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Everything posted by Ginger_Kitty

  1. The earth and its axis are not the same, north isn't a fixed point on earth, every year it moves, sometimes as much as 10 metres and has to be reset on gps systems etc. The further the north pole tilts away from the sun the colder the northern hemisphere gets. Several times in the earth's history north has flipped to the other end of the planet completely, reversing the magnetism of the planet. North is also relative, if we all moved further north we wouldn't end up in space, we would end up further north on the planet. north can only be referred to in terms of earth because of its magnetism, orientation and gravity, space doesn't have a direction.
  2. and if it doesn't work after a few attempts you won't care anyway!!! sounds like a good cure to me
  3. Mum had a little mouse problem, she caught two (by hand ) trying to eat the bugie seed!! She decided to be nice to them and leave them alive and put them out of the house. Then she heard more rustling and caught another one in the seed, so she was nice to that one too. After the 5th live mouse she decided it was getting daft, they must be getting back in somewhere, so she gave in and set a couple of traps.28 mice later she is now living in peace So be warned just because you catch one, it might not be the end of the problem, keep the traps out just in case....
  4. there's no way i'd drink the water that comes out of our taps, not on its own anyway it tastes like its been sat in a pond for a month!!! its ok in squash and hot drinks tho, takes the taste away.
  5. i tend to get outbreaks of ulcers if i use the wrong toothpaste, Colgate is evil stuff!!! Anbesol is good for ulcers generally, dab it on til you can stand the pain no longer, they are usually gone in 24 hours, however having them at the back of your mouth does make that difficult, but remember it for the normal ones.
  6. really??? i clearly remember the traffic problems for MILES around Finningley on air show days, the only way to get out of our village (and the next three around it) on that day was to walk, the traffic was chaos!!!!
  7. I dunk ginger biscuits mainly, they're very good in hot choc too, chocolate digestives are good to dunk too, but you have to be careful to not let the chocolate melt too much or it falls in your drink !!!
  8. I used to live in the next village to Finningley and I can assure you that the roads are not built for the amount of traffic they are likely to get when the airport opens. I'm so glad I don't live there any more!!!!!!!
  9. lure it into a cage with nice smelling food, move the cage to a room where it won't keep you awake and keep it as a pet???
  10. woohooo!!! another cheese and marmite fan its the best on toast
  11. I've had the flu jab every year sinceI was 13 and I've never had anything worse than a couple of days of acheyness, my dad did end up with flu after one jab but only once in many years. I'd rather risk the few days of feeling slightly ill than a fortnight of feeling like death.
  12. If you've got a blocked nose or 'claggy' throat with your cold, try cutting diary products out of your diet, completely (its hard work i know) This will not cure your cold, but it might make it easier to live with as it dries up your nose and throat making life just that little bit easier. I do it every time i get a head cold or the rediculous hayfever i get in summer and it works a treat.
  13. I'm from Doncaster *hangs head in shame* but been in Sheffield for 3 years now
  14. My little brother is also allergic to tartrazine, it made him hyperactive for hours, imagine the poor teachers at school after they had insisted in feeding him lemon meringue pie!!!! I've worked out by process of elimination that its E124 mainly, but I react to things like tandoori chicken and sweet n sour if I buy them from a takeaway, I just have to be really careful now and tend to cook all my own food so I know exactly whats gone into it!
  15. I'm also allergic to alcohol (beer, wine and cider) which brings me out in a rash if i have a bit, if i ignore it and keep drinking i start wheezing too, fun!! I'm allergic to dogs but not cats (i live with a dog - woohoo!!) and have seriously bad hayfever from april/may to september. I also occasionally have bad reactions to red coloured food, and sometimes react to latex too so have to be careful with plasters, elastic in clothes, etc etc. I'm not allergic to dairy, but i do find it makes my hayfever/ excema better if i cut it out for a while
  16. I only know that around Calver/Curbar out in the peak you can't get digital radio/tv. Gets very annoying when every other ad on the tv/radio is for digital!!!
  17. ah ok didn't look cos i've never used it, just figured it out myself
  18. Not necessaarily about PCs but: how do you get smilies and different fonts in your posts. seems to be asked a lot!!!
  19. I don't know of any in Sheffield, but I know Bessacarr Evangelical Church, and Doncaster Evangelical Church, both in Doncaster. pm me if you want to know any more.
  20. yep, its at the side fo the dept of Archaeology
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