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Sheffield dog bites horror delivering political leaflets

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My personal view on this is that I do find the fact that it has made the paper completely hilarious, the fact it has happened to three people on the same campaign even more so.


Although the injuries and pain sustained by the victims, isn’t a laughing matter, it could certainly be a scene from a Carry On film.


Just picture the scene:

Where the nominees of all three main political parties complete with bedraggled rosettes and bitten bowler hats are all sat in wheelchairs at the A&E department with bandaged fingers and a fist full of chewed leaflets in the other hand.


Kenneth Williams as the Doctor looking down his nose while shouting Hattie Jakes “Oooooo Matrrrron” And Sid James as the Ambulance Driver pushing the Wheel Chairs with that big beaming smile.


With the next scene showing the dog (just got to be a traditional Bulldog complete with union jack waist coat) contently licking his lips with the bemused “What’s all the fuss about ” on his face being handcuffed by a policeman.


And just wouldn’t be the same without Barbara Windsor’s as the dog owner just out of bed with the lace nightie giving a huge hearty laugh at the whole situation.


All this taking place in a long lost borough of Sheffield with the backdrop of Steelworks and smoking chimneys.

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If you are going to remove my response to off-topic allegations of illiteracy then please also remove the moderators' spam.


I understand that the moderators may be embarrassed when they are shown to be bickering over spelling and subsequently shown to be mistaken, however it is grossly unfair to misuse moderation powers to remove my post whereby I illustrate that I used the correct spelling, and leave the off-topic smart-alec posts that attempted to make me look foolish.


To clear things up, just deserts are when one gets what one deserves, and not what one 'desserves'


Dont let it worry you.

You cant fight the machine

Hope you enjoy your holiday.


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If you are going to remove my response to off-topic allegations of illiteracy then please also remove the moderators' spam.


I understand that the moderators may be embarrassed when they are shown to be bickering over spelling and subsequently shown to be mistaken, however it is grossly unfair to misuse moderation powers to remove my post whereby I illustrate that I used the correct spelling, and leave the off-topic smart-alec posts that attempted to make me look foolish.


To clear things up, just deserts are when one gets what one deserves, and not what one 'desserves'


I haven't seen the removed post, Squiggs, but from where I'm sitting it seems that they've left their own errors in which seems fair, doesn't it?

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If you are going to remove my response to off-topic allegations of illiteracy then please also remove the moderators' spam.


I understand that the moderators may be embarrassed when they are shown to be bickering over spelling and subsequently shown to be mistaken, however it is grossly unfair to misuse moderation powers to remove my post whereby I illustrate that I used the correct spelling, and leave the off-topic smart-alec posts that attempted to make me look foolish.


To clear things up, just deserts are when one gets what one deserves, and not what one 'desserves'


Lol thanks for the education Squiggs, I learnt something from that. I'm now wondering about the Arabian peninsula, I've heard it's just deserts :confused:

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