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Everything posted by tzijlstra

  1. Faulty memory usually gives beeps anyway. Not sure but does sound like a MoBo death unfortunately.
  2. You cant just blame SCC for S Yorkshire not having an IKEA, they have a distribution center in Donny on the M18, I never understand why they dont just build a store there as well.
  3. Fashionista, it rhymes with fascista. Let people be and the world will be a much more diverse place, we don't all want to look like Leonardo di Caprio.
  4. I am fully bearded and wouldn't do without anymore. I have had it since i was 20 (to complement the Alt-techno/grunge look) and even though I don't walk around being a music-fanboy anymore, I have grown to like it and won't dispense with it no matter what the fashionistas want.
  5. They played Uddersfield, Baahrnsley and Blackpool in their last three home games and didn't win any of those convincingly, so this feathered friend is going for a 2-2 seeing as how they only just got past Yeovil last week.
  6. I gave a few lectures on change management last semester, it is astonishing how people have thought technology would take their jobs for centuries, progress = stress it seems. An excerpt from my PhD conclusion: What is so interesting about the current timeframe though is the internet. With the rate of development increasing to the point where place is no longer a constant in our work circumstances, we will see great sociological changes that have only been emulated to a certain extend with the advent of telegraphs and trains. It is increasingly important to adapt to the environment and self-training is set to become the norm.
  7. I don't enjoy shopping personally and I think i know why: in the majority, shops and products in them are not designed for me, particularly in supermarkets. As a man I just want a pragmatic approach. I don't need ten different types of tomato, i just want a cheap option and a nice option. I also want space, supermarkets are claustrophobic and full of people that get in the way a lot. Finally, I want to not feel I am being conned, each time I go, I feel conned though, the bill is always higher than what I anticipated, it makes me angry and I don't forgive easily, so having to go again a week later frustrates me.
  8. Not to be funny, but officially foreign workers should benefit most, seeing as how, according to some people on here, most minimum wage jobs are actually carried out by foreigners to the detriment of native workers. I am quite ambiguous about this really, I think it is a cynical political move to disable Labour winning the next election on the grounds of 'living wage' which I reckon would have been one of Labour's key focal points. But I don't think it is a bad thing overall, the impact of the minimum wage shouldn't be too high on overall spending power so it won't harm inflation and at the same time I think there are serious discussions in other countries about increasing minimum incomes, this move pre-empts that happening here. We shall see.
  9. We call it economics in the Netherlands, all clubs in the Netherlands are selling clubs anyway
  10. In the eighties Made in Britain equalled cars that lasted from the showroom to the drive, overpriced electric goods and... Well that was it. I think that image has been turned around by the shift to luxury goods and quality entertainment. So now people equate British cars with luxury, a key indicator that things have finally turned around.
  11. Turning into even more of a selling club... Ominous.
  12. I genuinely didn't realise the Walloons had attempted to integrate to the true way of life
  13. People always use the argument that others might force the patient to euthanise. Very bad argument to stop a very humane thing to do, euthanasia has been legal in the Netherlands for a long time and never has there been a story that touches on this. There are however plenty of stories where under certain medical circumstances death is a relief. I wouldn't want to live with locked-in syndrome, or certain nerve conditions that give you a constant sensation of pain (forgot the name now), would you? PS doctors euthanise in this country and have done for centuries, these days it is called: "We will give the patient morphine to help with the pain of passing."
  14. Agreed on the above statement. I know I am biased as a PC Gamer, but in my opinion the TYPE of game you get on PC is what sets it apart, if you play: Simulation games Strategy games Modable games Indie games you can only get the top titles on PC. A list: Football Manager series Total War series Europa Universalis series (and all more than excellent Paradox strategy games) The Sims series (I think is exclusive, might be wrong there) Simcity series Full fat Minecraft (not the lite rubbish) The resurgent Xcom series (I think) Dwarf Fortress Huge numbers of MMORPGs and other MMO games like WoW, Planetside, Mechwarrior, World of Tanks, Warthunder etc. Of course you can make a similar list of games exclusive to the consoles, but they will all be 'action' games, racing games and the like. For variety there is still nothing that can beat the PC. Btw: key-reason for having a steambox is that it will be based on Linux, this promises modability and should therefore extend the life of your games by a factor 10. I still play games I bought 10 or more years ago with mods.
  15. There was a thread on this exact topic recently! I can't bother googling it, but if you look for liquorice through search I am sure you will find it @l00b the Belgians? As a Frenchie you should know that there are two types of Belgians: The Dutch ones and the French ones! And it is the Dutch ones that use mayo, also, we must be the main source, I am referring to a clip in Pulp Fiction that I can't really link to here due to language, but "They *ing drown them in that s*" is the famous quote @John Hope I don't think that is a legal requirement, although it is common for evening shifters to eat together. When I worked at a school we used to have lots of parent-evenings and events at night, was usually the busiest night for the local takeaways!
  16. To be fair, I assumed the thread title would make clear what this thread was about, but obviously not. Personally I prefer the British kitchen over the Dutch kitchen, only thing we are better at is snacks and of course fish and chips, as we learned mayo and flavoured batter are the stuff of gods
  17. Yeah, we have cumin cheese which I love. Also nettle cheese, incredibly tasty! ---------- Post added 16-01-2014 at 09:24 ---------- Mayo is God's gift to humanity! Snert is also great but you have got a variety of that here in peasoup, do have to say snert is much better
  18. Yeah, haddock is actually offered these days (was it always?), but there are plenty of other fish that would be suitable that are now cast back.
  19. My student house, way back when, happened to be next to a Chinese wholesale, they always did us special prices on stuff, absolutely lovely people who are dead keen to sell you anything I will have a browse in the one near Bramall Lane, even though it is a bit of a no-go area
  20. As a Dutchman I am always rather amazed at the lack of "weird food" in Britain, the Dutch have their pickled herrings, salt liquorice, cured horsemeat on bread and so on. It could be that I got used to English food, having been with my English wife for 15 years or so now, but there is one thing I can never get over: The most horrendous: Brits eat fish and chips, with salt (normal) and vinegar (abnormal!)! I know people grew up with it, but does it not strike you (as an Englishman) as weird that you eat vinegar on your chips? Seriously? Vinegar is for pickling stuff... Oh, and why insist on cod everywhere, we are emptying the North Sea faster than one can say "Eastern European", cant we just agree to eat other sorts of fish with vinegar instead? I mean the vinegar pretty much drowns out any flavour anyway?
  21. I really do hope that was a failed attempt at being sarcastic?
  22. Yes, and I appreciate that people will always have different views, it is what makes this a democracy. I just don't think people should twist bad research in such a way that it justifies their view, unfortunately there is a lot of that going on with the EU.
  23. Sounds like you will love PC gaming
  24. Hmmm... good that they turned it round, not sure if it counts as additional confidence building. At least Gray made good substitutions again by the sound of it.
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