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It's Plain Talker - an update

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Hi everyone.


Just to update you on how I'm doing.


Things have been more than tough going, the last few months.

As you'll have read from Mort a few months ago, my dad was battling cancer.

Sadly he passed away at the end of November at the age of 78. His funeral is due to ve held on Friday.


On top of this, I have also been diagnosed with Heart Failure, (on top of having the pacemaker which, to quote Shaniah Twain, really "Don't Impress Me Much". Just another round of appointments back and forth to see the cardiologists... *rollleyes* what fun!

I know there's a saying that "God doesnt give us more than we can handle" bu,t quite honestly, I wonder, sometimes, if He must think that I am some kind of superwoman!


Thanks everyone for keeping me in your thoughts.


I will hopefully be back when things are on a more even keel.



PT xxx


Great to hear from you Plain Talker, i'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Take care xx

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