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19 Billion In Unclaimed Benefits!

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Considering I have just spent 5 hours trying to renew my Blue Badge, and still not been able to do it, I'm really not surprised. It used to be a relatively easy thing to do, now it's fraught with extra digital roadblocks, especially for an older person not familiar with downloading /uploading images etc. plus 2 hours spent trying to get through to DWP on the phone. It's not like I've become any more mobile as I've gotten older, exactly the opposite.


If this is an example of what it's like getting any help from the Conservative government, I'm not surprised 19 Billion in benefits goes unclaimed.

In any other sort of government department that level of failure would demand an enquiry, but with this government it's probably deliberate. They offer help with one hand amid a great fanfare, then put so many bureaucratic obstacles in the way as to  make it impossible to achieve. Typical Tory Tactics.


Unfortunately it's generally the elderly who need the most help, who find it most difficult to get generally because of bureaucracy, digitisation, ill health itself, and eventually give up altogether. (- And since when was the Old Age Pension a benefit anyway!)


The government are so concerned that not one penny should go to the undeserving, that they make sure even the most deserving have the utmost difficulty getting it too.

And I thought computers and digitisation were supposed to make everything easier. 



Ah yes. Blame the government because you don’t know how to use a computer 

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Not all elderly people are Luddites, your sweeping generalisation of them is rather insulting. 

As another elderly person, i would say that Anna's characterization of elderly people is pretty close and fail to see anything insulting in what she said.

She is insulting our useless government  ( and rightly so )  and not the elderly.

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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

As another elderly person, i would say that Anna's characterization of elderly people is pretty close and fail to see anything insulting in what she said.

She is insulting our useless government  ( and rightly so )  and not the elderly.

She’d have the same issue if Labour got in tomorrow. 

it’s not the government that’s the issue. It’s called progress 

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

People seem to forget that the government spent 500 billion on COVID.

Yes,  far more than they should have.  Billions wasted.

Most if which was paid to people to sit on their backsides all day

That's nobodies fault but the governements.

The 15 billion on foreign aid

Again,  nobodies fault but the governments

The 10 billion to house illegal migrantss

Again,  nobodies fault but the governments


These Tories are more socialist than Arthur Scargill.

More stupid you mean.


1 hour ago, crookesey said:

If the government know that there are £19 Billion of unclaimed benefits they surely know who is not claiming what they are entitled to claim or they wouldn’t know that they are unclaimed.:huh:



Of course they do but it suits them so they will rub their bony little hands in glee and smile like a Cheshire cat.

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Woe betide people aren't spoon-fed and work out themselves what they are entitled to. 


My gran recently died after a long illness and my grandad had to work out for himself what extra he was entitled to both during caring for her and post-death 

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21 minutes ago, Delayed said:

Ah yes. Blame the government because you don’t know how to use a computer 

Are you too daft to realise that some elderly people don't have computers and many, with arthritis and tremors couldn't use them anyway.

10 minutes ago, Delayed said:

She’d have the same issue if Labour got in tomorrow. 

it’s not the government that’s the issue. It’s called progress 

And that's exactly what she's complaining about because progress doesn't always work as well as it should and not every member of society can take advantage of it.

It's easy to belittle the elderly but,  can you guarantee that you'll always be able to walk unaided or use a compute if you o blind ?


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9 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Are you too daft to realise that some elderly people don't have computers and many, with arthritis and tremors couldn't use them anyway.

And that's exactly what she's complaining about because progress doesn't always work as well as it should and not every member of society can take advantage of it.

It's easy to belittle the elderly but,  can you guarantee that you'll always be able to walk unaided or use a compute if you o blind ?


Erm, I follow a blind person on Instagram who posts loads of posts. He is fully blind and no, nobody posts on his behalf. 

Explain THAT ONE! 

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9 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Woe betide people aren't spoon-fed and work out themselves what they are entitled to. 


My gran recently died after a long illness and my grandad had to work out for himself what extra he was entitled to both during caring for her and post-death 

I'm sorry to hear about your Gran, and through the work I did in the social care sector I'm familiar with what your Grand dad had to go through.


I don't think it's a case of being spoon-fed that's the issue. As Anna said, even when the person isn't caring for someone or going through a bereavement, getting what the Government says people should have in terms of benefits is often extremely difficult, and it shouldn't be.


Remember people pay into the system and have no choice in that, therefore it should not be made more difficult for people to take out when they become ill, unemployed or they have to care for a relative.


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