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Everything posted by irenewilde

  1. No it isn't - we've been taking our own sweets/popcorn/drinks for years.
  2. Is it me or is every single thread degenerating this way now? There *was* a time when it was funny.... unfortunately that was some weeks ago.
  3. He was 34, hardly a kid! I think most people have matured a bit by then. But I suppose 'Jackass' and 'mature' are mutually exclusive words.
  4. I'll second that. He behaved like an idiot for a living, carried it over into life and paid the price.
  5. Nasal sprays don't work. In my experience *nothing* works.....:-(
  6. Really? Does it really sound like a nazi prison camp? Or is this just a post by someone who's a bit hard of thinking?
  7. I said the school itself doesn't subsidise the meals, ie. it doesn't come out of the schools budget directly. Otherwise, schools in poorer parts of town would be using all their budget on school meals.
  8. The schools don't subsidise anything if they're using an outside caterer to provide the meals.
  9. There'll be no liver on a school dinner menu, I can tell you that. (When I first typed that, I wrote 'lover' instead of liver. Interesting thought.....)
  10. You've never come across school vegetable ravioli have you? I have & I wouldn't eat it and nor would I expect my child to eat it if I've paid in good faith for a roast chicken dinner. The problem with them running out is they're absolutely paranoid they'll waste a few quid by having something left over so they try and make the absolute minimum they can. They also need to teach their serving staff something about portion control - the difference in the sizes of children's meals throughout a lunchtime is incredible.
  11. They don't get the choice of chocolate pudding every day of the week.
  12. No it isn't. It's used countrywide. Howver, it does sound a bit slang-ish and shouldn't have been used in a newspaper article.
  13. Has it ever occurred to you that a disability might mean they aren't able to move around or take much exercise and that might be why they're overweight. ie., it's happened because of their disability and not the cause of it?
  14. Yeah, shooting them will keep them safe......
  15. That's right, it's astonishing what they can get through.
  16. My cat has three bells on her collar and I can only assume our birds are hard of hearing :-( Thankfully, as she gets older she seems more prepared to sit and watch them than kill them.
  17. Can we just sort out once and for all that I didn't say I didn't like paganism! I'm well aware that some Christian festivals owe a great deal to pagan celebrations and I kind of like that as it keeps you in touch with the seasons and nature & I'm all for that. I'm not against any religion, people are free to worship who or what they like. What I don't like is incessantly being told that my God is a "sky fairy" or one of the other names the hard-of-thinking folks on here come up with, simply because they don't understand faith. "I don't understand it, therefore it doesn't exist" seems to me to be exactly the sort of narrow-minded attitude they often accuse religious people of having. My, we've come a long way from the "ghost" haven't we?!
  18. Not sure how you reached the conclusion I was "serious and borderlining on pagan bashing" because I said they were bizarre. The ones I know are bizarre. If you want to see some religion bashing you ought to see some of the anti-christian threads on here. Now they're *really* unpleasant (Just look at flamingjimmy's contributions here and elsewhere - he can't get in there fast enough to give us the beneift of his opinion. Shame he only has the one.) . Also not sure why you hope most of the pagans see this?
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