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Everything posted by loraward

  1. You'd be better off bookmarking this. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/11209234/Immigration-from-outside-Europe-cost-120-billion.html Immigration from outside Europe 'cost £120 billion' New report shows immigration from outside Europe over the Labour government years cost the public purse billions of pounds, while recent migration from inside Europe generated a £4 billion surplus
  2. So if you was an Iraqi than ran away from Isis you would be annoyed that we are bombing Isis, how bizarre. ---------- Post added 26-06-2015 at 12:23 ---------- That couldn't be anything to do with Muslims bombing western countries could it, and some Muslims asking for our help when they was being killed by other Muslims.
  3. Yes and you would think but it isn't backed up by realty, non EU immigrants are a net drain on the economy so not only as this wave of immigration not helped to fund state pensions they have helped to increase the deficit.
  4. The solution is causing many other problems and will perpetuate the problem, another baby boom is already happening caused by high immigration and resulting in pressure on the NHS, schools ect. Public services are now struggled because of the age profile at both ends of the spectrum, old people and very young people increase the burden on public services. Increase the working age of old people and reducing the number of babies being born results in less pressure on public services and an higher tax take. Most people don't need to stop working and paying tax at 67.
  5. For that answer you need to read the Quran, but in brief its the duty of every Muslim to spread the word of Islam and build an Islamic society.
  6. Which doesn't mean there isn't widespread fraud, it just means that the system is easy to defraud and the benefits department are unable of unwilling to look for it. So Fraud. Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain: ---------- Post added 26-06-2015 at 08:50 ---------- An inevitable consequence of overpopulation, natural resource depletion and and an increasing number of people dependent on the kindness of others.
  7. Its not possible to increase it indefinitely and any increase just results in a larger problem for the future, which is OK and you don't care about future generations.
  8. The words I typed are the words you used to abuse everyone with a different opinion to the opinions you hold. It's not my job to to get in touch with God, that is a job for the believers. It is they that need to put pressure on the leader of their faith.
  9. The number of vacancies would be smaller if population growth was lower, and some companies would move to the countries with a larger pool of unemployed people. The aging population is a problem but can't be solved by increasing the population, that just creates other problems.
  10. Its would appear that you are the one hard of thinking. God is at the top of their hierarchy and God's instructions can be found in the Quran. Islam Religious Hierarchy Islamic religious leaders Hierarchy of Mosques
  11. Agreed. 2013/2014 UK population grew by 491,100 259,700 added from net migration 226,200 from natural growth 25% of all births in 2013 were to mothers born outside the UK Births over same period 698,512 of which 174,628 was to mothers born outside the UK. Leaving 51,572 which is the natural growth rate of the UK after removing growth associated with recent immigration.
  12. You should fill in the complaints form. http://www.econsumeraffairs.com/inbevuk/stella.htm?F1=stella
  13. Correct, but it also doesn't follow that it isn't huge. Only if you assume that fraud is low, if you assume that your average fraudster is smart enough to hide their fraud then you can just as easily assume that its high. I would include those people gaming it to be committing fraud. Choosing to work 16 hours and claiming benefits is fraud if you could choose to work 30 hours. That's probably were most of the fraud is. I'm under the impression that universal credits will correct most of these anomalies, for instance someone self employed and claiming to work 16 hours will be assumed to be working full time on minimum wage for the purposes of their claim. No more selling the big issue to get tax credits because it will be assumed you are earning £11830 unless you are earning more than that.
  14. No because their intolerance is against an action and not against a person because of the opinion they hold. I didn't create the word or decide what it means, all I can do is apply it according to the definition. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/bigot Bigot A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions:
  15. That would depend if they have shown intolerance towards someone for the opinions they hold. You don't counter racism by being a racist. You don't counter homophobia by being homophobic. And you don't counter intolerance by being intolerant.
  16. By saying democracy isn't working he's hardly going to encourage people to become interested in politics. Its works in a fashion, different people benefit from different governments, you can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please everyone all of the time, its a fact of life nothing will change it and certainly not the rants of a man that spends more on dining out than some people have to spend on food all month.
  17. Again he is very good at pointing out the blindingly obvious, but without the workable ideas to solve those problems his rants are pointless. He wants a different way to elect government but would no doubt complain if the new way resulted in more power to UKIP, BNP.
  18. No it happens very frequently, someone condemns a terrorist attack and people like you assume they are talking about every Muslim, the abuse then follows. ---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 15:40 ---------- Of cause they have hierarchy, God, Pope, Grand Mufti, ect. ect. Most people blame Islam for the problems within Islam and when they Blame Islam you assume they are blaming Muslims and in many cases they are the victims of Islam.
  19. You have on numerous occasions and I do understand the term bigot, unlike you, you seam to think it is a word that describes people with opposing opinions to the opinions you hold. When it fact it is a word that describes people that are intolerant of others because of the opinions they hold, and that is you.
  20. I know that I am entitled to them, and you are as entitled to be as abusive as you like towards me for holding them, but that doesn't stop you from being the bigot. You are wrong on all counts by the way, but don't let stop you showing your bigotry by being abusive towards me for hold opinions you don't understand and can't tolerate.
  21. But when non Muslims speak out against them they are often accused of being racist/bigoted/islamophobic/xenophobic. At the very least all religious people should be questioning the motives of a God that created such people in the first place and then does nothing to prevent it. Worshiping that which is directly responsible must mean they have no objections to it.
  22. But that's all I do, challenge your intolerance of people, by pointing it out, arguing against it and showing how it's axioms are false and logically faulty. Bigotry is you being intolerant of people for holding views and opinions that you can't tolerate. I share some of your opinions and find some quite bizarre, but I don't share your intolerance of people, I accept that everyone is different and everyone is entitled to hold whatever opinions they like.
  23. By taking them you encourage more to try which results in more death. So you challenge what you perceive to be intolerance by being intolerant. You are a bigot because you are intolerant of me because of my opinions. ---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 10:56 ---------- Not at all, they try because some succeed and create a better life for themselves and that massage get around.
  24. Its better for the health and well being if they are given something to do.
  25. But getting rid will in the long term stop people trying to swim the channel. Once they know that risking their life to get here is a pointless exercise they will stop trying, whilst ever there is a benefit to trying they will keep trying and dying.
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