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Sheffield dog bites horror delivering political leaflets

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it's not just dogs you know....





Seriously though, how far through a letter box do fingers have to be to be bitten off ! I presume there was an element of barking/growling before said dog bit fingers - surely that's warning enough not to put your fingers there ?

Surely this lack of common sense is not a great trait if you going to be a councillor maybe Councillor Diana Stimely should consider her career options :)


I often have the mail ripped out of my hands by dogs without hearing a sound from the other side of the door before it happens.


And it's not as simple as common sense. As i've already said it's very difficult to get a single letter or leaflet through most doors without pushing it through with something. We do have plastic pegs but they're nigh on useless and take longer - add that onto hundreds of addresses and you'd be there all day.


It's also worth remembering that it's not a case of going to one door - posties visit thousands of addresses every week and it only needs one lapse to get bitten. I never have but i've had a lot of close calls.

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Anyone with a dog that attacks things that come through the letterbox should fit a mail cage to the back of the door. Any responsible dog owner would do that, but this thread just shows the disregard people have for others just doing their job.


The laws should soon be changing though to make dog owners responsible for attacks on people entering their property for a legitimate reason.

Is posting unsolicited leaflets or junk a legitimate reason?

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Have you ever tried doing anything that takes manual dexterity (like handling paper) with chain mail gloves on?


Anyway, they may stop the finger actually being bitten off, but they wouldn't stop any broken bones and soft tissue injuries are sometimes made worse by the links of the chain mail being pushed into the wounds.

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I often have the mail ripped out of my hands by dogs without hearing a sound from the other side of the door before it happens.


And it's not as simple as common sense. As i've already said it's very difficult to get a single letter or leaflet through most doors without pushing it through with something. We do have plastic pegs but they're nigh on useless and take longer - add that onto hundreds of addresses and you'd be there all day.


It's also worth remembering that it's not a case of going to one door - posties visit thousands of addresses every week and it only needs one lapse to get bitten. I never have but i've had a lot of close calls.


Speak to your boss's. If they arent giving you the correct saftey equipment then its them thats negligent.

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No - If I had a dog, i'd still want mail - why should i have to remove my letterbox? Why the need to stick your fingers through the letter box? Why is this an issue?


When I was a kid delivering newspapers and leaflets, i never once felt the need to stuff my hand through the letterbox and waggle my fingers about, and i never once encountered a dog that could bite me through the letterbox.


You must be under the assumption that every letterbox is the same,and the post must literally drop through the box as soon as the postie puts the mail to it.When you deliver mail to 100,000+ letterboxs per year,its very possible to switch off for 2 seconds and have your finger slightly in the letterbox.

And as for this whole story,,,Im appalled that 3 counsellors get bitten,and the Star make a story out of it,yet 5000+ posties nationwide get bitten every year without much thought about it.

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