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Everything posted by Ouija

  1. Oh no, there's quite a few empty houses round here...
  2. It takes me ages to go to sleep. I usually read until the words on the page are blurred. If I try to sleep without reading I know I'll be tossing and turning for hours. I hate having sleep problems.
  3. I just go 'no frills' all the way to avoid the mad dash at closing time. I do love a bargain!
  4. Thankfully, I no longer have a M-I-L. But the last one I did not like. A hypocrite and a bigot would be a kind description of that woman.
  5. Hi, I've just had a good old rant on here in a different section and was recommended to come over to this one and ask for advice or info. The problem is that somebody has put pictures of me on their profile page on a social network site without asking my permission or even bothering to tell me (as they knew I would have objected!) they were going to do it. As I don't have an account with this site I can't access any 'contact us' options, assuming there are any. I'm wondering if I can request the site remove them or not? I seem to remember reading something about these kinds of sites and that it is a bit 'grey area' whether you can have things removed. The pictures are not defamatory or obscene, but I just don't want them on there. Does anybody know if there is anything I can do about this?
  6. I've never used it. I don't need to, nobody knows who I am!
  7. I couldn't do it. Nobody would be daft enough to pay me for a night out. And I wouldn't be willing to provide the "extras" anyway.
  8. Bigotry, malicious lies, villagers with torches, child cruelty and abusive people.
  9. It depends if they could live together amicably. If not the kids would be affected anyway. I don't think most people would be able to share a house peacefully once they'd split up.
  10. No I wouldn't! I don't know how anyway. I'd just get somebody else to see to him.
  11. I think I'm a sort of snob. But not the type described on here. I don't wear designer labels (I don't like them and why should I do their advertising for them?) and never wear trainers. I don't know what kind of snob I am!
  12. I will shop at them but tend not to because of: 1. Less variety and often don't have something I need in stock. 2. No decent trolleys for the smaller ankle-biters. 3. Prefer to do my shopping in the middle of the night and the discount stores are shut then.
  13. No I wasn't referring to you. I was just saying that some people do seem to find the woman more to blame in that situation, which I think is unfair as it takes two and all that! Although I misunderstood your original question, I thought it was just hypothetical. I do think that one of them should work/attempt to find work. It doesn't have to be the bloke but in the early days it sometimes makes sense for the woman to do childcare and the man to get a job.
  14. I don't hate her. I started off disliking her when she was on BB (the first time) but ended up thinking she wasn't so bad by the end of it and wanted her to win. I did go off her after the CBB incident/s. Now I just feel sorry for her because she blew it.
  15. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. I've nearly finished it. I found it a bit long and the big guy didn't show up till the last few pages so it wasn't what I'd been hoping.
  16. I think one of them should work to support the child/ren. A lot of people seem to focus more on blaming the woman though. In a situation like that, they're both to blame. I think either one should work full time or they could do part time between them.
  17. I'm not afraid to start new ones, I have done a few questions. But I don't get to reply to many because by the time I get to them somebody else has nearly always said what I would have said so there doesn't seem much point saying it all again.
  18. Some people deliberately bid a few pennies over to avoid having to pay the 10 or 20 pence increment (can't remember which it is). I've done that! I don't like sniping unless I'm the seller, of course!
  19. Groove is in the Heart. Showing my age there!
  20. I started using them after I saw him. Cheap pop has always been referred to as "rola cola" since I watched his DVD.
  21. I use the word chav. I think everybody defines it differently though, so it depends on your definition as to whether it's offensive.
  22. I got one from a little shop near castle market entrance. It was only 1gb but it cost £3.00. Not bad compared the prices in the big shops. hth
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