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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Maybe its about time SYPTE pulled their finger out and got a proper payment smart card scheme implemented. Problem would be solved then. You could top it up online or with your mobile - rather than having to go into a sypte shop every week/month They really should be doing better than they are at the moment. its 2011 ffs. That half arsed attempted they did a trial on before was a joke.
  2. Spot on. Its been far too easy to blame the bankers. Whilst I dont agree they should be let off - at the same time lets not forget labour's completely failure of managing the public purse. Also lets not forget that we part own some of these banks now. That means that the government are shareholders too. The more profit for the shareholders the more money we make on our stake and investment in these oh so nasty banks.
  3. The tories got the most seats followed by labour then the lib dems. The tories got the biggest percentage share of the vote The tories got a 5% gain over labour (admitted a small swing but it still counts). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/election2010/results/ The fact that some stupid outdated parliamentary rules regarding majority forced them to have a coalition government is academic. Not enough people voted against them and therefore they take command. That's democracy. Get over it.
  4. "starving to death".... can we get a reality check here. We are not in the third world ffs. We are talking about cutting down on overspent, overstaffed and underused resources. Comparing the closure of a library and starvation is just thick. Benefits will still be avaliable to feed the poor. Government services will still exist. Plenty of Government's around the globe give their citizens jack all public service or welfare - you really should feel privileged for what services we have and the stable economy the ConDems are trying desprately to save. Oh and as for "unelected" can we just remember who won the most seats in the last election.... errm, which was voted for by us.
  5. Yeah they will LISTEN to it but then ignore it because unlike the rent a mob on the street they are actually trying to do something about repairing the economy. They like most normal people will then sit there and think.... How much public money is going to be wasted clearing up after these morons have finished. How much police resources have been wasted protecting innocent people How much the local economy has been damaged after the tourists will have bailed out of London to avoid being caught up in all this. How many of these 'lefties' will be either back at work at one these oh so nasty businesses or use one of their services or buy products from them on monday morning...... after they have finished smashing them up of course. I have seen time and time again on these threads people saying about how effective these protests have been in places like greece, libya and yemen..... hmmm I think people need to look again. I know which Government I would rather have running the country.
  6. ...me too. Its a pitty all the morons who have been stomping round London don't realise that... I particularly feel angry about the ones who insisted on dragging their poor children around London as a way of trying to "make a statement". They should know full well that it was going to kick off..... why the hell would you put a child in that situation. As for the publicity seeking UK Uncut prats... causing a scene in Fortnum & Mason - that really made me laugh out loud. Causing a nuisance is what is nothing much more than a sweet shop and tourist attraction! hmmm think their aim was a bit off. Noticed they left Harrods alone.
  7. Why should public money fund something like forgemasters. They are a private company with worldwide operations if they want a loan they can go and get one from a bank or private investors...... just like every other private business has to.
  8. fair enough. In that case I feel the teacher in question should be disciplined. After all no matter how stressful the job they should know to act appropriately in front of their pupils. There are plenty of similar situations where a member of staff would not get away with 'breaking' in front of a customer/patient/student or colleague.
  9. Whilst I agree that the owner was being an ignorant moron I do wonder if anyone actually turned round and said anything to the man..... maybe if people opened their mouths rather than whinging on a forum it might have been dealt with.
  10. Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps the reason these chains are so sucessful is because people WANT to shop there. They are consistant quality, generally fully stocked and people know what they are going to get and how much they are going to pay........ all this talk of independant and individual stores is all well and good but its no coincidence that many of them can't keep going.
  11. A good point raised being "IF" they did say it. Where did the OP get this allegation from?
  12. and.....?? just becuase someone is disabled does not mean that the police do not have a right to stop them if they suspect they have broken a law. They would do the same with anyone else be it a driver, cyclist, pedestrian or mobility scooter. I really dont see what the problem is
  13. I admit the tram was a complete farce but its good for anyone living the south east. But buses? Where exactly DONT they cover??? You cant move for them in the city half the time. As for local rail - the trains can only go where there is track and infrastructure in place which is set by central government. At least we have some local rail stations (meadowhall, darnall, chapeltown, dore, dronfield) Some cities have a main station and that's it. I think you should travel around a bit more.
  14. Except that it isnt is it. Most shops dont close until at least 6.00, some of the bigger stores and shops of Division Street are slightly later than that. Late night is wednesday which extends the larger stores till 7.00 or 8.00. After the shops close that's when the bars, restaurants, cafes take over and people usually start to use the entertainment venues rather than the shops. Why is a 5.00 - 6.00 shop closure time different to nearly every other city centre in the country???
  15. Im also curious to know how many of these "protesters" would be shopping in Boots on any normal day, or have a vodafone mobile phone, or shop in one of those very unethical stores like primark or have an account with one of those nasty banking corporatations that they all claim to hate so much..........seriously, there are bigger things that need sorting out in the world. If your gonna campaign for god sake do it about something relevant.
  16. None of us should be paying any more tax than we should do... PR has nothing to do with it. I really dont see what the difference is between what Boots is doing and any other small business. They do the same thing. The only difference is that Boots is a massive PLC and just happens to make millions rather than thousands. Its all relative. The responsibility lies with the Government and that's where you should be aiming your target. I stand by what I say - shouting and chanting outside the shop doors will not stop people shopping there. IMO the goverment gets more than enough to provide adequate infrastructure. Its their massive mismanagement of monies on a national and local level that has ruined our national services.
  17. Yeah you really think so? I aint got shares in anything but I work and have been self employed and know that EVERYONE seeks to pay the lowest amount of tax no matter what their income. Im grown up enough to know that if its within the law you will do it. Are you so naive to think that any business no matter what size would get a moral guilt and not use whatever laws they are entitled to. Do you work by any chance? If so do you pay voluntary extra tax that you dont have to?
  18. Ah diddums... Get over it. Bored with your group now. You seem to do nothing but get in the way on Fargate. If you really had a problem why arn't outside the house of commons demanding for the laws to be changed...........that is the problem after all. Anyone with a half decent accountant is doing exactly the same thing... are you protesting on their doorsteps? If people want to shop in boots they will just bypass you, go to meadowhall or the moor branches or pehaps shop online. Do you really think the sales assistants and middle managers at the store can really do anything about what you are demonstrating against???
  19. the media have been saying 10,000 over the whole weekend not just today. As for "waste of money" which has been spouted several times on this forum.... did these people not see what happened in London? It only takes a few morons to kick off, that then affects all the other protestors which then affects other people shopping or out in the city and the whole thing can get out of hand. Its called taking precautions. I personally dont want to return to work on Monday to see half the city smashed up or read of innocent people got hurt.
  20. Oh get a grip. They are not getting rid of the services altogether they are just REDUCING IT. When you are in debt what do you do??? Simple, you cut down on things. Nobody said it was going to be easy and yes some people will lose their jobs but if they have got something about them they will find another one. We have been in this state before and life carried on. People need to learn to adapt.
  21. But they are OUTSIDE!! Surrounded by fresh air...... seriously, what is the problem??? You will have inhaled far worse on you journey to Crystal Peaks than the millisecond it takes to walk past a smoker. Take a wide berth in future if it causes you health problems so much. Or perhaps just dont go outside ever again. you might then live forever.
  22. Im sure its not healthy but there are some benefits.... http://www.forces.org/evidence/evid/therap.htm The point I was trying to make is that not every smoker will die of lung disease or smoking related illnesses. Some people live quite happily into old age and still smoke like a chimney. The bottom line is that if the government was so concerned they would ban it completely - make it illigal even. If it was such a leathal killer that is draining the NHS resources then why arn't people being rounded up and forced to go to smokers rehab.... it is a "drug" after all. Something must be keeping them on the shop shelves.
  23. But does it match the amount of income smokers generate through tax. Also what about heavy drinkers, over eaters etc.... What about the amount of money "wasted" on them??? Should there be a campaign to ban drinking, Ban Mcdonalds and anyone from being allowed to get over say 15stone??? My god where would it end!!! People who do anything unhealthy know the risks. Why the government feels the need to patronise us with their "educational adverts" I really dont understand. They are wasting their own money as far as im concerned.
  24. OK, i'll rephrase that. I meant the income received from tax on tobacco obviously.
  25. Im an ex smoker and have no problem with smokers as long as they are outside. a little bit of smoke inhaled when walking past them for a few seconds is hardly going to kill you, some people really need to get a grip. The health effects have pro and con for BOTH sides. I have relatives who have smoked all their lives and lived on to their 90s. I also had a relative who never smoked and worked manual outside jobs - he died at 60. hmmmm.. All these whingers would soon start crying if the income tax from tobacco sales soon stopped going into the public funds.
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