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This week another(!) jewish friend of mine told me how he was liquidating his assets in case he needed to move the family out of the UK. There are few things that make me want to weep, but the rise of anti-semitism in the UK is one of them. Where it is done in support of the terrorist Hamas regime in Palestine it is even more woeful and misguided. It doesn't matter if you are kicking down or up, you're still kicking. Stop it.  


I try to steer clear of this topic as is brings out the political fanatics who don't even understand that they are antisemites. Most of us have learned the lessons of the past, but please, if you have people around you who haven't learned, take them under your wing and help them. This never ends well for anyone.





Edited by Tony
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There's more Islamophobia than anti-Semitism, but I've never heard Muslims wanting to leave the UK because of the attacks and abuse towards them.


Surely the first step would be to go to the Police if you or your loved ones are being threatened?


Bit of a leap to actually want to leave the country in which you were brought up in, and presumably sacrifice your livelihood there too.

Edited by TyneSoft
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3 hours ago, TyneSoft said:

Bit of a leap to actually want to leave the country in which you were brought up in, and presumably sacrifice your livelihood there too.

Isn't it just. What a shameful state we've allowed ourselves to get into when ordinary people feel that way.  

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"My message to those on the National Demonstration for Palestine in London today:

We cannot stand by or stay silent at the continuing denial of rights and justice to the Palestinian people"


God bless Corbyn.

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10 hours ago, Tony said:

I try to steer clear of this topic as is brings out the political fanatics who don't even understand that they are antisemites.


In your opinion, even the Labour party cannot agree on what antisemitism is. Holding a political view, is not being an antisemite.

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9 hours ago, TyneSoft said:

There's more Islamophobia than anti-Semitism, but I've never heard Muslims wanting to leave the UK because of the attacks and abuse towards them.

Strange, isn't it? Considering the amount of violent Jewish attacks on our society. Oh, wait! 

9 hours ago, TyneSoft said:

Surely the first step would be to go to the Police if you or your loved ones are being threatened?

Exactly, there's no way that police wouldn't act appropriately without being afraid of being accused of racism. Oh, wait again!

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Criticism of Israeli policy towards minorities is not anti-semitism. 


As a « cultural Catholic »Catholic by birth » person I don’t believe that every criticism of Catholicism is an attack on me personally or that I should leave the country

It’s about time that describing people as « anti-semitic »» was made a hate crime

Edited by Ridgewalk
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I have no problem with Jews but I hate Israel's treatment of the Palestinians yet Ive been called an Anti-Semite for expressing my disgust at the Israeli govs policies. 

I also have no problems with Muslims yet ive been called an Islamophobe for criticizing their treatment of women and gays and radical islams war on the west.

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17 hours ago, Tony said:


I try to steer clear of this topic as is brings out the political fanatics who don't even understand that they are antisemites. 

Does questioning or speaking out against certain acts of the state of Israel, make you an antisemite? 

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