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How safe are women out running?


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I'm guessing you don't walk anywhere on your own either then? I find it quite strange that women get so scared of going out on thier own.


I walk everywhere on my own with my dog at random times in the early morning and night, mainly in the dark throughout most of the year. I just stick to areas that I am happy in. I suppose I'm quite tall and well built so maybe I just don't feel as vunerable as little women. :lol:


I think not sticking to a fixed route/ time is a big one as I'm guessing if someone wants to attack it is something that generally is not done on the spur of the moment but is planned slightly.


I have occassionally felt a bit wary about lone blokes when out, but I just stick to open areas and change direction if I'm not 100%. You tend to find that lone blokes are quite aware of not scaring you also and very often they seem to cross over and say hello so they are not walking behind directly you :)


That said I am very aware of who is around and do keep a look out so I suppose I must slightly on edge :lol:

If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth.If wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error JS Mill

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I wouldn't go off into the countryside. Stick to well lit streets. I know you feel daft, but I would rather feel daft than be in constant fear.

Countryside is so much nicer though. I've done a run (shortish) over the moors, down some crags, through some woods and back up. It's so much fun legging it down the hills.

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I'm slow though and it can be annoying for someone else being held back. Boyfriend keeps suggesting his mates that go running but I'd just hold others back at the mo. I'd better progress soon though as I've got to do 10k in December.


Well I'll be going next week and I am very slow! So if you want to meet up you are more than welcome. Even if you are slower than me, it really doesn't matter and to be honest I'm not sure you can be!!

Edited by Joey
Probably not a good idea to put time and place when we are discussing safety
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As title. I've started running but am wary about going out alone.


Statistically, if you're running on roads or pavements, you are far more likely to be killed by an out-of-control vehicle than you ever are to be attacked by a pervert. If the threat of dangerous cars whizzing past at 30mph within two yards of you, does not prevent you from using the pavements, then it would be madness to let fear of being assaulted do so.

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I'm guessing you don't walk anywhere on your own either then? I find it quite strange that women get so scared of going out on thier own.


I walk everywhere on my own with my dog at random times in the early morning and night, mainly in the dark throughout most of the year. I just stick to areas that I am happy in. I suppose I'm quite tall and well built so maybe I just don't feel as vunerable as little women. :lol:


I think not sticking to a fixed route/ time is a big one as I'm guessing if someone wants to attack it is something that generally is not done on the spur of the moment but is planned slightly.


I have occassionally felt a bit wary about lone blokes when out, but I just stick to open areas and change direction if I'm not 100%. You tend to find that lone blokes are quite aware of not scaring you also and very often they seem to cross over and say hello so they are not walking behind directly you :)


That said I am very aware of who is around and do keep a look out so I suppose I must slightly on edge :lol:


I used to go everywhere on my horse or with my dog, but I seem to be more vulnerable now. I am only 5 foot though and feel that when I'm already knackered from running, I'm in a more vulnerable position.

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Could this be the beginning of the Sheffield Forum Striders running club where people meet up once or twice weekly and have a run. People from all levels welcome AND COMPLETE safety in numbers!


Ha ha! Who knows?

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Well I'll be going on Monday after work (about 6) and I am very slow! So if you want to meet up you are more than welcome. Even if you are slower than me, it really doesn't matter and to be honest I'm not sure you can be!!




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My brother and I had this conversation yesterday. We went running round Dam Flask after work, and he is much faster than me so we agreed to meet back at the car. It was the first time I've run round more or less on my own and I must admit to feeling a little bit vulnerable - especially when i could see a really big fella with a dog walking towards me with a massive stick in his hand.


I don't want to get all paranoid about it so it won't stop me going, but it did cross my mind just how vulnerable women are in this situation and I didn't breathe easy till he was out of sight again.


I'm a 5'2" woman who has run round Dam Flask many times on my own. I've never felt vulnerable or threatened, though I've always run in daylight and mostly at the weekend when there are lots of other runners, anglers, dog walkers etc. I would probably be a bit more hesitant about going out at dusk or any other time that it's really quiet.


I've also run around the streets quite a lot in the Crookes/Crosspool/Walkley area, and I don't really mind doing this when it's getting dark (when I feel less conspicuous!). One precaution I always take is never to wear headphones when I'm running, as that way I feel more confident about hearing someone creeping up on me! The worse thing that has happened is getting "amusing" comments shouted by lads in cars, but this has only happened once or twice in a few years!


Good luck with your running - if you keep at it, you'll find it really rewarding and get more confident the longer you stick with it!

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Why don't you try Graves Park, they have a group up there that runs at least once a week (I'm un aware how often a week they run) or you could run around there alone, I used to be up there quite often, and I've only seen a large gang of teenagers once, they allwas riding round the car parks on bikes, they started hurling abuse at me and my mate. So my mate, alone, got out of his car, and began having a go back, the lot of them fled, now I'm no expert on gangs, but I thought about 20 teens were much stronger than just one? lol

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