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Everything posted by tzijlstra

  1. Best thing my parents did for my brother is telling him to earn his own living and pay rent for his room in the parental house. He was spending money like crazy, not realising the value of things, so my parents sat him down, calculated what the house cost per square meter and charged him for his 12 sqm room. Within three months he found his own flat and hasn't been out of a job since (except when it was by choice). In a sense they did the same for me, I lived independently at 18 and quickly realised that spending all your money on parties is a lifestyle choice with consequences.
  2. Farmers get subsidy for what is known as wildlife management - creating habitats for species under threat. In the past they received a per-tree subsidy but I believe this has now been folded into the habitat-management scheme. EU agriculture subsidies are messy and not transparent, but this is one aspect of it that I think should be encouraged, the biggest reason for many native species being under threat is that farmers didn't have any incentive to protect habitats. Also: The situation in the UK is that the government decides how these subsidies are spent, it is easy to blame the EU, but ultimately the decision lies in Westminster.
  3. There is no way a car can flip on the tram tracks doing the speed-limit, in fact I am pretty sure that the tracks had little to do with it and it was all to do with speed, physics dictate that an object with a low point of gravity, such as a car, has to have great velocity to flip, try it yourself, it is a fun test.
  4. Problem with inequality is that it is perceived, as is equality. Put a bunch of Eton boys in a suit in charge and that perception is altered significantly in favour of inequality. Serious change in the political system is needed, but when it was nearly possible through the referendum on AV, which should have been for proper democratic representation in the first place, the majority of the country turned into the sheep they are and followed Lord Cameron. Ultimately nothing will ever change as long as people are blasé about their democratic duty.
  5. It is a widespread problem, not just, although predominantly, with particular muslim fundamentalists (and, as such, a minority of the muslim population) there is a flipside to prosecuting them though and that is that this will become even more 'under the radar'. It is also a very difficult thing to prove, particularly if the girls are too young to communicate about what happened. So as a result people that feel they need to do this might now simply do it to girls when they can have no recollection of it, ie. babies. Nasty and barbaric, but also complex and difficult to defeat.
  6. Well, didn't think I ever would, but I agree Uptowngirl, having said that, there is a destabilising effect to a crashing economy that might cause even more trouble in the future.
  7. Watched the news, yeah, not tonight though, found a DVD
  8. Funny how this quote makes you look like a gobby idiot in the wrong.
  9. They annoy me in that they penetrate all programs, I only watch the news, I watch it for the news, not for some people biking in the rain and feeling sorry for themselves. So yes, I do get tired of them.
  10. I'd like to see you stick me one in that situation, you'd struggle and be in the wrong.
  11. Had a G400 for years, it is the best mouse I have had ever, most die within half a year on me. I had Razers, MS, steel series and all sorts of other stuff, none work as well as the G400
  12. Can you tell me where you get your daily propaganda fix from? Or are you always this gullible?
  13. Funny, I always thought it was men with no car? Or was that a phase when you posted that thread?
  14. She needs to back off and get to her senses. parents are way too sensitive these days.
  15. This is one of those stupid prejudices that always gets my goatee... I wash my beard every day in the shower, I clean it after eating and I generally look after it. i have had a beard for 15 years and the last time I had food in it was when I was 23 and drank so much it made me sick in my sleep.
  16. Had a beard since I was 19. I really don't care whether you lot like it or not, I suppose the exact same thing is being thought by the fashionistas. I obviously think the right beard can look great on the right face.
  17. You are misreading that rule quite significantly (btw, it is not a rule, the code is not legally binding). "Just before you turn, check for undertaking cyclists or motorcyclists." and separate sentence: "Do not ride on the inside of vehicles signalling or slowing down to turn left." The first sentence (second in rule 72) is aimed at drivers going left like the OP. The second sentence is aimed at cyclists - and does not state you should never drive on the inside. Not checking your kerb-side mirror is tantamount to a potential manslaughter charge. The rule in the Netherlands is really simple: if you turn, all traffic going straight on travelling in the same or opposite direction has right of way. The cyclist didn't come out of nowhere, it is not like they were beamed into that particularly situation by Scotty. My own experience is that too few drivers check their mirrors regularly - the OP should have checked every 30 seconds or so to know exactly what traffic was making use of that exact same stretch of the road. You are taking part in traffic in a busy place, you have a responsibility to ensure both your own and your fellow road-users safety, regardless of whether they're stupid or not (or actually, especially if they are stupid).
  18. Just saw it. I have to say, I did think the cut on bingo-tax was ridiculous, the beer-tax I can understand (pubs have been campaigning for it for years) but the bingo-tax?
  19. Our friend Putin expressed concern for Russian speakers in Estonia. He is not done yet and Estonia is in the EU and NATO. I think the agenda here is that Putin feels the time is right to test the balance of power in the world, sensing the weakness that is emanating from the traditional powers of the last thirty years.
  20. It is about time. Do we have gender specific adult fiction? There has always been too much attention on gender with kids, surely in this day and age kids can grow into whoever they want to be, liking whatever they like?
  21. Haha, hiya Pete, pleased to see you pulled a fast one on that, still have you down for at least another 20 years
  22. That is all fine and dandy, but why should locals be denied the right to use the road at the expense of a very poorly designed public transport interchange?
  23. Historically? What, until the end of the Prussians and before the death of the communists you mean. You really ought tp brush up on your European history, because the more you say i. This thread, the more you sound like a Russian Propaganda bot.
  24. Other side of Hillsborough, with a redesign of the entrance to Hillsborough Arena. To the top-deck of Morrisons carpark is another candidate, as is the carpark next to Regent Court flats. Solutions can be found.
  25. I'm beginning to think that they desperately need to move the bus-precinct.
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