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Sheffield Council - Do they take fixing pot holes seriously?

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the council gets slagged off for letting the roads get as bad as they are and they will get slagged off for the delays people have to incur when they sart work improving the roads

what amazes me is that they will spend money putting in speed humps and traffic calming measures when it will all get torn up when they redo the roads :loopy:

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Is it all the council's fault though? The roads I find the worst are the ones butchered by utility companies.
Oh, it is the Council's fault. The Council are supposed to ensure that the utility companies do a good job, and if they don't do a good job, the council is supposed to fix it and make the utility companies pay for it! They are supposed to act as our representative and keep records of who does what, where and when, so that they can ensure the guilty parties pay, but they can't be arsed! They never have been arsed!
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... or more probably "had some tarmac thrown in it and briefly tamped down".

Look at the pavements that were 're-surfaced' in Crosspool last year. Much of the new surface has washed/worn away and weeds are growing through what little is left. It was a total waste of time and money!
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... or more probably "had some tarmac thrown in it and briefly tamped down".


Some repairs done a good 6 or 7 years ago are still intact - these are on bus routes. One at the bottom of our road (not a bus route) has had tarmac chucked in twice in 5 years - probably a site cheaper than a complete repair.


Assume the repairs budget will only stretch so far and has to be prioritised.

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Some repairs done a good 6 or 7 years ago are still intact - these are on bus routes. One at the bottom of our road (not a bus route) has had tarmac chucked in twice in 5 years - probably a site cheaper than a complete repair.


Assume the repairs budget will only stretch so far and has to be prioritised.

A lot of the reason for repairs being done in the manner they currently are is time and cost.


A traditional repair, where the surface is planed and a sealed patch is applied, has to be done under traffic management. When works are carried out on the highway like this, the works have to be properly planned, scheduled and designed and they have to be carried out at times which don't cause disruption on traffic sensitive streets.


The specialist cold repair materials they now use can be done under "mobile" traffic management ie the workers work behind a lorry which has keep right signs on it. That's because they can be shovelled in quick, tamped down and the workers move off within a couple of minutes.


The materials on a traditional repair are probably cheaper than the cold repair material they currently use, but the big cost saving is in the planning and scheduling of the repairs and the traffic management costs..

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