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Beat The Chasers.


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19 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

What a bunch of Big headed nobodies. It annoys me how they talk down to contestants from the public domain and suck up to Celebs,  :roll:

It is a show, it is entertainment, it is all part of the format and apparently works as it is very successful.

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29 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

What a bunch of Big headed nobodies. It annoys me how they talk down to contestants from the public domain and suck up to Celebs,  :roll:

haha why take it so personally? 🙂

The talking down is for the entertainment value. 

And not sure they are "nobodies". They are all pretty accomplished in their field of quizzing.

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3 minutes ago, cressida said:

Much better than the other programme,  so glad for the lady who won £50,000

Aahhh!    I missed the "Spoiler Alert" warning!


I have recorded it for future viewing - I rarely watch TV live, so I record stuff and just press "pause" if I get a phone call or something - then I don't miss anything or have to put callers off.


Don't worry - I'll leave it for a while and hope I forget your post by then!


To the OP - I prefer this version to the original, where the Chaser questions in the final chase always seem easier (and often shorter) that the contestants.

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

It is a show, it is entertainment, it is all part of the format and apparently works as it is very successful.

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How sad,  if insulting people entertains you. 


1 hour ago, arrowhead said:

haha why take it so personally? 🙂

The talking down is for the entertainment value. 

And not sure they are "nobodies". They are all pretty accomplished in their field of quizzing.

I don't see talking down to people as a form of entertainment,   Kevin Ashman who appears on Eggheads is a perfect example the type of quizer I like to see,  apart from being polite I reckon if you gave the Chasers 60 minuets against Kevin Ashman's 60 seconds he would beat them.

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49 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

How sad,  if insulting people entertains you. 


I don't see talking down to people as a form of entertainment,   Kevin Ashman who appears on Eggheads is a perfect example the type of quizer I like to see,  apart from being polite I reckon if you gave the Chasers 60 minuets against Kevin Ashman's 60 seconds he would beat them.

Its comedic emphasis.  Its basic comedy 101. Jokes have a punchline which generally means someone or something is the butt of them.


I really do feel you need to lighten up and treat it for the pantomime villain style that the entire program is based on.  Just think back to The Weakest Link  back in the early 2000s or even going back to gladiators in the 1990s. It's all the same concept. The contestants having to beat the big baddy to win the prize.

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 Frosty knickers said to the lady who had appeared on various quiz shows " I'm better than you"   why would someone say that to anyone,  in any shape or form,  NASTY.    Then  Sarcastic Sinnerman was left with egg on his face when he said about the lady that beat em and walked away with 50 grand, she's not a quizzer,    I appcept the Panto Villian concept but  I don't think Personal insults are necessary.

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16 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

 Frosty knickers said to the lady who had appeared on various quiz shows " I'm better than you"   why would someone say that to anyone,  in any shape or form,  NASTY.    Then  Sarcastic Sinnerman was left with egg on his face when he said about the lady that beat em and walked away with 50 grand, she's not a quizzer,    I appcept the Panto Villian concept but  I don't think Personal insults are necessary.

She quite clearly meant she is a better quizzer.


Frosty knickers isn’t an insult?


You complain about what’s on TV quite a lot.    Try reading or video games instead. 

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