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Everything posted by irenewilde

  1. Lodge Moor observatory was demolished because the university no longer have any use for it. The farmer wanted £3000 a year rent for it which SAS couldn't afford so he demolished it. It's really sad, I've always liked being able to see an observatory from my house.
  2. Yes, but that's in the US. Here they'd shake their finger at him, tut loudly and ask (not tell, because that might be against his human rights) him not to do it again.
  3. Wow, I wish they'd had the nasal spray when I used to get them really badly. That's a much better idea than the injection and better than the tablet if you happen to throw it back up again shortly after taking it :-(
  4. The laughing stock of what exactly? The guy found an animal he couldn't identify, he asked for help on here. Just the sort of thing a forum was for I'd have thought.
  5. For goodness sake, if dogs bums were that dirty everyone who owns one would have carpets crusted with poo. No it shouldn't have been sitting on the seats, but it's highly unlikely to have left anything like that on them.
  6. That's quite all right - I've cleaned up the mess & I'm still laughing at what you wrote....!
  7. I've just choked on my sandwich reading that....!
  8. Bless you, hope you're going to the doctors soon. I had half a lifetime of having nearly every big social occasion ruined by them. Cutting out all the usual 'trigger' foods did nothing at all tho' I did find that even the tiniest glass of red wine would bring one on so that had to go. You have my sympathy & I really hope you get it sorted.
  9. Sumatriptan every time! It's changed my life! When it first came out you could only administer it to yourself by injection & I used to have to call a friend because I just couldn't do it myself. So relieved when they started producing it in tablet form. For me, it had quite a few slightly unpleasant side effects but they were still preferable to a 3 day migraine. Get yourself to the doctor GB81 and ask for Imigran (the brand name for Sumatriptan). I went nearly 20 years trying every migraine drug under the sun & nothing worked or only worked for a short time. I didn't know it was an antidepressant but unless you're taking them every day (which I doubt you would be as you only take one when you feel them coming on) I can't imagine why it would matter. Some of the drugs I was prescribed to take every day as a preventative *were* also used as anti depresssants but the dose was much lower than it would be if you were using them for that. As for feverfew - having tried to drink it as a tea I decided I'd rather have the migraine...(!)
  10. I love articulate, literate, considered responses on a forum. This is a perfect example of one that isn't. Ya.........
  11. Nice to see you're dishonest enough to deceive the school. Is she in a primary or secondary school? Because in our school there'd certainly be a bit of a scene if we found painkillers in a child's lunchbox.
  12. Do you just have that as a standard sentence to paste into threads? What has "political correctness" got to do with this?
  13. Common practice in all primary schools. I can't imagine why you thought it appropriate to let a 5 year old have medication like that in his bag. What if his friends had got hold of it or seen him with it and asked for a go?
  14. And they sell really nice pies too! DEFINITELY worth a visit!
  15. Ridiculous parents - first of all they send their 16 year old kid to school in faded tracksuit bottoms (with an elasticated waist too - bless him, does he have trouble dressing himself do you think?) and then they go whining to The Star when the school point out that it's not uniform. If they'd put him on the school photo all the rest of the kids would be stuck with this slob for the rest of their lives. Heaven help him if he ever has to dress smartly for a job. I don't think the school should have even offered to photoshop him in - serves him right for wearing jogging bottoms to school on the day they were having the class photo taken. Actually I don't know why we're all banging on about his parents "sending" him to school in those jogging bottoms - presumably he chose them himself & they don't dress him in the mornings! And I have never, ever seen a teacher in a school dressed in anything remotely like that.....
  16. Oh, yes please. I can remember when they had a few branches in London in the 1980's - lovely!
  17. Maybe one of the animal charities could use the towels? Not sure about the clothes though - if you really think they're not reusable there are recycling bins at various sites that take textiles.
  18. Simple as anything - is it a public footpath you're walking on or not? I suspect not, otherwise you would have said so and the farmer wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
  19. I just found this on another website: "According to Cllr Adams on the Jeremy Vine radio show, a member of his family DID approach the parents to ask them to stop their children picking the flowers. He claimed they gave a 'negative' answer and were not very polite!" So it sounds like the councillor did try to stop them himself first.
  20. So these little girls have got 20 daffodils between them and are "sorting them out" said their father, yet he also says he didn't see them picking any! Make your mind up mate. As for being "watched for 20 minutes" - probably an exaggeration by hysterical mummy who felt the need to get in touch with The Guardian. The daffodils aren't "wild" and anyway it is illegal to pick wild flowers. Anyone who's planted bulbs knows what a backbreaking job it is. And a swathe of flowering daffodils is enough to make anyone smile after a long, hard winter. What I don't want to see is someone's little brats picking them so no-one else gets to see them. If they want some daffodils, go to a shop and pay for them like the rest of us do.
  21. It wasn't really any of your business at all was it? The police were dealing with something and you decided to interfere.
  22. Couldn't agree more, it needs reporting.
  23. Fantastic! I hope you have a brilliant time & that we get to hear all about it. Ignore any twits on here sniping at you for liking McFly - it doesn't matter if they're *our* cup of tea or not, they're clearly yours & that's all that matters. Enjoy yourself!
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