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The new blue boxes for paper

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To all those that have received a box, did you receive an instructional health and saftey guide on how to bend properly when filling the contents of the box and how to safely lift the box when full and carry to the street.


If the answer is no, its it not likely that a Viola may start receiving a number of lawsuits for back injuries. Think about it, no one really needs H+S training to use a wheelie bin as there is no back bending involved with the loading and transporting of wheelie bins.


Viola's lack of forsight in this project may cost them very dearly if a significant number of individuals were unfortunate enough to have any form of back pain exaccerbated by the requirement to use these boxes.


Funnily enough I mention this point to my father over the weekend after we took delivery of our new blue box on Friday.

Working in the public sector, I mentioned that a 'risk assessment' was a good idea before lifting a heavy box full of paper and card.

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To all those that have received a box, did you receive an instructional health and saftey guide on how to bend properly when filling the contents of the box and how to safely lift the box when full and carry to the street.


If the answer is no, its it not likely that a Viola may start receiving a number of lawsuits for back injuries. Think about it, no one really needs H+S training to use a wheelie bin as there is no back bending involved with the loading and transporting of wheelie bins.


Viola's lack of forsight in this project may cost them very dearly if a significant number of individuals were unfortunate enough to have any form of back pain exaccerbated by the requirement to use these boxes.


I don't know about people being able to sue for back problems, but I won't be using my blue box when it arrives!


There are 5 steps down from my garden to the pavement, I have enough problems getting my blue and wheelie bins down them (my neighbour, who always used to do this for me can't manage them any more) so I'm certainly not going to risk going head over apex with a heavy box of papers.


Looks like I'll be back to taking a carrier bag at a time to my local big re-cycling bin - not exactly progress as far as I'm concerned.

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To all those that have received a box, did you receive an instructional health and saftey guide on how to bend properly when filling the contents of the box and how to safely lift the box when full and carry to the street.


If the answer is no, its it not likely that a Viola may start receiving a number of lawsuits for back injuries. Think about it, no one really needs H+S training to use a wheelie bin as there is no back bending involved with the loading and transporting of wheelie bins.


Viola's lack of forsight in this project may cost them very dearly if a significant number of individuals were unfortunate enough to have any form of back pain exaccerbated by the requirement to use these boxes.


h&s legislation also requires indivduals to take responsibility for there own h&s, For this reason, nobody would have any luck trying to make a claim. Supermarkets don't give out leaflets with there shopping bags, this would be exactly the same.

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I think for people like me its good, I have a diabetic dog so I use 21 big tins of dog food a week, which always used to fill my wheelie bin, I drink alot of coke so theres always lots of cans and we do have the odd plastic or glass thing, As for paper It does hold more than you think, Also I have a flat drive so I just scrape it along the drive on bin days so it is easy for me, But as someone mentioned if you have steps to your home its not going to be easy, the paper isnt heavy really, even when the box is full, but if its been raining and everything is wet , then it does get heavy, Mine only has the hair net as a hat, also They do let you put big boxes out, I.e froms childrens toys, So its not like the wheelie bin that cant have its lid up or they wont empty it, But it is all a bit pointless when they have a "dummy" bin hanging on the truck to empty the paper in

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Where do you live? you're posh, we just have an hairnet


If I remember correctly, when they first rolled the scheme out, it was nets. Quickly, this became hats for subsequent areas the scheme was rolled out to. I believe you can email or ring them and they will give you a hat instead of a net.

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From what i've seen the paper waste is mixed with water as part of the recycling process so wet paper is ok....biggest problem i can see is the size of the box's....we already fill 2 blue bins a month!!!


Absolutely. i needed the bigger blue bins as i fill the box too quick. The manufacturers need to be told to quit it with so much packaging anyway. why should we end up with so much extra crap. the house is always full of things ready to go in recycling containers. it gets on my wick!.

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