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19 Billion In Unclaimed Benefits!

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1 minute ago, Mister M said:

I'm sorry to hear about your Gran, and through the work I did in the social care sector I'm familiar with what your Grand dad had to go through.


I don't think it's a case of being spoon-fed that's the issue. As Anna said, even when the person isn't caring for someone or going through a bereavement, getting what the Government says people should have in terms of benefits is often extremely difficult, and it shouldn't be.


Remember people pay into the system and have no choice in that, therefore it should not be made more difficult for people to take out when they become ill, unemployed or they have to care for a relative.


He didn't find it difficult once he knew what he was entitled to, it's the initial knowing. You can't spoonfeed the entire population about everything, ever. 

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11 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Erm, I follow a blind person on Instagram who posts loads of posts. He is fully blind and no, nobody posts on his behalf. 

Explain THAT ONE! 

He will have been blind for years.

It's not something you learn in 5 minutes when you are in your 70's, 80's or 90's.

Some blind  people play the piano  -  CAN YOU

Edited by Organgrinder
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Just now, Organgrinder said:

He will have been blind for years.

It's not something you learn in 5 minutes when you are in your 70's, 80's or 90's.

Some blind  people play the piano  -  CAAN YOU

He has been fully blind for about 5 years. No excuse. 

Stop throwing up issues that have easy solutions. 

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9 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I'm sorry to hear about your Gran, and through the work I did in the social care sector I'm familiar with what your Grand dad had to go through.


I don't think it's a case of being spoon-fed that's the issue. As Anna said, even when the person isn't caring for someone or going through a bereavement, getting what the Government says people should have in terms of benefits is often extremely difficult, and it shouldn't be.


Remember people pay into the system and have no choice in that, therefore it should not be made more difficult for people to take out when they become ill, unemployed or they have to care for a relative.


Quite correct

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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

People seem to forget that the government spent 500 billion on COVID.


Most if which was paid to people to sit on their backsides all day


The 15 billion on foreign aid


The 10 billion to house illegal migrantss


These Tories are more socialist than Arthur Scargill

That's got nothing to do with the social security system being overly complex, bureaucratic, fragmented and shrouded in shame. 

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44 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Are you too daft to realise that some elderly people don't have computers and many, with arthritis and tremors couldn't use them anyway.

And that's exactly what she's complaining about because progress doesn't always work as well as it should and not every member of society can take advantage of it.

It's easy to belittle the elderly but,  can you guarantee that you'll always be able to walk unaided or use a compute if you o blind ?


I’m not belittling for a start.


And most government departments still offer paper routes for the technology impaired.


instead of crying about those nasty tories over any minor inconvenience it should be aimed at the individual department if they aren’t doing enough. 

and sure enough a simple Google search shows you can apply by post




People crying about nothing

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20 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

He didn't find it difficult once he knew what he was entitled to, it's the initial knowing. You can't spoonfeed the entire population about everything, ever. 

I agree, but increasingly many benefits are becoming locally administered, and there are discretionary emergency support schemes, so even if a person has the energy, persistence and know how navigating all these schemes is difficult.

Governments, at times, do recognise the importance of simplifying their systems for the public; so it begs the question why are systems becoming ever more complex?

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1 hour ago, Delayed said:

Ah yes. Blame the government because you don’t know how to use a computer 

No, the government has upped the anti, wanting more information than previously required for a simple renewal of a blue badge.


That has required multiple calls to the DWP, listening to press 1, press2, etc. over and over, then being dicked around from department to department with a wait each time, and finally a wait of 45 minutes for someone to answer the phone. This has taken most of the day. Finally, required document will take between 5 and 10 days to arrive, so couldn't send it to me via computer, but I am expected to upload all documents and send it back to them! If this isn't barking mad I don't know what is. 

So most of the day has been wasted and job still not done.  So will have to go through it all again when documents arrive (if they do.) Not to mention mental anguish of gnawing the desk in frustration...


19 Billion in benefits remaining  unclaimed is no surprise to me... 

Edited by Anna B
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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

No, the government has upped the anti, wanting more information than previously required for a simple renewal of a blue badge.


That has required multiple calls to the DWP, listening to press 1, press2, etc. over and over, then being dicked around from department to department with a wait each time, and finally a wait of 45 minutes for someone to answer the phone. This has taken most of the day. Finally, required document will take between 5 and 10 days to arrive, so couldn't send it to me via computer, but I am expected to upload all documents and send it back to them! If this isn't barking mad I don't know what is. 

So most of the day has been wasted and job still not done.  So will have to go through it all again when documents arrive (if they do.) Not to mention mental anguish of gnawing the desk in frustration...


19 Billion in benefits remaining  unclaimed is no surprise to me... 

look at my previous post. A simple google search shows you can still do everything by post and whether online or postal the same information is required.


It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you don’t know the application process properly 

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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

No, the government has upped the anti, wanting more information than previously required for a simple renewal of a blue badge.


That has required multiple calls to the DWP, listening to press 1, press2, etc. over and over, then being dicked around from department to department with a wait each time, and finally a wait of 45 minutes for someone to answer the phone. This has taken most of the day. Finally, required document will take between 5 and 10 days to arrive, so couldn't send it to me via computer, but I am expected to upload all documents and send it back to them! If this isn't barking mad I don't know what is. 

So most of the day has been wasted and job still not done.  So will have to go through it all again when documents arrive (if they do.) Not to mention mental anguish of gnawing the desk in frustration...


19 Billion in benefits remaining  unclaimed is no surprise to me... 

Hmmm... :huh:

Look on the bright side...

... it appears that you've still got all your own teeth! ;)

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