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Cyclists - don't tar us all with the same brush!


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I'm not fond of doing something technically illegal, but which enforcing authorities turn a blind eye to. I'd much rather it was clear cut.


Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


I remember that the council even sent the line drawings of the form of signage they were going to put up on the route for us (cyclesheffield) to approve so the plans were an very near to completion. I'm guessing this was about 8 years ago.


In the end it seems they just didn't want to spend the money and the official route was quietly forgotten.


May be worth contacting the council to see if it can be resurrected since they are so keen on active travel these days

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I've already contacted them to find out if I can. Having someone from the council e-mail is better than someone on the internet saying you can.

I'll follow up first e-mail suggesting change of route to avoid steepest bit of park. I guess they don't want cyclists coming out on Chesterfield Road at a pinch point, which is what would happen if the cycle route finished at the Brook Road/Meersbrook Park Road junction.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I'll stop generalising when I stop seeing cyclist undertake.


So where do you expect them to ride past you, on your inside.

You would complain like hell if a cyclist was cycling on the right side close to the white line for slowing you up and you complain when there near the curb, if you slow up due to traffic then the cyclist will pass you on your left, thats what happens, get used to it

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So where do you expect them to ride past you, on your inside.

You would complain like hell if a cyclist was cycling on the right side close to the white line for slowing you up and you complain when there near the curb, if you slow up due to traffic then the cyclist will pass you on your left, thats what happens, get used to it


Might be worth checking when the post from captain scarlet was posted....he might have stopped generalising by now....he might even have bought a bike.....

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Cycling is forbidden in all Sheffield parks by virtue of a byelaw, updated in 1966 and 1971 to ban jetex style model planes (remember them?) but actually based on a much older byelaw.



Found this on the council web site




I’m told its simply too much hassle and expense to remove the byelaw to allow legal cycling, although I seem to remember the ConDem collation were trying to make this process easier. The council now turn a blind eye to safe cycling in parks.


The route through Bingham park is different as it was created with a TRO (traffic regulation order) and is part of the Peak District anniversary route, supposedly a gold standard route (really?) from Sheffield Station to Hope Valley.


A TRO was to be issued for the Meersbrook park route back when the council was Lib Dem (I think) but I it never happened.

In the 1960's I along with a couple of hundred more used to enter cycle road racing events in Norfolk Park so the bylaw was not enforced at that time.

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Just taken a look at Sheffield city council website (cycle map for south west section)




A cycle route is marked between Warminster rd + Meersbrook park rd..... Going Directly through the park..........Bob

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The main path through Endcliffe Park is not marked - I actually thought that there used to be specific "No cycling" signs as you enter Endcliffe Park, but I don't think they are there now.




The "No Cycling" signs are indeed still there.


There are also signs near the Cafe asking cycists to dismount.


So that should clear up any confusion:)

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Just taken a look at Sheffield city council website (cycle map for south west section)




A cycle route is marked between Warminster rd + Meersbrook park rd..... Going Directly through the park..........Bob


I tried to ride up this on Monday evening. The marked path runs east of the wooded area. It's so steep my front wheel was threatening to tip over the saddle with me on it! I still haven't had any responses from SCC. When I do I will go about finding out how to get sections of preferred cycle route changed, if they're unsuitable. As this bit clearly is. I would much prefer to use the park, if I'm allowed, just not this particular path.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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A cyclist on the cyclesheffield forum says she was accosted by a number of members of the bowling club for cycling in the park after one nearly ran her down whist driving to the club.


The council are less than helpful in this most recent document from 2014




The park management plan contains statements that imply cycling is allowed however.


A4.3 Byelaws


It is widely recognised that some of the existing byelaws are now irrelevant in today's society and consequently, some byelaws are no longer enforced as they do not pose any problems or issues.

However, overhauling the existing byelaws is a considerable and expensive legal task and until such a time that the relevant byelaws are fully reviewed and amended, the existing powers remain in place, and are enforced as and when appropriate.


B2.2b Cyclists within the Park


Conflicts between cyclists and pedestrians have been identified as a problem and potential hazard. Cyclists use the park as a cut through to major intercity routes. Due to the topography of the park, cyclists can achieve very high speeds, which causes conflict and safety issues with other park users. Joint working was undertaken between SCC and the local Police Community Support Officers to engage with cyclists, promoting safe cycling within the park, resulting in reduced speeds and pedestrian safety. This was a very successful scheme, which may be repeated in the future should the need arise.


I’d be uncomfortable at putting myself in a difficult legal position should I end up in a not my fault collision when the other party could legitimately claim I was breaking a byelaw.


It’s all very well the council saying they don’t enforce it. Presumably you could then go back to the council and point to the clearly marked cycle route on their website and let the lawyers fight it out.


All this in the city of outdoors.

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