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Everything posted by irenewilde

  1. That's so funny & I had a very similar thing happen to me with a mouse and a prawn cracker! We heard a loud crunchy/rustling sound from the kitchen, went to the kitchen, turned on the light, rustling stopped. Having repeated this several times we had to investigate further. My friend picked up a tea towel and there was a mouse underneath it, clutching a whole prawn cracker which he'd been nibbling away at! Amazingly loud sound!
  2. She's playing you for a mug and enjoying the attention?
  3. Couldn't agree more. Or, because you've just moved into the house you're not used to its 'noises' yet. Every house has it creaks etc.
  4. Eugh. Disgusting toe rag. Why should the other kids have to stay in a classroom with his saliva all over the windows? He should have been hit long before this by the sound of it.
  5. Don't you just love it when people read the whole thread before they comment....
  6. It's not so much that, it's just that there have been a number of incidents on here over the years that have turned out to be made up. Why people do stuff like that is beyond me. I just felt a bit suspicious, wrongly it would seem. Yes, I'm concerned, as I said it's quite near me & I'm certainly sorry to hear the police seem so unconcerned. I'd be really angry about that. And it's not exactly a good introduction for ViperK's mum to what is usually a pretty safe area :-( As an aside to this, the police helicopter was up here 3 times during Wednesday evening & Thursday morning, mostly circling Fulwood. Wonder if the thieves have been at it again?
  7. This christening wasn't in Mosborough by any chance, was it? And despite our huge difference of opinion, I am glad it went well for you in the end & your opinion of the vicar improved.
  8. Good, because I really don't understand why you're interested in what I might have returned to people and your seeming obsession that I must have kept "something". I'm not sure what you're trying to prove but it seems to say a lot more about you than me. And my original comment has nothing to do with your reply. What you said makes the same amount of sense (or rather lack of it) in isolation as it does attached to my comment.
  9. We've had ours for a year and we've only had one who ignored it. It's been lovely!
  10. What a ridiculous post. Who mentioned 10p's and bus tickets? What has that got to do with handing in something that's clearly of value, such as a purse or a credit card or a piece of jewellery? I'm sorry you find honesty "smug and unrealistic" - I guess some of us just had a better upbringing than you.
  11. Judgiing by the morals of some people on here, I think there's every chance.
  12. Why is he filming you? Has he got any reason to - were you lobbing dog poo over his fence at the time? Unless you were doing that or something similar I can't imagine why he was filming you and I'd report him immediately.
  13. Actually that's a very good question - how do you tell?
  14. What would the alternative be? Keep something that doesn't belong to you? I've found a variety of purses and wallets over the years - in fact I chased after a lady today who I realised had dropped her purse in Boots. There's nothing angelic about doing the right thing, it should come naturally to people. Honest people with a moral code anyway.
  15. It's very sad isn't it? They seemed so close. How awful for him not to know how Tom's career will go on and develop and every time Tom has a success he'll wish his Dad was there to see it.
  16. That is nothing more than your opinion. Have you ever also considered that you are libelling her by referring to her as an alcoholic on here?
  17. Whoever advised him to put it on the market at £265,000 in the first place was insane! I still wouldn't pay £180,000 for it. Serves him right for trying to con people. It does now say 'sold subject to contract' on the Haybrooks website.
  18. How deluded can one person be? You are one of the worst ROLE, that's ROLE models as a parent I've ever come across. A shallow, stupid liar.
  19. Children have every chance to walk away when they're old enough to think for themselves and they do. In the meantime of course a parent will bring up a child to believe in what they believe in - what else do you expect them to do? I went in the opposite direction - I found the church for myself as my parents weren't particularly religious. My teenage daughter has already been church-no church-back to church while she works things out for herself. I can't pretend I wouldn't be sad if she finally decided against it but that will be her decision.
  20. Well I'm guessing that's where she means, it's just that most people can spell the place they live in even if they're stressed out by a burglary.
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