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Everything posted by somnambulist

  1. :roll:I had a slice of toast for breakfast. I just cooked a tin of soup too because my OH has not come back yet to feed me!:roll:
  2. Mine says that I went to the last Goth weekend in Whitby.
  3. The worst present that I ever got was not for Christmas or my birthday. My father in law gave it to me some years ago!:o:D:hihi: I am not telling you what I did with it as this is a family forum!
  4. Adolf Hitler, Saddan Hussain, George Bush, the Pope and Jesus all at the same table. I would have Micheal Jackson doing the drinks. I enjoy lively conversation!
  5. So you say. People like you are becoming increasingly a minority. THANKFULLY! In reality you rely upon the strong to look after you and family as you do not have the guts to do it!:hihi:
  6. I would have shot him too!...I would have been annoyed about missing his mate though!....the scumball with him!
  7. ERM....Peter Sutcliffe had a job BEFORE he commited offences!:loopy:
  8. I can guess. One does not need to keep eating bull**** to realise that it is not good for one!
  9. I know of a scumball whose criminal life began in his teens. He is 40 now and just got out of prison for aggrevated burglary. How did the GREAT rehabilitation miss him out?
  10. If rehabilitation works so well why do we still have career criminals?
  11. Of course it does!:hihi:....Like it or not, there are people in this country walking free who society would be far better off without!
  12. Your spelling is terrible. Are you foreign or something?:hihi:...or just thick?:hihi:
  13. I think that it would be very unusual for someone who is shot dead after an offence to reoffend?:loopy:
  14. Really we are talking about DETERRENTS again. Deja vu? But if someone mugged or raped my wife or daughter and I was given the chance to shoot them with impunity, I would be pleased to do it.NO EXCUSES!
  15. OK. Iwould expect them not to do it, but if they did then shoot them.:mad:
  16. I see no reason to try to understand murderers, rapists, muggers etc, etc, etc. Frankly I never have!...They are merely SCUM!
  17. England has two choices! It can support the criminal to the hilt, or support the victim to the hilt. There is no longer an inbetween. It cannot support both. I know which I choose....but which do you?
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