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The Yom Kippur War .

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Allow, nay encourage, the sovereign nation of Israel to go to war to punish the terrorists who broke a cease fire (yes Virginia, there WAS a cease fire in place (look it up), and attacked them!


Let them hunt terrorists down wherever they are hiding, and destroy their safe havens.


You'll be doing the civilized world a favor for years to come.


If the fear of collateral damage, prevents a war on terrorism, the civilized world is doomed!


Oh. and stop sending the terrorists money, but that one should be a no brainer!  :)

No one is arguing that Hamas aren't terrorists.


Let them hunt terrorists down? That is Exactly what I said in post # 2198 isn't it?


To date at least 9,061 Palestinians have been killed since October the 7th in response to the murder of 260 Israelis at the festival.

The total number of Israeli deaths since October 7th is just over 1,400.


The only difference is that you are such a courageous keyboard warrior you believe in the mass murder of uninvolved civilians.

Apparently completely oblivious to the fact that state terrorism against civilians gives rise to hatred and previously uninvolved people taking up arms to seek revenge.

Your plan prolongs violence, but then you're not the sharpest tool in the box are you? For instance, your comment about collateral damage

( nice American euphemism for murdering innocents ) you do understand that it also applies to those who fight for the freedom of their country against foreign occupation don't you?

You come across as a fascist and you probably are. Nice uniforms.




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10 minutes ago, harvey19 said:



Thank you, I do read newspapers but rarely look at links posted on here as they are mainly to support the posters viewpoint and only give one side of a story.


There are a wide range of opinions on here. Lots of people with varied interests, distilling their opinions into interesting links.


If you chose carefully and followed links from different perspectives, you might not be so inadequately informed and one-eyed about current affairs


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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

You have not answered the question.

During ww2 not all Germans supported Adolf Hitler and not all Britains supported Winston Churchill regardless of this we bombed each others countries killing many civilians.

I do not condone killing of anyone but this is what happens in wars.

Dreadful as it is that is reality and when one country attacks another this is usually the result until one country surrenders.


Well that's fine then and you seem to have plenty of company who are quite content to see bombs dropped on Babies.

Unfortunately for me,  I have some humanity inside me,  and wish with all my soul that more would demand peace.

Each to their own.


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36 minutes ago, mafya said:

Who are you calling an Islamist you oink? 
Keep spouting your pro Israeli war criminal agenda because truth is your not bothered about the innocent brown people getting blown up as they are not your type are they?

Stop  weaponising the holocaust again as it’s getting boring and let’s not forget it wasn’t only Jewish people  that were sent to the gas chambers.

The Israelis has become what they despise, nazis!!

From what I have read the march orgahave said they will be avoiding the Cenotaph so stop gaslighting!!

There it is.


What we knew all along.


Mask well and truly slipped there.

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17 minutes ago, m williamson said:

No one is arguing that Hamas aren't terrorists.


Let them hunt terrorists down? That is Exactly what I said in post # 2198 isn't it?


To date at least 9,061 Palestinians have been killed since October the 7th in response to the murder of 260 Israelis at the festival.

The total number of Israeli deaths since October 7th is just over 1,400.


The only difference is that you are such a courageous keyboard warrior you believe in the mass murder of uninvolved civilians.

Apparently completely oblivious to the fact that state terrorism against civilians gives rise to hatred and previously uninvolved people taking up arms to seek revenge.

Your plan prolongs violence, but then you're not the sharpest tool in the box are you? For instance, your comment about collateral damage

( nice American euphemism for murdering innocents ) you do understand that it also applies to those who fight for the freedom of their country against foreign occupation don't you?

You come across as a fascist and you probably are. Nice uniforms.


Well said m.

Your bottom line expresses what I've thought for a very long time but I would also include a handful of other posters in that category.

Easy to work out which ones don't particularly care as long as it doesn't affect them personally.

Despite my age,  I must have been naive when I first used the forum and was so shocked at how many would tolerate gross injustice among others without giving it a second thought.

Despite the sadness and feelings of helplessness it brings,   I'm still relieved that I was born and raised to have a conscience  and let injustice anger me.


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2 hours ago, horribleblob said:

My apologies to you if I'm wrong, but was it you who said they don't read newspapers or view online links?


However, if you're really interested in finding an answer to your question, you could try reading articles like this one:



"It was in January 2006 that the Palestinian territories held what turned out to be their last parliamentary elections. Hamas won a bare plurality of votes (44 percent to the more moderate Fatah party’s 41 percent) but, given the electoral system, a strong majority of seats (74 to 45). Neither party was keen on sharing power. Fighting broke out between the two. When a unity government was finally formed in June 2007, Hamas broke the deal, started murdering Fatah members, and, in the end, took total control of the Gaza Strip. Those who weren’t killed fled to the West Bank, and the territories have remained split ever since.


In other words, Hamas’ absolute rule of Gaza is not what the Palestinians voted for back in 2006. In fact, since the median age of Gazans is 18, half of Hamas’ subjects weren’t even born when the election took place."

Well said,  and Harvey should realise that Hamas may be the government of Palestine,  but they are an illegal government who,  if they had a democracy, would be thrown out tomorrow.


2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:


Not all Westerners invade counties but it doesn't stop Muslim extremists from blowing us to bits.


Desperate argument.


Hamas are Palestinians, end of.  As regrettable as it is, war sees innocent people die.

Which westerners don't invade countries ?  That's a new one on me lad.

We and our allies certainly do and that leaves us wide open for reprisals unless you think that everybody else should behave whilst we do as we please.


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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

Those who feel so strongly could go over to Palestian as aid workers.

Not being sarcastic but again trying to be realistic.

You are being sarcastic but it doesn't surprise anyone.

I suspect that many Palestinians will be coming to where some aid is  -  OVER HERE,  before very long.


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1 hour ago, Prettytom said:

There are a wide range of opinions on here. Lots of people with varied interests, distilling their opinions into interesting links.


If you chose carefully and followed links from different perspectives, you might not be so inadequately informed and one-eyed about current affairs


Strange you should use that phrase as I only have one good eye !

Thank you for your advice.

55 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Well that's fine then and you seem to have plenty of company who are quite content to see bombs dropped on Babies.

Unfortunately for me,  I have some humanity inside me,  and wish with all my soul that more would demand peace.

Each to their own.


You have completely misquoted me.

I do not want to see anyone killed but gave you a realistic view of what happens.

How do you think wars end ?

Do you agree civilians get killed in wars ?

Do you think you are the only one with humanity in them ? Most people do but some are dreamers and some are realists.

I notice you have ignored my earlier explanatory posts.


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36 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You are being sarcastic but it doesn't surprise anyone.

I suspect that many Palestinians will be coming to where some aid is  -  OVER HERE,  before very long.


Again you misquote me.

I will repeat that I was being realistic in finding a way to help those who are suffering.

In WW1 bus drivers and women went over to France to help our wounded soldiers


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40 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Well said,  and Harvey should realise that Hamas may be the government of Palestine,  but they are an illegal government who,  if they had a democracy, would be thrown out tomorrow


So because Hamas are an illegal government you think they should be able to do what they want without reprisals ?


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