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Everything posted by irenewilde

  1. You might struggle for black in local shops - any chance of you getting them from e-bay? They should arrive by the weekend if you ordered them today.
  2. I was wondering the same thing. That post doesn't even make sense.
  3. The people involved in the accident were NOT in a vehicle as has been stated on here a couple of times.
  4. Another spectacular day for him! Like the bit about the mini roller coaster - my daughter was like that when she was little! Used to go up those big, inflatable slides and then was too scared to come down!
  5. The Mothers' Union allow men to join and have done for many years.
  6. Heavens, that's far more fun than he ever had in our house! Stuffed in a bag in a cupboard for most of the year, then a creme egg shoved up his bum & put on display for a couple of weeks. Creme egg extracted and put away again with his other woolly mates. He must be exhausted after today! I'm beginning to think we could get a children's book out of this!
  7. You're absolutely welcome!! I'm so, so pleased it turned out so well. Quite made my day!! I love the story you made up for him, I'm wiping away a tear here!!
  8. Blimey, I'm pink with embarassment!! What a nice thing to do BettyBooHoo! but it really wasn't necessary. I just saw this message below in our original thread and what more thanks would I need than reading this?!! I had tears in my eyes when I finished! I love the story you made up for him & I'm relieved Little Chick II was accepted by Sam! Thank you for giving me the chance to make someone happy!
  9. Sorry, it's gone a bit off-track hasn't it?! As long as the post office do their bit and get him there. He went first class so he might even be there tomorrow morning. I can imagine what it must be like trying to keep an eye out for the mouse all the time!
  10. Yes, well a place where someone is shocked and grieving for the loss of their pet is perhaps not the place to be having your rant, eh? Doesn't take much of a sense of decency to work that one out, does it?
  11. Just go up the road and get an alpaca.....
  12. No! The penguin is mine! You can have the ostrich!
  13. Oooh, I don't think so....... far too late..........
  14. I expect he has ;-). Are we completely mad yet, do you think, or only halfway there?!
  15. Aww don't! I feel sorry for lost Little Chick!
  16. I can now report that Little Chick II is winging (sorry, couldn't resist that) his way to you.....
  17. I hope he looks sufficiently like the old one to be convincing!
  18. Doesn't matter about the stamped addressed envelope. Just send me a pm with your address & I'll get one off to you. Like I said I have a big selection of ducks, bunnies and lambs bought from my daughter's primary school over the years & we re-stuff them with eggs and put them on a shelf every Easter. It would be nice to have one going to such a good cause! edit: just went upstairs to check and actually I only have 2 yellow ducks - could have sworn there were more! The good news though is that one of them has a red felt beak! Perhaps you could tell your little boy that Little Chick has been for a makeover!!
  19. I didn't say for a minute that there was anything wrong with a treat - we certainly have our fair share of them in my house. But 8 months old is way too young to be eating KFC.
  20. Hear that whistling noise? I think it was the sound of a joke going over your head.....
  21. Luxury + Treat = KFC? Nope, does not compute. Not only for the obvious reason but also because a bit of chicken is hardly likely to be recognised as a "treat" by an 8 month old baby.
  22. "naughty??! "Naughty" is ringing doorbells and running away. "Naughty" describes things young children do. It in no way describes that this boy was up to.
  23. But it was completely his choice wasn't it? His choice to break the law. His choice to ignore the 'danger of death' signs. He didn't die by accident, he died because he decided to take the risk. I have to say I won't be shedding any tears for him either.
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