighten us you little frotteur, what is your considered solution to the problem?

Allow, nay encourage, the sovereign nation of Israel to go to war to punish the terrorists who broke a cease fire (yes Virginia, there WAS a cease fire in place (look it up), and attacked them!


Let them hunt terrorists down wherever they are hiding, and destroy their safe havens.


You'll be doing the civilized world a favor for years to come.


If the fear of collateral damage, prevents a war on terrorism, the civilized world is doomed!


Oh. and stop sending the terrorists money, but that one should be a no brainer!  :)

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The jig is up, Cuttsie.


We've been sussed!


It would be wise to shut down our back room printing press at  the Norfolk, on Dixon lane at this time.


Until cooler heads prevail!  :)




Us two and the dog are living like Anna Franke and her family .dreading the knock on the little attic door .

Friends are few as the marches meander through our Cities making it impossible to reach the Lane .

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4 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I can't recall Ukraine attacking Russia, slaughtering 1400 innocent folk and taking many hostages though, unless I missed something?


Any information yet on any Jewish folk smashing up and defacing Muslim businesses or threatening Muslim folk across Europe?


Any protests denouncing Hamas?

You can't recall Palestine attacking Israel either.  They don't have an army to attack anyone.

It was  a bunch of murdering Hamas terrorists who attacked them.


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10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You can't recall Palestine attacking Israel either.  They don't have an army to attack anyone.

It was  a bunch of murdering Hamas terrorists who attacked them.


Our Orgy is now coming around!  :)


First post that calls out the terrorists, without the venom against the duly constituted sovereign democracy of Israel he calls "terrorists"!


Well done, Orgy!


Can the rest be of the clapping seals be far behind?  :)


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25 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Our Orgy is now coming around!  :)


First post that calls out the terrorists, without the venom against the duly constituted sovereign democracy of Israel he calls "terrorists"!


Well done, Orgy!


Can the rest be of the clapping seals be far behind?  :)


You clearly can't count above one   -   that doesn't surprise me at all

You must be extremely dozy as you have missed lots of my posts where Hamas have been roundly condemned but never mind.  You usually get nothing right anyway.


Hezbollah is also sending rockets over to Israel.  Do you think Netanyahu's going to carpet bomb Lebanon next ?   I wonder when someone will realise the futility of it all.

I did tell you that they can't bomb everyone in the middle east into submission,   and remember that Iran's still sat there watching.

They will have to go for peace in the end,  exactly as I said.

Have a nice day with your seals.


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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

What's wrong with bringing refugees to the country that gives them aid and comfort?


Have you no compassion for the poor Palestinians who are being slaughtered by the Israeli "terrorists"?  :)


Are you determined to confirm your stupidity.

I have long been convinced that you are not as bright as you think you are🙂 

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Everyone knows just how hard it would be to finally come up with a peace deal for Israel and the middle east.
Everyone also knows,  how hard it will be to make sure that deal is adhered to once it's in place.
Despite the obvious difficulties involved,  I wonder when one of the supporters of the "lets bomb every Arab into extinction" group,
will explain to us just what the end will look like and when is it likely to come about ?
Netanyahu is already extremely unpopular with the people of Israel and there is already a large movement  OF JEWS,   opposing his methods.
Do you think that the Israeli nation will want to live a future forever being fired on with rockets and surrounded by enemies on every side.
The realisation will come that they have lost a lot of goodwill and that the amount of security needed, and the losses involved, make it pointless
to carry on fighting wars with everyone around them.   A cease fire will have to come eventually.   Far better now than later.


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11 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Isn’t Hamas the government ?

How many times have we been through that ?      You may not know but,  their politics doesn't work like ours,  and ours doesn't work very well.

The people of Palestine don't support what's happening,  in a similar way to my not supporting what's happening in my own country

I am not getting into middle eastern politics,  especially with you. but I wonder when reality will dawn that the current state of affairs is unsustainable and new moves must be made.

Hezbollah has fired 29 rockets into Israel this morning   -   how long can that carry on before Israel bombs Lebanon.  If that happened then Iran would probably join in,  backed by Russia.

You have all the ingredients for World War 3  in that melting pot but all everyone can say is Palestine deserves bombing and conveniently forgets that Israel cannot bomb everyone who doesn't like them.

Instead of political and legal nit-picking,  do you have any kind of view whereby this trouble could be dealt with and end the mass slaughter in the middle east ?

My honest feeling is that I care deeply about the innocent people of Palestine and the innocent people of Israel and I would like all their children to go to bed in safety with full stomachs.

I wish someone would,  by any means,  get rid of Netanyahu and the hawks in his government so that peace could prevail for the entire middle east.



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31 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Isn’t Hamas the government ?

Just because we have a Tory Govt in the UK doesn’t mean everyone in the UK is a Tory supporter.

Nice try….

1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

Us two and the dog are living like Anna Franke and her family .dreading the knock on the little attic door .

Friends are few as the marches meander through our Cities making it impossible to reach the Lane .

Stop weaponising the holocaust to push your agenda. 🙄

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