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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Or maybe the national press are waiting for some actual evidence that a payout was made to this guy rather than just being suckered into what he or his press office have claimed.
  2. Lots of people dont get paid breaks. Particuarly agency workers - so what? If its in your contract then live with it or find another job. Again, a unpaid 3 hour break is called a split shift. Not uncommon for anyone who has worked in hospital, call centre or retail sectors but as usual is the [First Group] bus drivers who think they have a right to kick off with the support of the union. What a load of tosh. They all need to get on with the job or leave. Simple.
  3. Yeah there are better hotels in Scarborough if you are prepared to pay a lot more for them and without the included entertainment, buffet style meals etc... The old phrase is you get what you pay for.
  4. ........Which again suspects a bug brought in by an outsider not anything to do with the hotel food. This is the problem with these stories. People automatically assume that vometing bug = bad food and therefore the Hotel must be to blame. The Grand Hotel along with many others of its age and size is a target for anything like this. They are only ones with several hundreds of rooms to fill. They are cleaned to a basic but adequate standard and charge their rates appropraitely for the slightly rough round the edges look That's why people can get full board often for less than £30.00 a night. Coachloads of people pile in on cheap trips stay in each other's company all day and night because they dont want to have to leave the hotel walls and pay for anything themselves - then people kick off about the "disgusting" hotel and "poor" conditions... etc etc when someone gets ill. BUT what they rarely complain about is Mr and Mrs X who had to stop the coach twice on the way in to be sick and who just might have contaminated the whole group.
  5. Really? my lord. No wonder there is a three hour waiting time with patients like you. You might as well walk in and say Doc, guess which number im thinking off? How are they honestly supposed to make a diagnosis without knowing the symptoms and your current condition. Do you expect to walk into a shop and they know what you want? or perhaps walk into a solicitor and them to know what advice to give?
  6. Except for font line police I cant see why any of the other cuts you mention dont deserve a trim. Most of them have been overstaffed for years or completely underused these days. As for your figures of the £6 million a week - do you have any proof of this? Generally wars is what Military spending is used for but hey, please feel free to educate me.
  7. Nice find. I could only find the VAT revenue. Makes you wonder where it all goes when it gets put in the public pot.
  8. So a doctor is supposed to know your illness from just looking at a glance then eh? Moronitus I think you have.
  9. From the last official figure its breaking about even 1.5 billion in NHS costs -v- 1.9 billion in income tax generated from tobacco. Still a lot less than 3 billion for alcohol related illness and injury.
  10. In all fairness its not always the hotel to blame. A lot of massive hotels - particuarly ones catering for the blue rinse brigagde - have this problem. One person gets sickly, it passes round the coach, then they all spend all day sitting in the same bar, dining room and entertainment room and then hey presto an entire hotel gets contaminated. The last major breakout of sickness and diarrhea at the Grand was caused by a few people bringing in a virus and refusing to use the hand sanitisers etc in the buffets but the media ignored this. The same thing has happened on cruise ships - that's why even your grandest ships insist on using hand gels before using buffets or entering restaurants. The media has always had a go at the Grand Hotel and it really is not always as simple as it reads. They should always practice good hygene when using the buffets or if they are really concerned speak to the hotel management.
  11. confirmed. I went to my theory test and forgot my paper counterpart. Had to do an instant u-turn as they said I could not do it and my test was cancelled.
  12. You can only really travel into St Pancras from Sheffield as that's where the midland line goes. Unless you want the hassle of changing trains at Doncaster - which I never think is worth it because the ticket prices are not any cheaper these days. If you can book 12 weeks in advance that's when the cheapest tickets are on sale. As for hotels you cant go wrong with Premier Inn in either Kings Cross or County Hall which are in the centre and not too expensive for central london. If you on a really tight budget try Ascot Hyde Park Hotel which is only usually around £40 per night and nearly opposite Paddington Station - its a bit rough round the edges but better than any other B&B in London. You will have to tube travel between the attractions no matter where you stay though as Madam Tussauds / London Eye etc are no where near each other.
  13. Not particuarly no. Why post something, not give full details and then complain when someone allegedly gets the wrong end of the stick. You are asking for comments - you are getting some. That's more like common sense.
  14. Where exactly in your OP does it say about being threatened or a drunk or your doorstep or the fact that you had kids. Perhaps if you said that in your OP my comments might have been different. All you state is the fact that they ignore your repeated calls and dont call you back. The fact is if there is threat to life - which could be the case - then the police would respond. If you did call 999, the operator can only make a decision as good as the information you give them. If you feed them false or inaccurate information they might THINK that you are less of a priority than another case. They are not psychic. Im sorry if you have had a traumatic time but I get sick of police bashing on this forum. They have very little resource which is being cut more and more by the government. They have to deal with every incident as it comes and obviously have to make a difficult decision on what comes first. A verbal threat despite being unpleasent is not a priority. IF it becomes physical then it jumps up the scale and they will no doubt respond appropriately. Despite some opinions on this thread, the police cannot come rushing to every incident on the off chance that it MIGHT get worse. They need to make a judgement and it is not always an easy one. They are only human after all....
  15. Well that was a well balanced and detailed response. Anything else you fancy contributing?
  16. What exactly is the problem? Your incident I presume is not as serious and is not a priority. What exactly do you want them to do. Resources are not infinite. ....I smell a troll.
  17. Or perhaps have a word with the neighbour first to actually find out what he was doing then you will have the full facts before you take it further. No point wasting police time or paying for a lawyer without knowing if/why he was filming you.
  18. Since when did Councils have a responsibility to provide employment for the "people they represent" ??? I don't see Sheffield City Council bending over backwards to provide employment for people. You want a job.. get out there and get one. Its not impossible. Im pretty sure the 100 or so if/when they are made redundant will be able to get out there and do something else. In the meantime its less money out of the government purse paying all their salaries.... hence a saving is made. That's the whole point. The jobs will probably be done better and more importantly cheaper overseas.
  19. In Sheffield or Barnsley? I can think of quite a few places to get food after 4.00pm.. What sort of cuisine are you seeking?
  20. A quick read between the lines has just proved once again that Wednesday1 has ignored facts just to get another con dem bashing thread online... Its your sixth in as many days.... you should have a loyalty card or something. Quite simply its not Birmingham City Council who are doing the redundancies its Crapita. They are in charge of the IT service through a weak "joint venture" which is generally a load of nonesense. They will call the shots. They will make the decisons. They have decided to ship the work abroad. You will find that nearly any government contract which Crapita has on their books will be the same. If they can export it they will. Once you have a signed contract passing the buck there is nothing the government can do about it until the contract expires. Its thanks to Labour's trigger happy approch to outsourcing over the years we are now stuck with a load more potential problems like this one.
  21. Glad to see you automatically assume its a "young en" who did the theft. Why not one of the many ****** up old tramps who frequent the city centre? Dont tar everyone with the same brush
  22. ....back to the OP. Nobody will leave anyone to starve - You can always apply for some emergency benefit to help with vital things like food but that's pretty much it. you can't get JSA for 26 weeks unless you have a valid reason. Just because you dont like your job is good enough. Its classed as vouluntary redundancy. It has to be this way otherwise everyone would be at it. Finding another job whilst working full time is hard but that's just tough. Its not impossible. You need to get on the net at home or in your breaks and start looking and applying for things. Use any holiday or unpaid leave to take time off to go for interviews and then eventually you will find something. Its not easy but if you really hate your job that much you will find you will be determined to do it.
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