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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Look on the plus side, at least he wasn't suggesting to cut people's throats. Small steps etc.
  2. I was taking your post incredibly seriously until you said " 3 points for a Tench" Gi orrr....... should be at least 5.
  3. My dream holiday would be renting an RV and touring America for a month, just sampling different cuisine along the way. Starting off in New England for the Lobsters, heading South to the Carolina's before heading to Mississippi, for Gumbo, then along the Southern border gouging on Mexican food until my belly was incapable of no more!! Arizona, Nevada, few days in Vegas, then up to Montana to stay in the Yellowstone National park then slowly cruise East taking in the great lakes around Wisconsin and Chicago for ribs, wings and blues. Few days in New York shopping before heading back up to Maine for more Lobster and returning the RV. Lovely Jubbly.
  4. Because it's picture of a strong powerful woman, which many men find incredibly attractive.
  5. Do you need it, or want it? I drink a couple whilst cooking dinner because I want it not because I need it.
  6. You need the disposable vapes matey, you will need something to hold and suck on, trust me. Get the 0% nicotine ones, watermelon flavour. Not too sweet, pleasant and gives you a little hit in the throat.
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