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About MuteWitness

  • Birthday 29/10/1987

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  1. but mangla closes and that doesn't get coverage ?
  2. The taped section is for smokers...you could have tried the other open doors.
  3. Must be putting the hours in as there was a lad outside bp at 11 last night - suprised that bp puts up with it as could be intimidating for some just trying to pay for fuel.
  4. Just seen the video on youtube about yesterday at meadowhall with the covid rules.
  5. Some people might just like applying for unsuitable jobs? We don't know what role the interview was for...but if it was for track marshals you are going to need to have a radio to communicate with other staff...quick reactions and eyes in the back of your head.
  6. It's karting...things won't run on time. They will get corporate bookings ...parties etc.
  7. I don't know what you applied for but looking at their Facebook vacancies they mention flexibility / people who don't want a 9-5/ no two days the same etc. Like a casual type job?
  8. why do you have to fill it in, it isn't even addressed to a name, can't they look at the electoral role.
  9. if the vaccine contained the virus would it be better against different mutations ?
  10. If the vaccine does not stop people getting the virus or spreading the virus then what is the rush ? as long as those at risk are vaccinated that should be the focus. All the talk about people having to have the vaccine and every person who dares to ask a question about it on the news is just put down as "anti vax" so there is no sensible discussions.
  11. With covid vaccinations where would it stop, medical insurance companies have wanted medical history to be shared for decades.
  12. Boris thinks we can go till April without hairdressers, has he not looked in a mirror.
  13. Drug companies pay loads of people in medical trials, what makes this any different ?
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