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Billy Casper

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Everything posted by Billy Casper

  1. If you want a bit of music and have a good laugh at the same time then you can't go wrong with the impressive duo Cabaret. If you want a serious band to watch/listen to then Highly Strung are a real class act. All live 6 piece band and not a backing track in sight!
  2. He's (Rhydian) got that mad axeman look! Not been a very good selection of talent really but i suppose Niki has the best voice
  3. Oh nice one Myrtle! Flight of the Reindeer! 'Feel good' festive christmas film!
  4. Mmmm.....Right then..... Home Alone Prancer Returns A Christmas Carol Wizard of Oz! Rudolph the red nosed reindeer (animated with voices supplied by Whoopi Goldberg as 'Evil ice queen' Stormella and John Goodman as Santa!) Santa Claus 1 & 2 The Snowman And there's another one i've seen a few times with Jon Boy out of the Waltons....Can't remember the name of the film but it's a really good christmas family film about him proving that reindeer can fly and ends up getting transported to the North Pole! Need name or it'll bug me!!!
  5. Just got back from London (QPR), had a night out in the smoke and got carried away...as you do! The game was quite good, all in all a pretty fair result. Have to give a special mention to Lee Grant, he's not been one of my favourites but credit where it's due, he was fantastic! Onward and upward!
  6. That's nothing Clare, i thought it was Glorious Honeybum! And fancy her i don't
  7. Yes....and that awful, gobby, self gratifying slapper Denise Welch from Loose Women!
  8. Yes, Wednesday have fallen but they are still only 2 points behind one of the blades 'better' sides. Things are not good at Hillsborough and haven't been for a while but things at the lane don't seem too bad. That says it all for me! I suppose it's just what you get used to. Wednesday fans have been used to a much better standard of football (pre 2000) and united are used to being....well, where they are now! (apart from last seasons 'outstanding' premiership campaign!)
  9. I can vouch for him living in Tinsley. He lived at 138 Ferrars Road!
  10. I went to the reunion and it was as you'd expect...MAD!!! Lot's of faces from the past that i hadn't seen for years and some i didn't even recognise! Barney (Ian Barnes) got thrown out at around 9pm for being loud and obnoxious (he'd been out all day!) Daryl Khan being sick on the carpet, and people just being drunk, funny, etc.. I believe the last person left the pub at about 5.30..AM!!!
  11. He'd got that "Oh S**t!! What have i done???" look! tut, tut, tut!
  12. Sounds like we are much of a muchness regarding our respective clubs as i started watching wednesday in 1974! The golden age of crapness!!! I still have a season ticket and travel to 3/4 of away games but you will also appreciate that you're in the same boat as the "praise or grumble" crowd, as in as much that you get a caller ringing in to voice their opinions on the days game until the DJ asks the killer question "Have you been to the game today?" to which the caller usually stumbles and says in a squawky voice "No, i've listened to it on't radio!" WTF!!! The point i'm making is that as much as you've been and still are an avid blade and to be congratulated for following your club through thick and thin, and i'm sure knowing what you know about football, you know you can't make an honest judgement about a game unless you've actually been there and seen it.
  13. It's a good job they don't rely on "supporters" like you or they'd be right in the ****e!!!
  14. Even though you're a blade, that was quite funny!
  15. Ooh right then! erm..yeah Tony Blackburn won first one then i think it was Phil Tufnell then Kerry Mcfaded (Katona), Carol Thatcher, Joe Pasquale and Matt Willis. I've probably forgot someone but it's not a bad start. I enjoyed the Phil Tufnell one best..Happy Dayz!!!
  16. Bloody hell!!!!! It's a bit before my time this pic but i do recognise Alan Staniforth and Barry Walker if i'm not mistaken? I remember you too (i think?) did your daughter used to do a bit of scoring aswell? I got asked to come along with my mate Paul Bullas. We ended up playing for most of the pubs on the cliffe including quite a few years for the Carbrook Hall along with Pete Taylor, Danny Gilliver, Joe Brookes, Doggie John, and i believe you yourself played for them a while? Memories!
  17. Anyone on here who used to play in the Wards league? I played a few years (started mid 80's) for the Commercial on Weedon Street when Reg Williams (R.I.P) had it. There were some really good players around then and as a young lad in the league there was no better baptism of fire!
  18. Oh i see! Tha dunt want Casper in wi thi? Ad be reet gud at shinning up't trees and gerring all't eggs daaan!
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