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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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i lived in #79 buchanan road and i am 99% sure this happened to me and not a dream

i was about 9 years old and was in bed with two of my older sisters i was in the middle i am getting goose bumps just thinking about it

for some reason i woke up and we had big duffle coats on the back of the bedroom door one slid forward and travelled around the bed as if on wheels it went back the same way, i did not wake my sisters up as i was scared stiff and couldn't move


shivering now dave

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Maybe the rats were getting cold? lol only joking!

Things like that are hard to tell people without them thinking your abit bonkers or a complete liar. It was the same with my original story on here, there were many other things happened in that same house but i just dont tell people as they tend to think your going over the top.

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Originally posted by ginger

for some reason i woke up and we had big duffle coats on the back of the bedroom door one slid forward and travelled around the bed as if on wheels


Semi-conciousness is a weird thing, but it's not real... sorry !

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  • 1 month later...

A group of friends and myself have often visited Roche Abbey near Maltby.....and have had some amazing experiences.

These include hearing chanting, terrific feelings of fear and the usual orbs on photos and a strange white ball of light caught on video.


Well worth checking out......

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There's apparently a wellknown ghost at my work, which I find very worrying I can tell you. I work in the old Radio Sheffield building and lots of my colleagues have seen this ghost - who only seems to reveal herself to men. Some parts of the building do literally send a chill down your spine when you enter the room - which sounds daft but is too true. Put it this way I would not like to be locked in that building all alone.......(!)

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ive posted a message on the history section about'ghosts'at Queens Road retail park.Itoo would be gratefull of any info.

Staff at one of the retail outlets have experienced some very strange goings on.

A black shadow that a member of staff saw,and then checked on cctv and was visable.

a voice asking a member of staff 'What are you doing'when they turned around no-one was there!

Numreous reports of taps on the shoulders etc...no explanation

Turnstiles in the building turning with quite a speed but again....no one there.


weird eh?Researched as much as possible and know that the site was bus/tram depot and also heard rumours that a man took his own life there many years ago.If anyone knows any more info that may be useful please p.m. me.Thanks.

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forgot to mention that the areas that the sightings and experiences are happening in is also freezing cold and there is no explanation for that either.

Done a temperature check and the reading in that specific area was 10 degrees lower than any other area in the building.

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Strange things used to happen at the old house I lived in on harcourt road, things would move clocks would alter.. It used to bother me more than most of the visitors cos apparently "the gift " runs through my mothers side of the family. once I was sat at the p.c and I thought my son had his head over my shoulder, I turned round to scorn him and all that was there was a sort of dark head shaped matter.. made me jump and I screamed at that point my son popped his head round the top of the stairs to ask what was wrong.. it used to love to hide watches and roll balls along the floor.. there was a story connected to the house but I am not sure if it was true it involved italian familys in the 1930s and gang warfare..

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