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Everything posted by irenewilde

  1. Whoever advised him to put it on the market at £265,000 in the first place was insane! I still wouldn't pay £180,000 for it. Serves him right for trying to con people. It does now say 'sold subject to contract' on the Haybrooks website.
  2. How deluded can one person be? You are one of the worst ROLE, that's ROLE models as a parent I've ever come across. A shallow, stupid liar.
  3. Children have every chance to walk away when they're old enough to think for themselves and they do. In the meantime of course a parent will bring up a child to believe in what they believe in - what else do you expect them to do? I went in the opposite direction - I found the church for myself as my parents weren't particularly religious. My teenage daughter has already been church-no church-back to church while she works things out for herself. I can't pretend I wouldn't be sad if she finally decided against it but that will be her decision.
  4. Well I'm guessing that's where she means, it's just that most people can spell the place they live in even if they're stressed out by a burglary.
  5. I'm very sorry to hear this as I live in this area. Just wondering about the misspelling of Fulwood if that's where you live?
  6. Well, they're queueing up in our post office every week to pick up their benefits. Funny how they turn up in a new Range Rover with a personalised number plate to do it. And that's not a lie.
  7. What area of Sheffield is this vicar in?
  8. Yes, that tends to be the trouble with people like you. As soon as a bit of thinking is involved your brain shuts down.
  9. It involved them yes, but I don't think we need a whole month devoted to only them.
  10. I think so, yes. All gets a bit tedious after a while and doesn't seem to encourage integration in any way.
  11. Well that's what would have happened to my daughter if she'd been in the cab and no, it's not dramatic, but it is pretty distressing, both for her and whoever is with her. Presumably this is one of the reasons these laws banning smoking were brought in in the first place.
  12. Lotar, you're using up everyone's supply of those stupid loopy things. You don't have to put one in every post you make - it just makes you look like the loopy person.
  13. Oh for goodness sake, nothing sneaky about it and how in God's name do you think he made a major error apart from being mean enough to stop poor little you? Stop bleating and pay up.
  14. I think he's getting irate because it's a PUBLIC WOOD. That's PUBLIC. I don't know why the capitals make a difference but they seem to to him. Also not sure why he writes the date in the American way - either that or he's still mad about something that happened in March. Like many other people have said on here all sorts of other places and roads (PUBLIC ones!) get closed for events. Most of us just work round them & are thankful for living in a vibrant place where lots of things happen to interest and entertain.
  15. Outdoor strawberries for picking are likely to be late June, depending on the weather.
  16. I've had this argument with a friend of mine! I have to say, that as a book lover, I agree with him completely. It's a bit like the comparison between vinyl records and CD's - there's nothing like the feel of a book in your hands. There's something about knowing there's a whole world inside the cover that you can escape into. Besides, who's going to take a kindle to the beach and get sand all over it?!
  17. The 120 doesn't go up there and it looks nothing like it at all. It's Fulwood Road I'm certain but I'm sure the person who was on will confirm it. Edit: Oops - I thought I saw someone say it was a 120 which is why I thought it had to be Fulwood Road. Sorry. The buildings in the distance on the second photo are a bit confusing though - I can't place those on Crookes Road.
  18. Ah, dog poo alley, as we used to call it. We used to walk our dog to the field up there too and if, very occasionally, she had a little accident before she got there, we made sure we cleared it up. But many people clearly didn't and you certainly needed to be watching where you were going when you walked up there!
  19. I have got my facts right. There's a machine right outside the shop so there's at least two. And if there's a notice board, that would suggest that something needs reading. You can read it after you've parked and if you don't like what it says, you can leave.
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