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The Yom Kippur War .

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6 hours ago, RJRB said:

No I did not say that at all.

I said that I had worked with many both within my own company and as customers and suppliers.As I worked in the metals industry it would have been very strange not to be involved with many Jewish traders.

I cannot remember a single instance of our origins or politics entering a business discussion.

Still,weave your own little narrative

Ah. here we go!  :)


Another Orgyism.


"I  said that .........."


Here's what you actually said:


"Pretty much the same when I meet up with my 3 Unitedite mates ,2 of which have always voted Conservative.

Stay off contentious subjects and we have all been mates since junior school days.

More recently I still correspond regularly with a couple of Jewish guys who worked for the same firm but in the States."


So, you could enlighten us with what they are saying, specifically whether they believe Israel are "Terrorists" like our Orgy, bless him  :)


On the other hand, since you are an anonymous internet troll, you can put any words in their mouth ...........


But go for it anyway!

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7 hours ago, RJRB said:

Apply that line of thinking to the near 9000 and counting Palestinians killed so far including around 3000 children.

So I ask again .

What is being achieved

Certainly not the destruction of Hamas .

A little disinfecting of the human gene pool.


Mowing the grass!  :)


Needs to be done on a regular basis.


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9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

That makes much more sense than an unpopular nation making itself even more unpopular by killing thousands of innocents and only the odd terrorist.

As I said,  this will only be sorted by brains and NOT bombs.


Won't happen unless folks come together to eliminate terrorists.


But first the "brains" have to figure out who the terrorists are.


Otherwise you'll be getting them confused with democracies, and doing their job for them. :)


9 hours ago, RJRB said:

Can we assume that your reports  and opinions are direct from Gaza,TelAviv or the West Bank.

Why not?


It's not the most stupid assumption that's floated on SF  :)


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7 hours ago, mafya said:

This is a video explaining the Balfour declaration and the history of Israel, as usual Britain had a hand in the troubles we see today= 


Does it go back to the days of the founding of the State of Judea?


The ones the Romans conquered, 2,000 years ago?  :)


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9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I can't believe that none of them can see the futility of it all and also the fact that it will return again and again.

To them,  revenge is more important than actually solving the problem.

They just can't move on from being in the crowd at public hangings a few hundred years ago.


Some of us have moved from a few hundred years ago.


Some are still giving aid and comfort and moral equivalency to the barbarians who chop of the hands of petty thieves, stone gays and adulterous women to death, and still enjoy public beheadings of those who dare disagree with their barbaric practises!  :)


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7 hours ago, mafya said:

On the media yes but not in towns across the UK were they?

Your whataboutism when replying to posts says a lot.

How much are you getting for each pro Israeli post you make from the Israeli propaganda centre?

The jig is up, Cuttsie.


We've been sussed!


It would be wise to shut down our back room printing press at  the Norfolk, on Dixon lane at this time.


Until cooler heads prevail!  :)




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7 hours ago, RJRB said:

And a left winger too.

Funny that considering that all the world’s ills can be attributed to Socialism......,,according to Old Trasty

No, in a Democracy people of good will can disagree on the best way to achieve the common good!


The idea is to start with the things you have in common, and work from there.


Then there are the "others" who make it their life's work to  create hate and dissention within the populations.


The bad ones!  :)


7 hours ago, Longcol said:

By killing thousands of people?

Thousands of terrorists!  :)


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7 hours ago, RJRB said:

So as refugees some might come to the U.K.

Hows your plan now Jack?

What's wrong with bringing refugees to the country that gives them aid and comfort?


Have you no compassion for the poor Palestinians who are being slaughtered by the Israeli "terrorists"?  :)


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7 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I dont think I should have to say that I don't want innocent people to die


Because to me thats obvious. 


You'd have to be pretty cold and callous to think otherwise


I'll leave the moral outrage and virtue signalling to others on this forum


War is terrible and I think it's absolutely tragic that in 2023 we're still having the same fights and battles we have had for thousands of years.


But I'm not a hypocrite. I believe Israel have the right to defend itself and crush HAMAS.


Unfortunately innocent people will die.


How do you think we defeated Hitler...by sitting in a circle and singing Kumbaya? 


No.....it's took a show of force that flattened the enemy 

That's when Britain had real men!


Not the armchair telly warmongers, and the pearl clutching bleeding hearts that run things today.


Who give you one endless war after another, after another!  :)


God help y'all!


7 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Worst still, hamas could actually gain the moral higher ground if things carry on like this. 

With a few of you and your fellow travelers maybe, but not when the dust finally settles on your latest mess up.


There's NEVER any moral high ground for terrorists!

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