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The new blue boxes for paper

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I find this much more annoying:


Q. Why are only plastic bottles being collected in the blue bin and not other plastics?

A. Items such as yoghurt pots, carrier bags, margarine tubs, food trays and bottle tops are made using lots of different types of plastics and this makes them hard to separate for recycling. Plastic bottles are made using only three types of plastic so they are much easier to separate and then recycle.


Other plastics can be taken to your local recycling site or Bring site. (from here)


Up to now I put all plastics and cans in one bin and the rest in another - can't do that anymore now, can I...


I called veolia up about this. An approximation of what they said, it is Charities who benefit from the plastic (all grades) left at recycling sites, who sell it on. Veolia want to cash in on this but are not interested in the low grade plastic so they want the public to sort their plastics and only depositing the high grade plastic in the blue wheely bins leaving the charities all the low grade plastic (at the recycling centres if people can still be bothered to go there now).

This will no doubt have a detrimental affect on the Charities income and have have a very beneficial affect on Veolia's income.

This policy is supported by SCC who presumably will not benefit from an increase in their income. On what basis is this justifiable? Why are council tax payers assisting SCC to boost the profits of a private (profit making) organisation in preference to supporting charities.

If Veolia was a non-profit making organisation working in partnership with SCC on behalf of the Council Tax payers I wouldn't have a problem.


So I for one are taking my high grade plastic to the recycling point for the benefit of the charities involved......



Also if SCC/Veolia were really interested in reducing waste they would encourage people to re-use and reduce, provide free composting bins (or at least at minimal cost), rain water butts etc etc. It's simply about profit.


I am a fit adult but I will be struggling to carry my full blue box (because of the size, weight, logistics and obstacles(steps) ) outside for collection and I will no doubt forget and I'm ### if I'm going to tie up bundles of paper from minute pieces to boxes with string every two weeks (or when I remember).


We'll have to wait for someone to sue the council when they fall over whilst carrying their blue box for collection.

Edited by property4u
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I got stuck behind the bluebin/blue box lorry on Monday, so I waited patiently as I'd only got about 200 metres to our home. I got a good view of the lads working and was just thinking what a hard job it is, then one of them dropped a blue box, it was full of toilet roll centres and shredded paper. It went all over the road, albeit in one lump, then to my amazement the lad kicked it under the lorry. It went everywhere. When they had gone I picked up the bog roll centres and put them in a box but the shredded paper is now tangled up in privets and other hedges and along the kerb edge and drains. Should I have rung Veolia, would it have got the lad the sack, would Veolia take my word for it or just put it down as another whinge bag? What is wisdom? Everyone said this would happen, so they gave us nets which, if they are not tied to the box, go into the wagon with the paper, I saw them do that as well, consequently my neighbour hasn't got a net.

I'm not one to be petty, the thread is here, I thought I'd add to it, good or bad, but there are far worse things to worry about than boxes, bins and paper in this world.

Edited by zepstox
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I just wonder with £200m of cuts imposed by the ConDems whether this can be sustained:


From the Veolia pat-themselves-on-the-back website; August 2001 - Sheffield City Council awards a 30 year waste collection and disposal contract to Veolia Environmental Services, to include a kerbside recycling scheme and the operation of Energy Recovery plants.

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What a completely ridiculous idea the council have decided on. I thought they were supposed to be trying to save money, given the outcome of the government cuts? Instead, our beloved council decide to waste money by changing a recycling system that was working ok,in other words if it ain't broke don't fix it. It's cost money to inform people of the changes (i had 2 letters from veolia telling me this in the same week), then the cost of replacing the current green boxes with blue ones. Currently, our blue bin is always full after only 2 weeks, so with a small box it would only take 3 days max to fill, so where does all the excess go before collection day? Why oh why do the council never listen to the comments of the people who vote them in? I for one will not be using the blue box and I think the blue bin will be used to catch rainwater, so when we have a water shortage I'll have something to water the plants with. No, I'll take my paper,card, bottles etc to the recycling points myself, and as there are plenty of places to go to to do this, not a problem. One day, the council will listen to ordinary folk. Then again hell will freeze over first.

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What a completely ridiculous idea the council have decided on. I thought they were supposed to be trying to save money, given the outcome of the government cuts? Instead, our beloved council decide to waste money by changing a recycling system that was working ok,in other words if it ain't broke don't fix it. It's cost money to inform people of the changes (i had 2 letters from veolia telling me this in the same week), then the cost of replacing the current green boxes with blue ones. Currently, our blue bin is always full after only 2 weeks, so with a small box it would only take 3 days max to fill, so where does all the excess go before collection day? Why oh why do the council never listen to the comments of the people who vote them in? I for one will not be using the blue box and I think the blue bin will be used to catch rainwater, so when we have a water shortage I'll have something to water the plants with. No, I'll take my paper,card, bottles etc to the recycling points myself, and as there are plenty of places to go to to do this, not a problem. One day, the council will listen to ordinary folk. Then again hell will freeze over first.


the blue box is about half the capacity of the current blue bin, the collections have been doubled to every fortnight. If you are filling your blue box inbetween collections, phone and they will send another one. If you struggle to carry the box when it's full phone and they will pick it up from your door step. What more do you want?


This system of a mixture of boxes, bins and bags works everywhere else in the country. Look at Doncaster and Rotherham for the closest towns that do similar kerbside collections. Why is Sheffield any different?


For our family, the new system has already meant we have cut down on what goes in the black bin from 2 black sacks of rubbish per week to 1. And our blue bin / box hasn't even been emptied yet since it was dropped off.


Is it just a case of people don't like change? Sheffield was miles behind just about every major city in kerbside recycling, the former system was inadequate. A new system is brought in and people just love having something to moan about before even trying the new system out it.

Edited by mike84
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