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5 million population increase, is the UK close to breaking point?

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There have been wars going back thousands of years. I can't think of one caused by over-population. Famines are caused by too little food and not by too many people. There is no famine in the UK now despite the record population. Obesity is the problem.


As for this long-term strategy, your paranoia is seriously warping your judgement.


When a group of people have exploited all the resources on the land they occupy they have to look elsewhere for resources and this does and has caused numerous conflicts, land is overpopulated when it can't sustain the population living on it, therefor the UK is over populated.

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There have been wars going back thousands of years. I can't think of one caused by over-population. Famines are caused by too little food and not by too many people. There is no famine in the UK now despite the record population. Obesity is the problem.


As for this long-term strategy, your paranoia is seriously warping your judgement.


Over population will cause famine and lead to wars as people fight for limited resources... it ain't rocket science. And the presence of nuclear weapons means any future world wars could well be apocalyptic.


Only the stupid could possibly think that it's paranoid to worry about the population explosion.


---------- Post added 23-05-2015 at 23:00 ----------


What do we need to do? What if China or India gain global dominance and decide it's us that need to cut down our population numbers.


Careful what you suggest because we might not be carrying out a plan, we might be on the receiving end of it. 50 years down the line anything is possible.


What needs to happen is we need to let the dysfunction parts of the world get on with their self-inflicted cull. We then need to take the resource. What else is there to do?

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Over population will cause famine and lead to wars as people fight for limited resources... it ain't rocket science. And the presence of nuclear weapons means any future world wars could well be apocalyptic.


Only the stupid could possibly think that it's paranoid to worry about the population explosion.


---------- Post added 23-05-2015 at 23:00 ----------



What needs to happen is we need to let the dysfunction parts of the world get on with their self-inflicted cull. We then need to take the resource. What else is there to do?


Cull? Are you serious?

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Go back just 100 years and no one would have believed it was possible to sustain today's current world population, but with the help of science and new farming methods we have not only managed to create/grow enough food, but we also have a surplus.


That's not to say we can afford to be complacent. We should certainly do what we can to stabilize the population, clean up the world and look after what we have, but is it necessarily all doom and gloom?

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Go back just 100 years and no one would have believed it was possible to sustain today's current world population, but with the help of science and new farming methods we have not only managed to create/grow enough food, but we also have a surplus.


That's not to say we can afford to be complacent. We should certainly do what we can to stabilize the population, clean up the world and look after what we have, but is it necessarily all doom and gloom?


Had I being having a drink when reading that, I would have coughed it up on the keyboard :hihi:


Is there no end to your comedy posting talent?

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Go back just 100 years and no one would have believed it was possible to sustain today's current world population, but with the help of science and new farming methods we have not only managed to create/grow enough food, but we also have a surplus.


That's not to say we can afford to be complacent. We should certainly do what we can to stabilize the population, clean up the world and look after what we have, but is it necessarily all doom and gloom?


Yes it is.

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Go back just 100 years and no one would have believed it was possible to sustain today's current world population, but with the help of science and new farming methods we have not only managed to create/grow enough food, but we also have a surplus.


That's not to say we can afford to be complacent. We should certainly do what we can to stabilize the population, clean up the world and look after what we have, but is it necessarily all doom and gloom?


What you should have said is with the aid of oil and other fossil fuels we managed to increase world population massively and cause a chain reaction of global warming and mass extinctions, and to continue sustaining such a massive population we are now seeking even more fossil fuels in the form a shale gas and accepting that billions of people must live in absolute poverty.



What we could have done with fossil fuels which will shortly run out is use them to better the lives of a much smaller world population.


But that is the nature of a virus it keeps reproducing until all available resources are depleted and its host dies, which leads to its own demise.

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This sort of debate is where nationalist rhetoric comes tumbling down harder than the promise of Farage to step down, beautiful to see really. Let me explain:

Over population will cause famine and lead to wars as people fight for limited resources... it ain't rocket science. And the presence of nuclear weapons means any future world wars could well be apocalyptic.


Only the stupid could possibly think that it's paranoid to worry about the population explosion.


What needs to happen is we need to let the dysfunction parts of the world get on with their self-inflicted cull. We then need to take the resource. What else is there to do?


The bolded part: Exactly, so let us not diminish all our global influence by leaving the EU and shunting UN conventions and instead seek to use these powerful authorities to work towards a solution.


The part after that: Just illustrates perfectly how selfish some people are, also, if you think that dysfunction will not affect us, come again. IS just attacked Saudi territory, won't be long before all middle-east oil is "dysfunctional"


What you should have said is with the aid of oil and other fossil fuels we managed to increase world population massively and cause a chain reaction of global warming and mass extinctions, and to continue sustaining such a massive population we are now seeking even more fossil fuels in the form a shale gas and accepting that billions of people must live in absolute poverty.



What we could have done with fossil fuels which will shortly run out is use them to better the lives of a much smaller world population.


But that is the nature of a virus it keeps reproducing until all available resources are depleted and its host dies, which leads to its own demise.


"tie yourself in a knot-time"; The only ones who have benefited from oil and other fossil fuels are those in the regions where population increase was curbed significantly, whilst we are debating an increase of under 10% in 11 years in the UK, the world has seen an increase of around 20% - the majority of which has occurred in destitute countries.

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