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Its the labour party for me.

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Calling me two faced is clearly a personal attack.


I think you'll find my objections are more to do with the non payment of tax. And that includes complex tax avoidance schemes that are barely this side of legal. A properly managed tax collection system is the best wealth distribution system there is at present, although there is plenty of room for improvement. Asking those over £80,000 to pay a bit more tax seems fair to me. Jeremy Corbyn will be in this category, and you can be sure he will pay it willingly.


I think the disparity in the average wage and £100,000 is too much and should be reduced in most cases, particularly where the money is coming from the public purse. I would make an exception for the Prime Minister and Leader of the opposition, arguably the most important public positions in the land. CEOs in general used to earn 5 x the average workers wage, and that's about right. The PM and opposition PM reflect this.


However, now most CEO's salaries are many times more than that and in some cases are in the £millions, and they avoid tax. Let them pay minimum of 30% on all their wealth and I would be happy.

Unfortunately the disproportionate salaries in the private sector have pushed up the expectations in the public sector to silly amounts. This also affects prices for everyone. Those on ordinary salaries feel left behind and even though working just as hard if not harder than most, are struggling.


I have said all this before, many times. So personal insults are unfair and unwarranted thankyou very much.



Just to throw this into the post. Very recently a football agent was paid £41 million for getting a player to sign for a particular club. That's obscene.



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Just to throw this into the post. Very recently a football agent was paid £41 million for getting a player to sign for a particular club. That's obscene.




I agree, it's obscene. Can you give us a clue who the player was?

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I have had to think very hard( for the first time ever ) on who to vote for in the coming election.


The problem being that I am not very endeared to Jermy Corbyn as the Labour leader .


However this dilemma has now been solved by todays news that he if elected will renationalise the railways , the royal mail and energy industries this taking away from the robbing quangos that with .M.P's backing stole the public services in the first place.


Let us hope that this is followed by our re owner ship of the Steel and haulage industries so as once again our Country can be run for the common good of all the citizens and not just the CHOSEN few.


How gullible, you should think again. Do you really think that Corbyno will or even could keep all these promises, it's like Santa's wish list. If I thought he could or would possibly do this then I would vote for him myself. Dream on.


---------- Post added 03-06-2017 at 22:29 ----------


After last nights debate then it has just got to be Labour , Mrs May seemed out of touch and vague as to what questions were thrown at her.


At a debate for leadership some years ago Nick Clegg came out with flying colours but look what a plonker he turned out to be.

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Both Labour and conservatives have now committed themselves in in favour of Brexit. Greens and LibDems are generally more in favour of a further say over the terms of whatever we are offered.


Anyway, neither Corbyn nor May are standing in Sheffield.


I was considering voting labour after seeing the manifestos however as soon as i saw Corbyn say 'a bad deal is better than no deal' I soon saw sense and realised we would be royaly screwed over by EU with them in charge so I will be voting to give Torys one last chance in power to hopefully deliver a brexit we need not that suits everyone but Britain.

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How gullible, you should think again. Do you really think that Corbyno will or even could keep all these promises, it's like Santa's wish list. If I thought he could or would possibly do this then I would vote for him myself. Dream on...


Given the choice of someone with intentions of doing good, but a poor track record of success, and someone who's intentions cannot be trusted, who's policies change almost with the weather and with an outstanding track record of doing really badly, there really is not much contest.


Even if that "poor track record" amounts to a consistent inability to find their arse with both hands, then they still look the better option.

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Vote for Corbyn and we are leaving ourselves as a sitting duck should someone attack us with nuclear weapons , because he wouldnt press the button to defend us.


Can you honestly think of a situation where we must use nuclear weapons first to defend our country? I sure as hell cant.

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Vote for Corbyn and we are leaving ourselves as a sitting duck should someone attack us with nuclear weapons , because he wouldnt press the button to defend us.

does it really matter, we would be dead anyway...and if we were attacked, then it wasnt really a deterrent was it?


anyway, what use it a nuclear weapon when we dont have an army and we dont have coppers on the street?

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Vote for Corbyn and we are leaving ourselves as a sitting duck should someone attack us with nuclear weapons , because he wouldnt press the button to defend us.

You don't shoot nuclear weapons out of the sky with other nuclear weapons.

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