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Sarah Champion MP to leave Shadow Cabinet

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This is not surprising, it makes me really sad, in my book Labour are done for. Sarah Champion was speaking out against the vile gang rape perpetrated by predominantly Pakistani men against mostly white girls, a vile racist crime to which Labour have just given the go ahead for this vile industry to continue, Ann Cryer was silenced decades ago by the sexist mysogyny & ignorance that governs Labour, when she tried to speak out against this very same thing, nothing new then, Labours speak no evil policy continues, and once again the victims are left unheard.......

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How? She's tomorrow's chip paper now.


She's still the constituency MP, and there is or at least has been a huge problem in her constituency.


She can't confront those issues while following some ridiculous party line that prevents her from doing so.

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it has now been revealed (to me at least) that corbyn sacked her(allegedly) , which suggest to me that he corbyn wants to sweep it under the carpet,

She also said in the report that, the biggest perpetrators of this crime are white males. but, just because she has mentioned the word Pakistani there is a big issue, and she had to "resign" over it. there is some thing not quit right with that?

Edited by kidley
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it has now been revealed (to me at least) that corbyn sacked her, which suggest to me that he corbyn wants to sweep it under the carpet,

She also said in the report that, the biggest perpetrators of this crime are white males. but, just because she has mentioned the word Pakistani there is a big issue, and she had to "resign" over it. there is some thing not quit right with that?


The Labour Party only have themselves to blame.

She was parachuted in by head office as the local party was not trusted to select a candidate. Early indications of the type of person they had selected were revealed in the TV programme about new MP's. Her biggest crime was to write an article for the 'Scum', I wonder how much they paid her?




The above does not say the date she joined the party.

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Our Politicians are suppose to be there to represent us.

What she said, is what most people were thinking anyhow.

By uttering those words, she was speaking the truth and speaking up for us as well.

These types of 'uncomfortable conversations' need to be had, for the good of everybody.

Corbyn couldn't wait to accept her resignation, as it puts it on the back burner once again. He relies on the Muslim vote.

However, this type of problem is not confined just to Labour, Conservatives are just as bad for not wanting certain 'conversations' out in the open for fear of being branded a Racist, or an Islamophobe. Both words have now become meaningless anyway as they are bandied about willy nilly to anyone who dare accuse Muslims of anything that concerns us.

Most Politicians need to be much more brave in discussing such issues.

But don't hold your breath waiting.

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