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    Sheffield S3

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  1. ...and hilariously they've spelt 'course' wrong throughout. From that document, I can deduce that we had a T6 and T12 road and pavement resurfacing on our street. I guess that's all they can do on previously cobbled streets.
  2. Pasteurisation (heat treatment to extend shelf life) is performed on all milk that goes through a bottling plant, so you've been having pasteurised milk anyway, I'm afraid. Homogenisation (mechanical mixing to reduce the fat droplet size so that it suspends, rather than floating to the top) is an entirely different process that is performed in most large-scale consumer production facilities, but not always in smaller dairies. It's an additional step to skimming, as today's health-conscious consumer doesn't want to visually see cream on top of their milk. Ironically, I bet some people would chuck it away, thinking it had gone off!
  3. They used to have a stall in the new Moor Market and I had several of their pies and pastries, which are excellent by the way. They closed down because the market regulars weren't adventurous enough and the lunchtime office workers hadn't found the place yet. They did have a little cafe after they moved out of the market, but I think they're now just based in a commercial unit off Devonshire Green, only having a retail-facing presence at some of the regional markets (e.g. Lincoln) and food events (e.g. Cannon Hall Food Festival) at the moment, as far as I know. Give them a ring and ask them. They might do a pop-up stall back at the Moor Market after this recent promotion, I guess?
  4. This is an interesting question; I'd love to know more about your reasoning for considering shifting to meat and dairy that is totally grass fed? (Are you going on a palaeo diet?) I will make a few points in relation to the topic though: - Foggage is the long grass grown after a cut for hay/silage has taken place; it's usually higher in roughage (stalkier) than the younger grass and can be use to overwinter animals. However, it isn't generally used as such in the UK (aside from sheep) because of the following factors: a) Foggage is not as nutritionally dense as alternatively grass-based over-wintering - i.e. silage/haylage/hay; this makes maintaining body condition in the animals more difficult b) There is often a need for supplementary feeding to allow the cattle to tolerate the colder and windier temperatures (there's very little economic wiggle room for this) c) Maintaining a reliable, liquid water supply can also be difficult during particularly cold winters d) Having animals (particularly heavy cattle) on very wet soils is incredibly bad for them. It causes a compaction layer which increases runoff and flood risk; it also increases foot and hoof diseases; it also decreases the productivity of the field in producing a reliable grass crop. These are the main reasons why I would always oppose a totally grass-fed system, in reality. e) The amount of wastage in foggage fields is high, because the animals trample or squash a lot of the grass in the wetter conditions; the only way around this is to utilise 'row' grazing to graze one strip of a field at a time (again, this requires additional cost and manpower) The reality of the situation in the UK is that we are far better than the US and the majority of our beef and lamb is grass-fed (although not necessarily always 'in field' and 'in total' - often supplemented with grains and/or beet), with very few concentrated animal feeding operations (some dairy is straying towards this). A lot of the 'hype' around grass-fed comes out of the American systems; in reality, we are still far more traditional (and better) in our approach here in the UK. I understand that vitamin and mineral concentrations are typically higher in grass-fed cattle, as well as omega-3 and CLA concentrations (although with people typically trimming all of the fat for super-lean meat, this is a bit of a moot point), but these nutritional benefits can be obtained from a) eating grass-finished meat (a large proportion of UK beef and lamb is) and b) eating a varied, balanced diet. A further reality is that we wouldn't be able to feed the world's growing population if all of our ruminants were exclusively grass-fed. Having said that, the closest thing to a certification that I know of (although I could talk to you all day about the positives and negatives of certification schemes) is the 'Pasture for Life' scheme. See https://www.pastureforlife.org/ [but be aware that there is inherent bias in the information on their website!]. My personal preference is to try and eat locally-reared meat, without stipulating that they need to be totally grass-fed. The average cow spends c. 200 days per year on grass anyway in the UK, higher in organic systems. Soil Association stipulate at least 60% grass-based feed. Ensuring that cattle or sheep are 'finished' well is more important to me than them being exclusively grass-fed, and I appreciate that the pressure on our soil systems from extensive grazing needs to be reduced, not increased. As such, my preference leans more towards http://www.freerangedairy.org/make-the-pasture-promise/ For pursuing local food, a good starting point could be this list: http://www.wildsheffield.com/node/3946 Hope that helps...
  5. Odd. Perhaps a misconception on their part, mistaking glutinous rice for having gluten in it? Or perhaps they use a barley vinegar like in sushi rice? Oisoi is one of the only places in Sheffield that does high-quality far eastern cuisine in a healthy, refined and impeccably presented manner. I loved it even more when it first opened and they were doing stupendous bento-box-style meals for £15! Still enjoy it for a treat
  6. We got Shaun from Woods Building Services to look at our minor damp problems. We had three small patches of damp with three different sources, it turns out: damp at base of chimney stack that needed re-flaunching, condensation damp on a patch of old hgyroscopic plaster on the other chimney breast, and a little bit of penetrating damp on one wall where the outside tarmac path is slightly too high! It's a minefield, but there are logical steps that can be taken, and Shaun did a good job identifying and remediating for us.
  7. Just got a letter through to state that ours is starting in January 2018. As it was scheduled for February-March 2017, I suggest you add 9 months to 1 year onto whenever it was originally scheduled for :-)
  8. I think you're asking for too much, considering the context. They have an excellent range of food options at very reasonable prices, and a good variation in beer styles (usually at least one bitter and one dark beer along with a pale and an IPA), at reasonable ABVs up to 5.x% and usually kept and presented well. They would struggle to sell 7.5% beers because a chunk of their market is academics having a lunch time or 5pm meeting and a swift pint. They do have several 'go-to' beers, I 100% agree with you, but they do rotate more, especially more recently since loosening their tie with Thornbridge.
  9. I would guess that there is a 63mm internal diameter, low-pressure natural gas pipe running beneath the footpath or road (have you got your 'searches' from when you bought the house, it should be visible on the services plan). As far as I'm aware, the distribution network in Sheffield is wholely owned by the National Grid (with the gas supplier, e.g. British Gas, only owning the gas within the pipes), so they would presumably be the ones that may need reminding of the location of a valve, in this case. My advice would be to push National Grid on the matter, though I haven't had to deal with this sort of problem before, so can't offer anything further.
  10. Don't worry, they have shelved this plan because of a raft of concerns about light pollution and noise raised by the local householders on Crookesmoor Rd. It leaves the synthetic pitch users irritated though, as there won't be a replacement pitch now. They are looking into reconfiguration options for the existing pitches, apparently.
  11. If it's not going to butt up against the walls/skirting, you should get the edges bound, otherwise they will fray over time. I've had offcuts from Balfour Carpets, Staniforth Rd, Darnall, trimmed square and edged for area rugs. They have the machine there and they should do it, though for a small fee given that you didn't purchase the carpet from them. Much better, in my opinion, than doing it yourself with a stanley knife.
  12. For your information, all of the trees that are due to be felled, after failing certain criteria, are highlighted on this excellent map: https://sheffieldtreemap.wordpress.com/ Trees are clickable and include species, replacement species and reason for felling. Some are entirely justified, others less so. People need to begin to see this as the city-wide issue that it is, rather than a responsive 'they're felling trees in my back yard'...
  13. Fair enough. Your best bet for impartial advice and recommendations with regards an energy performance expert would be South Yorkshire Energy Centre (SYEC): Contact Details: Heeley City Farm Richards Road Sheffield, S2 3DT T : 0114 3039981 enquiries@syec.co.uk
  14. Do you have a basement or vented, suspended floors at ground floor level? A draught coming up through the floor would be the only thing I could think of. How good are the seals around the doors and windows? The onus is on you to investigate this, and I'd recommend you use a lit incense stick and run it around the doors, windows, skirting boards and fireplaces, for a start.
  15. I was going to warn you against the long-term effects of using RO with regards mineral deficiencies, particularly magnesium, given the hypertonic nature of such a fluid. However, you're proposing something even more confusing (removal of potential toxins aside) - de-mineralising the soft and mineral-rich water that we have here using an expensive RO system, before using expensive imported Halite crystals to impart a similar mineral composition on your water. Personally, I don't see the point, to be honest.
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