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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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4 hours ago, makapaka said:

The big issue has failed because it’s provided someone who was homeless with an income over a period of 8 years?


You have no idea of his circumstances that yet apparently he is the one hurting the homeless?


I’ve never heard such rubbish. 

of all the things you could try and target to solve homelessness you’ve picked on a magazine that has allowed a homeless person to get an income.

You have no idea of his circumstances.


How do you know he was homeless?


The Big Issue is classed as self employment and Romanian and Bulgarian migrants have been able to come to the UK to sell the big issue on self employment visas. Over half of big issue sellers in 2011 were from Romania or Bulgaria. 


Importing poor economic migrants to compete with the domestic homeless in selling magazines doesn't help the domestic homeless or reduce beggars in the street, it does the opposite.


 With an increasing homeless population the big issue is most effective if people use it as a stepping stone to move on when they're back on their feet, so other homeless people have the opportunity.  If someone is working for the big issue for 8 years, the big issue has failed to give them support and help to move on so the next homeless person can step up. Seems like the big issue system has broken down, it's not getting people off the streets and it is actually drawing in more homeless from across Europe.

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6 hours ago, Steelworker said:


The Big Issue is classed as self employment and Romanian and Bulgarian migrants have been able to come to the UK to sell the big issue on self employment visas. Over half of big issue sellers in 2011 were from Romania or Bulgaria. 



Before changes to benefit regs about 5 years ago- and certainly not in Sheffield.

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On 25/02/2020 at 19:16, FinBak said:

My bold ...What is ' Ordinary and space'...Please...?



Ordinary, aka woollen, and space, as used by medical/survival experts for warmth and looking a bit like tin foil, blankets 

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On 27/02/2020 at 09:40, Ms Macbeth said:

That's what I assumed.   He's very well prepared. He's moved to the side of the BHF shop now.  I was also told he's not homeless.  As catmiss says, he'd be classed as vulnerable if he is genuinely homeless, because of his age.  Just round the corner is the advice centre in Proctor Place.  I'm sure they could give him advice about claiming benefits he's entitled to, so he wouldn't have to sit out in the cold all day.  

The ‘advice centre’ had its funding cut, along with many other local advice agencies, so can now only offer support to fill in forms.  My brief chat with him led me to believe, for whatever reason, he’s not receptive to help

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On 27/02/2020 at 10:14, jonnythefox said:

He isnt homeless he begs for drug money, ive watched him many times out of my window picking his weed up from his dealer who delivers it to him. At christmas he was begging outside morrisons and went in the shop where my partner works and they changed him £170 what he had scrounged he needs to get off his arse and get a propper job.

The chap I saw and spoke to looked elderly perhaps even pension age, which is why I thought he, if homeless, would be in priority need for SCC funded temporary accommodation. If he was homeless, and I have my doubts due to his reaction, it would be very difficult for him to secure and maintain a ‘proper job’

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On 29/02/2020 at 03:00, steve68 said:

If it's the old guy, I see him most mornings he pitches up just before 8am most days, when I've spoken to him he's told me he's homeless and spent the night there, even though I've watched him walk up Middlewood road minutes earlier and he's long gone once the area is quiet never see him once the shops are closed unless he then pitched up at Morrisons, hes out begging in all weathers, he chooses to pretend he's homeless. so anyone that chooses to give  him money probably thinks he's genuine and they're helping an old guy out.

In other words, a con-man, a scammer and a fraudster.

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10 hours ago, catmiss said:

Ordinary, aka woollen, and space, as used by medical/survival experts for warmth and looking a bit like tin foil, blankets 

Thank you for your reply. I am now feeling a bit silly.!


I read your previous comment as...Blankets. << Just Blankets.  And then... 'Ordinary and space'... as separate things.!


Thus I wondered what 'Ordinary and Space' was.


As if you could walk into a shop and ask for some 'Ordinary and Space'.  Without first mentioning 'Blankets'.


My fault for speed reading.


Thanks again.  This has made me laugh no end.!












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18 minutes ago, Halibut said:

You're full of heart. Try imagining how it might feel, be glad for what you've got and let go of the hate.

I agree.  I'm well over state pension age, and I count myself lucky in comparison to previous generations in retirement. 


If he is of state pension age, which he well may be, he shouldn't need to beg if he's getting his entitlements.  The Archer project offers so much help.  However, if as Catmiss says, he's resistant to help, then its his choice to brave the elements.    

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