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Thailand Cave Rescue.

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According to the news on Radio 4 just now it's going to be two divers per boy and it's a six hour journey - those lads are going to need every ounce of their courage. I find the idea of undertaking a task like that utterly terrifying.


Two divers for each boy? Wow that is one heck of a lot of courageous people going in there, maybe even on a volunteer basis as well. Bearing in mind one of their comrades died in there. Not a religious man, but God bless them all and God speed anyways.Hoping for a happy ending for this incident, ASAP

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I don't agree, as per my previous post; unsafe or inappropriate rituals/traditions need challenging, not perpetuating. People should use their own discernment and speak out if they feel something is unsafe. That doesn't mean I'm dumb, hypocritical or blaming the coach. I only hope they all make a safe escape, and that all people in future are more inclined to use their own judgement rather than just go along with a thing, just because it's a tradition.


yes, you ARE blaming the coach just like every other ten cent observer who doesn't know anything at all about the situation. The guy was in his first year at the job, and he also comes from a different part of Thailand. You expect that this guy should have bucked all the local practice and tradition and overide it, when he's not even from the local region and doesn't even know the area that well? As if he is some geologist? The coach had apparently been a Buddhist monk for 12 years prior to his appointment, but that doesn't mean he's got these miraculous abilities and privy to the fact that there is going to be an unusual amount of water seeping into a cave of a part of the country that he isn't even all that familiar with.


in Thailand people go down and sit in caves all the time. Not necessarily as deep caves as that one, but it's part of the culture that people do. Going into caves is not something that only potholers, and outdoor-types do, like in the west. They are not necessarily like these outdoor-type tourist attractions like the Blue John Cavern or something. Some of these caves have these big Buddhist shrines in them and people can go down there and spend weeks in them sometimes, if they're keen and have something to think about. Of course people know that caves can flood, but nobody around there thought that that cave would at that time.


Just why, exactly, do you expect that the coach should have known that it was going to flood any more than anyone else did?

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Great news! BBC are reporting (according to Thai navy) 4 rescued so far, maybe they're behind Sky in reporting?

Sky are now reporting 4 rescued so it looks like they were reporting rumours rather than confirming things first like proper journalists do.


Good news that the 4 boys are out and they've confirmed the extraction technique works. The Beeb are reporting they've finished for the day - they only have a limited number of sufficiently experienced divers who need to rest.

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Sky are now reporting 4 rescued so it looks like they were reporting rumours rather than confirming things first like proper journalists do.


Good news that the 4 boys are out and they've confirmed the extraction technique works. The Beeb are reporting they've finished for the day - they only have a limited number of sufficiently experienced divers who need to rest.


I cross-referenced with Reuters at the time, and they were also reporting 6, but have now changed it to 4 with a correction acknowledged.



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every two bit observer who knows nothing, at all, about Thailand and the Thais have been in a rush to blame the coach for this as if the guy just made it up on the spur of the moment for the hell of it.


That particular Chiang Rai soccer team have been going down the very same cave at the very same time of year for years as a kind of a tradition. The elder siblings of the lads did the very same thing as these did without incident, so obviously the parents aren't going to be dumb or hypocritical enough to blame the coach even if there is plenty of idiot foreigners that will - all without a moment's hesitation or research of course.



So my long discussion with a Thai person about this counts as knowing nothing at all about Thailand to you. No problem.



I'd still like you to state clearly that you understand that I did not advocate putting ANYBODY up against a wall and this was invented entirely by yourself.

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