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Everything posted by Glennis

  1. I live on Overend Rd, and have never had any trouble. I have two very quiet neighbours and the whole terrace is very generally well maintained, some exceptionally so. I think the houses are good value for money, but I wouldn't want to live near Newfield Green and further on up Gleadless Road towards Herdings. But I don't personally know the area, I have to say,.
  2. I live in Gleadless valley, and you can hear a pin drop by me. Nothing ever happens and I have been here about ten years.
  3. I am getting on a bit in years and do not go to that area of town anymore as the buses have stopped running down Division Street. I suspect this may have contributed to decreasing footfall.
  4. I believe this is why people voted for him (Labour) as people were so angry with Clegg and ConDem pact with Cameron
  5. Get a large shopping bag and place it on the seat next to you, so he cannot sit down. I would not be happy with this behaviour. It might be innocent. but it's strange
  6. £500, 000 it has cost to put these containers on Fargate. What a colossal waste of money. Maybe they could sell them for scrap and we could get £50 back for the ratepayers.
  7. I am glad the dog is out of this. Hopefully he will have a more respectful home in the future
  8. Abe books, used them a lot myself...new or second hand. https://www.abebooks.co.uk/?&cm_mmc=ggl-_-UK_Brand_Brand-_-naa-_-naa&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI78LnjMX46gIViLPtCh1r-A9oEAAYASAAEgJm9_D_BwE
  9. Already offering redundancy packages, and asking staff to volunteer to reduce working hours.
  10. and then of course there is the sub prime mortgage issue in America, sure this had something to do with the economic crash and misfortune we are suffering -
  11. But, she can shriek Alfieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  12. Just seems a pathetic way of promoting your business in my opinion.
  13. Good idea, he might learn something useful
  14. They did vote labour then, Clegg stood for the Lib Dems.
  15. Hope the people of Hallam are not stupid enough to vote him in again, he's just not good enough to be an MP - and that's putting it mildly.
  16. I would have thought an ideal dog for an older couple, as they require little exercise and are quiet, but get advice from the rehoming people - think there is a greyhound rehoming group in Sheffield.
  17. I am due to retire shortly, and might be interested from next April onwards - sounds good to me.
  18. Anyone know a Tammy Lowe, probably from Gleadless Valley. I have something belonging to her, which was delivered to my house today. Send me a message.
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