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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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I have this to say and no more or less,I find it both sad and an embarrassing as a Nation that somebody who worked there whole working life for the good of the Country and others is being treated this way by people who never knew her. She did not fiddle her expenses, she did not let us get ruled by Europe, she stood up to terrorists, anarchists , Argentines, communists and didn't let Unions dictate to government. Whichever bit of her politics you may or may not agree with is your choice. However celebrating the death of an old lady creating music and movies etc and sharing them shows a disgusting lack of common decency and an sets an appalling example to your children which makes you a sad reflection of society. Please let these Grandchildren bury their Grandmother in peace.

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Whatever has been said in this thread thus far (which is becoming like a tennis match - points for, points against, no ultimate resolution), all I can say is that Thatcher's ultimate (and continuing) legacy is;


SELFISHNESS (I'm all right Jack etc)


No sense of community, setting the poor against the poor (so as nobody looks up to who is really screwing the non-elite).


To be honest I would have rather have lived through WW2 with the 'Blitz spirit'. Despite the bombs, rationing and the like, people STUCK together and helped each other.


Now it's arguments over who has the biggest plasma screen TV (which is not edible) and no-one gives a flying duck about anything else


Quite right.

In their haste to gush praise on her government, her supporters gloss over the fact that crime doubled between 1979 and 1990. So much for bringing harmony to where there is discord :roll:


---------- Post added 18-04-2013 at 19:04 ----------


I have this to say and no more or less,I find it both sad and an embarrassing as a Nation that somebody who worked there whole working life for the good of the Country and others is being treated this way by people who never knew her. She did not fiddle her expenses, she did not let us get ruled by Europe, she stood up to terrorists, anarchists , Argentines, communists and didn't let Unions dictate to government. Whichever bit of her politics you may or may not agree with is your choice. However celebrating the death of an old lady creating music and movies etc and sharing them shows a disgusting lack of common decency and an sets an appalling example to your children which makes you a sad reflection of society. Please let these Grandchildren bury their Grandmother in peace.


She did however sign the Single Eurppean Act in 1986, which had even more profound effect than the Maastricht Treaty in terms of European integration

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I've been thinking about this 'argument' for a while and I have to say I am baffled.


The people who were offered the 'Right to Buy' were already living in those houses and had done so for a number of years (in order to qualify). So, what 'stock' were they taking?


While they were residing in the house it was not available stock - so buying it or living in it was the same thing.


Now, if they chose to rent it out (I'm not completely certain if they could have taken another council house, though I am guessing there would have been conditions in place to prevent this), then they would have taken private build stock. At that point, the ex-council house now privately owned, would have been 'lost' stock, to subsidised rent, but it would have been available to rent - privately of by a council/housing association, which is something is done now, very often paid for by the council as the tenants are very often low paid (and qualify for welfare assistance) or are on benefits.


So, in truth, where is the 'lost' stock.


If someone had bought their council house and had then demolished (stupid, I know), then that would truly be 'lost' stock.


So, I really don't buy this replace lost stock argument - it's a smokescreen fabrication to substantiate the left attack on Thatcher's aspirational policy.


The left didn't like it because it eroded their influence.

Our labour council sold some council houses under right to buy and then bought them back within a year to demolish them. They sold for around £10K and within a year they paid around £70K to buy them back, it then cost another £20K to knock them down. The tenants that became owners then moved to another council houses with a nice tidy profit and the right to buy. Now that’s stupid.

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Whatever has been said in this thread thus far (which is becoming like a tennis match - points for, points against, no ultimate resolution), all I can say is that Thatcher's ultimate (and continuing) legacy is;


SELFISHNESS (I'm all right Jack etc)


No sense of community, setting the poor against the poor (so as nobody looks up to who is really screwing the non-elite).


To be honest I would have rather have lived through WW2 with the 'Blitz spirit'. Despite the bombs, rationing and the like, people STUCK together and helped each other.


Now it's arguments over who has the biggest plasma screen TV (which is not edible) and no-one gives a flying duck about anything else


Totally agree.


It's a very sad state of affairs when people would have rather been subjected to the Blitz than Thatcherism. What a legacy.


---------- Post added 18-04-2013 at 19:29 ----------


I have this to say and no more or less,I find it both sad and an embarrassing as a Nation that somebody who worked there whole working life for the good of the Country


for the good of her own, including her son, Mark, and his big bonus!


She did not fiddle her expenses,


She ensured her son got a 20m bonus from the coffers, and spent heaven knows what out of public money looking for him when he'd got lost. Do you think she'd have done that for your son, or mine? :hihi:

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From Wakefield in the north to Sheffield in the south of Yorkshire Thatcher and her coherts destroyed the Industries that had been built up over hundreds of years.

It seems as though that is as far as we allowed to comment without being banned and that is sad especially as so many families lives were ruined forever by her and her Governments policy,s.

Did you never realise that the unions were defeating their own industries before she came to power. I was fortunate to get out before they'd completed their destruction, joining a vast middle class in North America. Harold Wilson and his cohorts wanted to make sure you all lived in places like Duke Street flats, and drive nothing but a motor cycle and sidecar, or a Reliant. Lady Margaret changed the UK back to a power to be reckoned with, widely admired in the US.
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Did you never realise that the unions were defeating their own industries before she came to power. I was fortunate to get out before they'd completed their destruction, joining a vast middle class in North America. Harold Wilson and his cohorts wanted to make sure you all lived in places like Duke Street flats, and drive nothing but a motor cycle and sidecar, or a Reliant. Lady Margaret changed the UK back to a power to be reckoned with, widely admired in the US.


Buck do we send you lot the bill for her extortionate funeral costs? as she was so widely admired. Strange how in her own country she was so widely despised.

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Did you never realise that the unions were defeating their own industries before she came to power. I was fortunate to get out before they'd completed their destruction, joining a vast middle class in North America. Harold Wilson and his cohorts wanted to make sure you all lived in places like Duke Street flats, and drive nothing but a motor cycle and sidecar, or a Reliant. Lady Margaret changed the UK back to a power to be reckoned with, widely admired in the US.


He also saved thousands of our young men from dying in the jungles and paddy fields of South East Asia by refusing to get involved in the war in Vietnam.

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Buck do we send you lot the bill for her extortionate funeral costs? as she was so widely admired. Strange how in her own country she was so widely despised.


Only despised by a few like yourself who seem to imagine their view is universal. It seems the rest of the country were happy to vote her in 3 times at General elections, not Neil Kinnock, not Michael Foot.

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