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Everything posted by willman

  1. But the adult who allowed you to ignore the rules can take you out and home school you.If the parent can't and won't stick to the rules then go for that option. Education includes being educated in following general guidelines and rules and adherence even if you don't agree. What educational value would there be in educating a child to ignore rules and suffer the legal ramifications whilst professing innocence ?
  2. Jamesons tea rooms on Abbeydale Rd - if you can get there from town.
  3. Unless each department is classified as its own cost centre with its own budget and staff. Which could then reduce each department to sub 250 employees,discounting agency workers of course. Similarly for the council - is Housing the same as Waste,to us its all the same Council, but it may not be so for the purpose of this prospective exercise. In may last company each sales manager was an independent cost centre with overheads allocated and spending implications.
  4. Try the farm on Owday Lane on the way to Worksop (sorry can't remember name) but they have acres of land for this sort of thing.
  5. Actually i raised this point on another thread - i had no idea of this incident at all,i must have missed the local news for a night or two unfortunatley. Yet the tv and newspapers couldn't get enough for weeks when Alan Greaves was killed
  6. After reading an article that caught my attention in a different county but online via Yahoo, i was directed to a newspaper article in a local rag.I was interested in the numerous local interest stories,incidents,accidents and other run of the mill stuff. My query is do we hear/get enough local news here in Sheffield? The tv news is minimal and county based,Radio news is okay but still imho always has a national edge to it. We do need to know about immigration,Syrian refugees in Kos etc but not at the cost of a local issue,albeit an upsetting occurrence or even a planning issue. It even made national UK news yesterday about Billionaires Row in America and the comparative lack of social housing - why aren't we being advised of similar issues locally on UK news programmes. Should we have Sheffield News @ Nine.?
  7. Adrian Chiles is dismal on 5live. I can't find a good radio station full stop these days.
  8. I have a close friend who has been clinically depressed for 20 years at least, they tried meds,tried CBT and occasionally has an uplifting month or two then back again into the gloom. They function at work, just, however even though they have been offered a "sick note" they continue to work as once they go sick they genuinely feel they would be unable to go back to work again. Having a crap day or feeling miserable 'cos your bank balances don't agree isn't depression.
  9. I use my tablet for the occasional email through the mail provider, but i ue it more as an aide than a practical laptop equivalent. They don't function the same and feel different to me. I have an Asus Memeo 8 inch which was excellent and almost as cheap as a "Chinese" import. I've now bought the 10.1 Asus Memo and i have to admit it has limitations in comparison to battery life and screen sensitivity to its smaller counterpart.
  10. I was going to suggest PCT - not to recommend them ,but as they appear be fly postering everywhere over here they obviously need the work.
  11. My daughters wedding at the Town Hall followed her arrival in my car, i was the photographer in the Peace Gardens, and we had a total of 9 people including the B&G. It was a more memorable day for the right reasons than the 20k previous wedding i paid for.
  12. I'm a grandparent and my acceptance of them is minimal. Occasionally we will pop an episode of peppa pig on whilst waiting for food to arrive, in the home we'll again play pop music videos and sing and dance along together. (Families sat at a table texting and playing on tablets individually may as well sit at home in isolation). My grandchildren are 5 and 2 and apart from above they don't go near them.
  13. Sugary drink 2l minus tax 17p including tax 20p Supermarket bottled water 18p. Is it worth the loss of the sugar and taste fix for 2p. What about sports drinks, a report in 2012 showed Lucozade sports to contain more sugar than a mars bar. Is that a sugary drink that would be taxable?
  14. The report from Kelloggs is obviously biased - neither me nor my children now fall into the low income category yet i've skipped meals to provide more on the plate. Budgetary failure doesn't belong to the less wealthy.
  15. But the OP tried to insinuate that a swastika carrying skinhead would be arrested simply for carrying the flag hence my response. I made no comment or justification about anything else. ---------- Post added 07-07-2015 at 07:00 ---------- Which is a modern choice available to you, the Crusaders had no Union flag to choose as we weren't unified.They also flew what is now the Maltese Cross amongst many others.
  16. Legally carrying a flag is neither of those,so yes i think otherwise. Now hypothetically if it was a middle aged pot bellied professorial type carrying his young child and a swastika flag would he have been arrested? The answer is no - which is why the councils are banning the wearing of Nazi uniforms and carrying swastikas at events because it isn't unlawful.
  17. Second that comment usually for that type of value and claim especially if you're unsure. The may send assessors to value it,they will certainly try to negotiate the value down with the repairer. You'll obviously need to pay the excess - if its more then £350 i might be tempted to pay her though tbh. Someone nudged into my wife on the A38 last week,although the only damage was a broken light. They exchanged details etc etc. I replaced the broken light for £10, it wasn't worth any hassle for insurers to be involved or even asking for the money back. What could have developed into weeks of wrangling lasted less than 48 hours to resolution. The lady could be quite innocent of any allegations or deviousness, in my last company car we had to pay the first £250 excess of any claims. If it was no fault we would have it refunded from the insurers eventually. But not everyone has £250 to spare.
  18. If the op was in front it would have been a rear end shunt - unlike the one i saw yesterday where the car had obviously tried to overtake on a dual carriageway and then cut back in as it went to single file and had obviously left it too late.
  19. They were back in the day.We'd never even heard of Islamic Militants then. Imagine cheap flights to a holiday destination where you would get bombed who'd want to travel there? Mr Laker made it pay. My family moved to Wales for work, until the fire bombing encouraged everyone to move back into England proper and commute to work. The Irish letter bombers attacked us on home soil. Funnily enough i have acquaintances who moved to South Africa and still live in a fortified compound for protection, as do work colleagues in China.I have friends who witnessed a "hold up " on a tour bus in Jamaica and an execution. Not a muslim in sight.
  20. Don't take them out during the heat,never mind leave them in car. But "they'll" all be out mid day trying to kill the poor mites.
  21. If anyone has bought that film expecting porn - then i have details of an inheritance you have just been left,simply send me your bank details and i'll send it to you right away.
  22. Spain the original package holiday destination was ravaged with terrorist attacks in the 80's and not a muslim in sight. The Welsh had a couple of decades of firebombing against the English in general through the 80's and 90's,yet again not a Muslim in sight.
  23. Or perhaps they thought they'd dumb it down for the Brits. My wife still pronounces Primark - Preeemark,after the first times it was discussed on clothes TV clothing shows etc.
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