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  1. Thank you very much Jeffrey. Exactly Jeffrey, I shall not be contacting them unless we absolutely have to. Two years will be expiring in September, at this point we shall be trying to purchase the freehold reversion, is this something that you could help us with if I email you nearer the time please? Meantime I am going to get a copy of the lease from Land Registry, the one originally supplied by the solicitors was an awful copy, I pointed out to them at the time we couldn't read the end of the sentences as it was copied so badly, they never responded.
  2. Isn't that just professional.... So Jeffrey, are you saying that a cheque stub or that fact you can see it on your bank statement is not proof enough, do you need to get a receipt each time ? A statement of account is produced each year this should prove that subsequent years have been paid? Another quandary now with Coppen ...... Thinking of building a small garden office, not sure without checking what the leasehold actually states but I feel sure that 1. They could object or... 2. They would drag their feet and charge just for their time on this one No win situation with these people.
  3. So... had the usual Invoice with the threat at the bottom NO PERSONAL VISITORS WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT And this year the request of an email and PHONE number highlighted, they obviously don't want to waste paper and postage cost any longer. I am not giving them the pleasure, if you can't pay by bank transfer without a fee they can stuff! I mean who pays by cheque these days? So it also states on there... Our approval is required in writing for any extensions, porches, garages, KITCHENS.... Is this right? Do I need their approval to install a new kitchen? in MY house? There is no due by date on the invoice but the ground rent is charged 25 March, 25 September plus the usual rip off fee of £45 for the insurance approval, the likes of which they have never even looked at, they like to be paid upfront for their rent. How much do you think they would charge to buy this lease after 2 years, not been in the property that long yet though. My friend lost a sale due to these highwaymen....
  4. Thank you Tyke, however I think Land Registry only accept those from legal organisations I have also asked if Land Registry are open to travel to one in Nottingham as that would be cheaper but due to Covid, I doubt they are open to the public any longer at least it appears that way.
  5. Interesting, maybe it's me quoting the ID1 form that pushes the price up What do we charge? We charge the following for our Commissioner for Oaths, Statutory Declarations and Certified Copies service: £5 per document per person witnessed £5 per certified copy document £2 per exhibit All proceeds from the above services will be donated to Good Life Dog Rescue, a local charity to us that cares for stray and rescued dogs. For a Change of Name Deed our charges are: £90 plus VAT and disbursements
  6. Yes, totally crazy why the LR need this when they can see Passports, Driving licence and everything thing else I possibly have, yet they need a solicitor to verify me? I mean even for a passport it can be authorised by a teacher of GP, GP more likely to know me than a solicitor! Thread helpful, just show's it's not just me .
  7. I need to inform the Land Registry of a change of address, to do this I need to get an ID1 form authorised by them, I have contacted a solicitor who wanted to do all the 'work' (it's a simple form) and charge me the staggering sum of £750. Last time I was charged about £30 but these guys have since moved. Anyone any recent recommendations please?
  8. Hi, my daughter's property is with this landlord. They stalled her purchase by about 4 months incidentally, I worry about when she sells, anyway, she has already paid upfront for a year her lease plus the £45 they charge. She went ahead and bought the insurance she could afford, they have never asked to see the policy (which begs the question why do we have to pay this for 'checking') I would buy what you want Insurance can be shopped around for this is like going back a step to when mortgage providers insisted you had theirs.
  9. Sorry to sound thick, what's zero fill please?
  10. Thinking of parting with an older Fujitsu laptop as this has now been replaced. Should I remove and destroy the hard drive just in case data could be stolen? Would it be saleable?
  11. I saw him last year, he was waiting on a corner near to the train station and I spotted him stood on a corner, as I went in his direction I pipped my horn and waved, he looked at me and gave me a smile and a nod as if to say 'reight' made my day it did!
  12. Anyone had experience of this vile ransom encrypting virus. Currently considering spyhunter to eradicate?
  13. Exactly... As someone who was an RSPB member I just wanted a local number as as far as I could see this was fast becoming a sad situation. And is was a Sparrowhawk...so glad it's free now
  14. Yes, it was (eventually) captured by the RSPCA, took them over a day to come out the bird which was a sparrowhawk by the way was left overnight in the shop and was very distressed, happy ending though glad it escaped. I reckon it was after the pigeons at moorfoot and it misjudged and ended up in there poor thing. ---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 17:36 ---------- I was very disappointed in the RSPB response when I phoned them his response was 'what do you want me to do about it I'm based in Essex'
  15. Angel I'd have a hard time persuading them for that, personally I m an advocate for Skiathos cats but that wouldn't wash!
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