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el tigre

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  1. You'd be amazed at how many people don't understand how good student loans are. They act like it's the equivalent of getting huge mortgage or something.
  2. The same John that picks up litter in Crosspool? Haha.
  3. Oh my word thank you so much. Shouty voodoo man mystery solved! It's like Scooby Doo.
  4. I live on Crookesmoor Road, just near the crossroads with Crookes Valley Road. Every so often I hear what sounds like a crazed man shouting and rambling complete gibberish. It only happens at night and and is irregular, but it comes from the south of my house so I reckon the shouty man is in the Ponderosa. I have lived there for nearly a year and am graduating soon, so I NEED to solve this mystery before I move. Who is the shouty man? Someone must know!
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